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Here's next Tuesdays episode.

If I had a nickel for the amount of times that Gryphon Riders have been used as deus ex machina... I'd have like 3 or 4 nickels by now I think.

I'm going to have to find more synonyms for 'Butt / However / Suddenly...'.  It appears that Knaak's favourite thing to do in this book is put characters in danger, have them escape said danger... only for them to immediately find themselves in more danger.  There's even a sudden EXPLOSION in the next chapter.  Rhonin runs into a tower before the wall he's standing on collapses.  Escapes that.  And then the ceiling inside the tower collapses instead.  

And it begs the question - If you need Rhonin to be involved in some sort of collapsed rubble type situation to progress the plot... why not just do it with the bloody wall?

Anywho - Hope you enjoy this one.  Thanks, as always, for your support.  And I'll see ya in the next Early Access post.  Cheers mates!


Escaping Dragons with Itchy Magic -【Day of the Dragon Part 3】

Can Rhonin defeat deathwing by himself? (probably) Video edited by The Flying Buttress https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsFg95TXR5dR13qGq6aC9ng Buy the book - https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/100427.Day_of_the_Dragon -Social Media- https://twitter.com/hirumared https://www.facebook.com/Hirumaredx http://www.patreon.com/hirumaredx - #WoW #WorldofWarcraft #warcraft


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