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It was clear as day. Mrs. Johnson was wearing a diaper, and Lily was, perhaps, the only one who knew about it. A month she had been working for her, and only now had she realized. It made so much sense now. Why was that discovery exciting? Why were her private parts wet? She would have to confront her boss, a strict and cold woman almost twice her age and with a body that would put any model to shame.

What will Lily do?

Chapter One - The Diapered Boss

Lily Adams arrived early for her first day at work, eager to make a good impression on her new employer, Mrs. Johnson. She dressed impeccably in a tailored navy suit with matching heels, hoping to convey a sense of competence and poise. Stepping into the office, she was greeted by the sight of sleek furniture, minimalist decorations, and cutting-edge technology, reflecting the modern corporate environment. A warm smile crossed her lips as she approached her desk, knowing she would excel in such a setting.

However, her confidence faltered when she noticed the frosty atmosphere around her. The once lively room now felt cold and distant, thanks to Mrs. Johnson's presence. Lily's colleagues turned their sighs away as Mrs. Johnson walked the corridors straight into her office.

"You must be Adams," Mrs. Johnson said, her tone brusque and demanding. "Right?"

Lily nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, ma'am."

"I hope you're ready to start."

"I assure you I'm more than prepared to do my job today."

"Good, 'cause I don't tolerate mediocrity. Go on, now. Bring the reports of the last quarter. And tell Daniel to bring his lazy ass here," said Mrs. Johnson, not even looking at Lily right in the eyes.

It had been a month working for Mrs. Johnson, and Lily couldn't help but feel discouraged. Every little mistake didn't go unnoticed, while everything she did right or great would earn her nothing but a cold shoulder. She had seen her boss firing people for being late just a minute or two. And Mrs. Johnson's nickname among her subordinates was starting to sound just about right: Cold bitch.

"I'm off now. I expect you to have the latest sales report with my coffee on my desk tomorrow morning. Understood?" asked Mrs. Johnson.

Lily nodded.

That night, Lily was ready to go back home after the most exhausting day to date. She grabbed the reports and placed them carefully on Mrs. Johnson's desk when she noticed one thing. Her boss' phone was there. She must've forgotten about it, and Lily's heart began pounding. A voice inside her told her not to do it, but if there was something there that could make Lily's life easier, then why not? Perhaps it would be nothing. After all, it would have a password, right?


It didn't; Lily did what anyone else would've done in that situation. She went straight to her boss' messages. Nothing out of the ordinary. But the photo library was something else. What she saw there shocked her to her very core. Mrs. Johnson, usually so stern and unapproachable, was wearing a diaper. A wet one. But why? Why would Mrs. Johnson be seen wearing diapers?

This discovery fueled Lily's curiosity, piquing her interest even further. For someone like Mrs. Johnson, known for her strict and demanding attitude, to have a picture like that on her phone. Was there more to Mrs. Johnson than met the eye? Had her strict exterior merely served as a façade to conceal her true self?

She placed the phone back where it had been and left her boss' office.

Chapter Two - The First Diaper Change

Knowing her boss' secret, Lily noticed things that otherwise would've gone unnoticed. To begin with, Mrs. Johnson would only go to the bathroom three times during the day. She counted them. That wouldn't have been concerning had Lily not noticed her boss' butt would become bigger right before going to the bathroom and then go back to normal as soon as she came back. Not to mention, she would always take a large bag with her. It was obvious to Lily that her boss was changing herself. So, it wasn't a one-time thing. Her sadistic and cruel boss was wearing diapers and using them, and she knew about it. And, oddly enough, she didn't know how to feel about this discovery. She should be disgusted. She should be asking for a raise already. But she was conflicted. On the one hand, Mrs. Johnson was an asshole, but on the other hand, she looked really cute, wearing nothing but a wet diaper.

It was time to make a choice.

She could either go on as if nothing had happened, or she could confront her boss and discover her true feelings. Maybe, she thought, maybe she would get to see Mrs. Johnson wearing nothing but a diaper again. That thought made her blush as her heart rate sped up.

