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Episode 4 and stuff.  

I dunno what these titles are about.  They're weird.  Hiru does titles and thumbnails.  He knows what he's doing in that regard.  Guy insists that titles are really important nowadays for YouTube impressions.  Moreso than tags or anything else.

Me - I have no idea how to do titles.  

Anywho - Thanks, as always, for you support.  And I'll see ya next week in the next early access post!


Who's This Vereesa Windrunner? -【Day of the Dragon Part 4】

Can Rhonin defeat deathwing by himself? (probably) Video edited by The Flying Buttress https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsFg95TXR5dR13qGq6aC9ng Buy the book - https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/100427.Day_of_the_Dragon -Social Media- https://twitter.com/hirumared https://www.facebook.com/Hirumaredx http://www.patreon.com/hirumaredx - #WoW #WorldofWarcraft #warcraft


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