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Hey peeps,

Here's next Tuesdays vid for you to watch a whole 3 days early (because you're all awesome).

So Blizz went ahead and delayed.  That's probably a good thing.  Although, based on the statement they put out (and the fact that the pre-patch is going up on 13th Oct) I don't imagine it'll be a long delay.  I said in the comments on yesterday's video that I predicted the 24th November - "Blizz don't like releasing things around holidays" I said.  

That's me being a British idiot that didn't realise Thanksgiving is on the 26th November.  So... whoopsy daisy.

It's probably just wishful thinking but I still think it'll be a November release though.  Let's say they put the class-changes, level squish, Chromie time and Exile's Reach up on the 13th.  And then the Shadowlands Pre-Patch event begins two weeks later on the 27th.  Would make sense to release Shadowlands maybe 2 to 4 weeks after that.  

But like I said... that's all just speculation.  Maybe it'll come out first week of December.  Or maybe they'll just release it Christmas day and make me look like a twat.

Here's a question though - Let's say you're like me and you (sometimes) farm older content for mounts and transmog and shiz.  And it's kinda always been the case that you can just about solo raids up to 2 expacs below the current one (Maybe 3 for Mythics).  

But now... all expacs will scale up to level 50.  So... is it gonna be possible to do that anymore?  That's a concern of mine.  I think I read that Chromie Time switches off automatically when you hit 50 so presumably the scaling will too but... I'm just worried we won't even be able to solo Molten Core anymore because Ragnaros is basically at BFA level strength.

Anywho - Enough rambling.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend, peeps.  Thanks, as always, for your support.  And I'll see you in the next Early Access post.


Warcraft [Illidan] - Chapter Twenty Seven.mp4


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