A few hours later, she finally gathered the courage to approach Mrs. Johnson. "Mrs. Johnson, I have something I need to talk to you about," Lily said, maintaining her composure.

Mrs. Johnson raised an eyebrow, her face betraying a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. "And what is that?"

Lily swallowed hard, attempting to steady her nerves. "Do you need a change?" She paused, allowing the word to sink in.

Slowly, Mrs. Johnson's expression shifted from surprise to disbelief, "What?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly, "What did you say? Get the fuck out of my office. You're fired!"

Lily took a deep breath, gathering her courage. "I don't think so," she replied firmly. "I just think it's important for us to discuss this openly. I know you wear diapers. I don't know why. But I do know you do, and it's okay."

For a moment, Mrs. Johnson seemed torn between anger and total despair. But then, something happened that Lily wasn't expecting.

"Please, don't tell anyone," said Mrs. Johnson, fighting back tears.

"Please, don't tell anyone," she begged, her voice wavering. Lily hesitated, unsure of what to do. She knew this was a chance to potentially break down the barriers between them, but she also recognized the risks involved. "I won't, Mrs. Johnson," Lily responded, maintaining eye contact. "But I think we both know things cannot be the same again."

Slowly, Mrs. Johnson lowered her head, her shoulders drooping as she sighed heavily.

"What do you mean?"

Lily ensured Mrs. Johnson's office door was completely closed and locked. No prying eyes.

"Stand up."

Defeated, Mrs. Johnson did as told.

"Remove your pants."


"Don't be loud, or people will get curious."

"I won't. You can't force me."

"I'm not forcing you. I'm giving you a choice. You can willingly remove your pants, or I'll do it myself. And you won't like it," said Lily, and a rush of excitement invaded her most private parts. She was enjoying the power she had in that moment.

Slowly, Mrs. Johnson reached down and unfastened her belt, reluctantly slipping off her pants. Standing before Lily in just her wet diaper, she looked vulnerable and exposed. Lily observed her boss's long and chubby legs, but her eyesight went straight to the white padding between her crotch. Well, whitish, as it was clearly full. She had always admired Mrs. Johnson's beauty, although she'd never imagined they would share such an intimate moment together.

The tension in the air grew palpable as Mrs. Johnson stood before Lily, clad only in a wet diaper. Lily could almost taste the power surging through her veins, feeling a sudden urge to push her boundaries further. She took a step closer to her boss, who stiffened under her gaze.

"Take off your shirt," commanded Lily, her voice ringing with authority. Mrs. Johnson hesitated but eventually complied, slowly removing the wrinkled blouse.

Her bare chest, flushed with embarrassment, stood revealed before Lily. For a moment, Lily allowed herself to bask in the power she held over her boss, her eyes lingering on the gentle curves of Mrs. Johnson's body.

Lily's heart raced with adrenaline, and her palms became sweaty with anticipation. This was her chance to finally assert herself, to show Mrs. Johnson who was in charge. "Now, lie down on the floor," she ordered, gesturing toward the carpet. Reluctantly, Mrs. Johnson obeyed, displaying her full diaper to her subordinate.

"Is baby wet?"

Mrs. Johnson nodded.

"Does baby need her diaper change?"

Again, her boss nodded.

"Beg for it," said Lily, savoring the moment.

"Please, can you change my wet diaper?" asked Mrs. Johnson, and tears began falling down her cheeks.

"Ask for it with baby talk," she commanded, smiling as she did.

"Pwease, can you change my diapy?"

Mrs. Johnson pleaded, speaking in a high-pitched, childlike voice that sent shivers down Lily's spine. The irony of the situation was not lost on her. Here she was, the executive assistant, now taking care of her strict and domineering boss, making her beg for a diaper change.

As Lily approached Mrs. Johnson, she couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions - excitement, arousal, and satisfaction.

This was a side of her boss she had never seen before, and she couldn't resist exploiting it. With a devious grin, Lily picked up some baby wipes she had with her and leaned close to her baby boss.

"Let's get you change now."

Mrs. Johnson hesitated, glancing around the room as if seeking reassurance. Finally, she stopped sobbing as Lily removed the tapes of her diaper and then the diaper itself. The smell of ammonia and sex was stronger than Lily had anticipated. But Mrs. Johnson's hairless crotch was worth enduring the smell. She wiped it slowly and carefully until she was sure it was clean, paying extra attention to her private parts and fighting the urge to do more. She knew her boss needed time to adjust.

The sight of Lily holding a fresh diaper, powder, and baby wipes filled Mrs. Johnson with mixed emotions – part humiliation, part confusion, and part arousal. Despite the turmoil, she felt oddly grateful. Though, it wasn't something she would let Lily know. Deep down, Mrs. Johnson knew there was no coming back. She would have to deal with the consequences now. Her secret was out. How long would it be before someone else finds out?

Lily hesitated for a moment, considering the weight of her decision. She was suddenly aware of the immense power she held over her boss, and it thrilled her. But she would be patient. Rushing would bring nothing positive for her or Mrs. Johnson, so she proceeded to lock her boss' crotch with a fresh diaper after applying a generous amount of baby powder.

"Did you like that?"

Mrs. Johnson blushed and nodded.

"Good. From now on," said Lily, touching Mrs. Johnson's padded crotch, "I'm the one you call for a change. Understood?

Her boss nodded again.

Chapter Three - Lily Takes Control

For the rest of the working week, Lily stayed true to her word by not revealing Mrs. Johnson's secret. She would also change her boss' diaper three times a day in her private office. With each change, Lily's need to push things further grew, as did her arousal whenever she had the opportunity to remind her boss who was really in charge.

It was time to take things to the next level.

"Tonight, after work," said Lily while changing her boss' full diaper, "You and me are going to your home?"

"Why?" asked Mrs. Johnson, blushing as Lily touched the edge of her anus with such care that it made the older woman shiver. But Mrs. Johnson said nothing. She laid there, allowing her assistant to take control. For a second, she wondered what would happen if anyone found out? Would they treat her differently? Would they accept her? And if they didn't, what would she do?

"Because I say so," said Lily, "Understood?"

Mrs. Johnson nodded, wishing for more of that sweet touch, but Lily was a teaser. She would not go further, and Mrs. Johnson wouldn't ask for it. Not without giving up whatever was left of her dignity. So she stayed lying there, catching her breath.

"Go back to work," said Lily, leaving the office.

The rest of the day went by as usual. Mrs. Johnson wet herself a couple more times. However, Lily changed her just once more that day.

"You're not gonna change me?" asked the boss as the working day came to a close.

"I think your diaper can hold until we are in your home."

"But," said Mrs. Johnson, "What if I leak in the office?"

"You better not, 'cause every one is doing extra hours tonight. They might see it," said Lily excitedly as she left her boss' office.

By the time the day was over, Mrs. Johnson was unsure whether her diaper had held on or not. She had tried her best to control herself, but at her age, it was almost an uphill battle. She waited for Lily to come to get her, and when her assistant did, she found out she had indeed leaked, as an unmistakable wet patch could be seen in her pants.

"What are you waiting for?"

"I know, and you won't get a change until we reach your place. Let's get going."

"But they will see me," said Mrs. Johnson, pleading and fighting back tears of humiliation, "Please."

Lily smiled, holding her boss' hand and pulling her closer. They were close enough to feel each other's breathing, and Lilly went even closer until their lips were almost touching, "I won't let anyone make fun of you. Do you trust me?"

Mrs. Johnson nodded.

"Good. Let's go."

Mrs. Johnson's tone was uncertain, but she allowed Lily to lead her through the corridors of the office building. The silence was palpable as both women walked together, each lost in their own thoughts. Mrs. Johnson's pace was uncertain. Her full and leaky diaper forced her legs apart, so she had to grab Lilly's hand tight to not fall. It was a nightmare for her. But the young assistant was enjoying every second of the moment. Lily was consumed by the sense of power she held over her superior, which aroused her in ways she had never experienced before.

"Just act natural," whispered Lily in her boss' ear.

Mrs. Johnson, determined and fearful, did as told. People in the office were too afraid of her; they wouldn't make eye contact. They would not dare to look in her direction. If only they knew that the cold-heart bitch was actually a pathetic little baby that blushed with the humiliation of knowing she had flooded her diaper to the point it had leaked. Every step just further cemented her situation, and every step sent waves of pleasure around her body as the soaked diaper rubbed against her crotch.

She felt vulnerable, exposed, and all at once ashamed of the fact that her most closely guarded secret was now revealed.

"Remember, just play along," Lily hissed into her ear. "If anyone asks about why you're acting so strangely, just tell them you're tired. No one will suspect anything."

"I'll try," Mrs. Johnson muttered. Every step seemed like an eternity, her feet moving sluggishly, dragging her forward with every step.

The walk to her car seemed longer than ever. But she couldn't show any weakness, not now. Everyone believed her to be the strong, domineering leader she projected. Yet, deep down, she was a frail child begging for someone to take care of her. As she reached her car, she glanced over her shoulder, making sure no one was watching. She unlocked her car door and buckled herself in. It was then that she realized how much of her life she had been denying her true self.

Lily took the driver's seat, and Mrs. Johnson herself was sent to the back of the car. As they drove away from the office, Mrs. Johnson's heart raced. In the car's back seat, she clenched her fists, trying to calm herself. The air inside the vehicle became heavy with the weight of their silent agreement. Neither of them spoke during the ride, their silence amplifying the tension surrounding them.

Maybe this was right, thought Mrs. Johnson for a second. Why shouldn't she enjoy it? It had been something she had craved for a while. Her mind drifted into a possibility. A hope. She was in her nursery, sucking a pacifier, her diaper was full with her own mess, but she didn't care. She was a baby now. And then the car stopped, and she came back to reality.

Lily had pulled up outside her house, parked the car, and turned off the engine. For a few moments, neither of them moved. Mrs. Johnson took a deep breath, attempting to regain some semblance of composure.

This was it – the moment she had dreaded and yet wished for for years. Lily unbuckled her seatbelt and stepped out of the car. Mrs. Johnson didn't move right away. Her diaper had become heavy and cold, and her legs were so far apart she couldn't really move for fear the diaper would just fall to the ground.

"You have a nice house," said Lily, opening the back door of the car.

"Thanks," said Mrs. Johnson, avoiding eye contact.

Mrs. Johnson hesitated, staring at the closed garage door before finally stepping out of the car. Her feet felt heavier than ever as if gravity itself was pulling her back. Her heartbeat quickened, and her pulse pounded in her ears. She was about to let this younger woman, her assistant for fucks sake, inside her home.

She breathed deeply and led the way.

Mrs. Johnson's house was as perfect as she wanted everyone to believe. The rooms were immaculate, the furniture carefully placed, and everything in its place. It wasn't just about appearances, though. Her home represented her personality: cold, distant, and in complete control. Or so she thought.

As Lily followed Mrs. Johnson through the entrance hallway, she couldn't help but notice the smell of urine coming right from her boss' rear, where the diaper was now too visible to ignore. It was like watching a giant toddler waddle around with unsteady steps. It aroused her to her core, filling her with an instinct she didn't even know she had. A part of her wanted to nurture and protect her boss as if she was her own.

"You live here alone?" Asked Lily, trying to make conversation.

Mrs. Johnson nodded, "My husband passed away, and my daughter is living abroad."

"It must be lonely."

It was, but she had a way to deal with it. A way to cope with life on her own, her diapers. They made her feel protected even if she was alone. She had not slept in her king-size bed since her husband died. Ever since that day, she had been sleeping in a crib she built herself. And every night since she had worn diapers to bed.

"It's okay," said Mrs. Johnson, slightly ashamed to ask the next question, "Can I get change now?"

Lily shook her head, "First, I wanna know where it is."

"Where's what?"

"You're gonna tell me you don't have a nursery for your baby tendencies?"

Mrs. Johnson blushed.

"I knew it."

"I-I mean, I do," she gulped, "It's downstairs. In the basement."

With shaking hands, Mrs. Johnson led Lily down the stairs to the basement. As they descended, she could feel the familiar humidity of the air that surrounded her baby room. The faint scent of warm milk and fresh diapers greeted her nostrils, and she knew Lily was about to see her safe place. The place she had built to feel protected and happy.

"So, where's this nursery?" asked Lily, intrigued by the strange smells.

Mrs. Johnson paused for a moment, gathering her courage. She knew exactly where the nursery was, but she still felt uneasy about showing Lily this part of her life. Taking a deep breath, she led Lily down the darkened basement corridor. As they got closer, Mrs. Johnson could hear the soft humming of a fan and the faint sound of whimpering coming from somewhere ahead.

Finally, they arrived at the entrance of the nursery. Mrs. Johnson's hands trembling with anticipation.

She opened the door slowly, hesitating for a moment before fully stepping into the dimly lit room. The scent of powder and diapers filled the air, causing her heart to race faster. She felt like a child again, entering her own secret world.

Lily's jaw dropped.

She had been expecting something cute and small. Never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined something like this.

Inside the nursery, the walls were painted in pastel colors, creating a calming and comforting atmosphere. There were numerous toys scattered across the floor, giving off a playful ambiance. A large wooden crib stood proudly in the center of the room, adorned with soft pillows and blankets.

On one side of the room was a changing table stocked with baby wipes, creams, and disposable diapers. An electric swing hung from the ceiling, softly rocking back and forth, while a mobile of teddy bears spun above it.

"You really do like this stuff. Don't you?"

Mrs. Johnson blushed but nodded.

"Why did you take those pictures? Have you shown this side of yourself to anyone else?" asked Lily.

Her boss shook her head, "I just thought I looked cute."

"You did."

This time, both women blushed.

"Is this too much?" asked Mrs. Johnson, hesitant and ashamed.

There was a moment of silence, and Mrs. Johnson's heart began pounding so fast she thought her assistant would be able to hear it echoing in the nursery walls.

"I love it," said Lily.

Mrs. Johnson's heart calmed down as Lily smiled at her with gentleness and love in her eyes.

"I-I think, I need," Mrs. Johnson tried to explain she needed to be changed, but before she could finish talking, her young assistant had pulled her close, kissing her so passionately the older woman couldn't help but release more urine into her already soaked diapers.

Their lips separated, leaving Mrs. Johnson breathless and wanting more. Lily took her hand and led her to the changing table. With tender fingers, she undid the snaps on her diaper, exposing her wet crotch.

"I'm sorry," Mrs. Johnson murmured, feeling shame and embarrassment.

"Don't worry," Lily replied reassuringly. "That's what babies do. They use their diapers."

As Lily lifted Mrs. Johnson onto the changing table, she helped her lie down, positioning her bottom in the middle of the pad. Carefully, she began wiping her boss' crotch with baby wipes. Both of their hearts pounded fast and hard, like drums. This time, however, Lily didn't tape a fresh diaper on her boss right away. No. With a gentle touch, she caressed the older woman's naked crotch, feeling her hairless vulva as she did.

"Relax," Lily whispered softly. "We don't have to rush."

Mrs. Johnson nodded, closing her eyes, enjoying the sensation of being taken care of despite her initial embarrassment. She remembered the first time she wore a diaper. How she felt like a helpless infant, unable to communicate her needs, only to find solace in the soft, confining embrace of the diaper. She had had to stop once she married. She had had to hide her true self for so long. But now she didn't need to. Now, she could allow herself to surrender. She could let go of her adulthood. And as Lily kept caressing her, Mrs. Johnson's thumb found its way into her mouth.

As Lily finished taping the diaper onto Mrs. Johnson, she took her hand and led her back to the crib. She placed her carefully there—a woman, twice her age, wearing nothing but a diaper and sucking on her thumb. The sight of it should've made her feel disgusted. She should've laughed, at least. But she didn't. She found it cute, and it aroused her.

For Mrs. Johnson, gone were the memories of being alone, the pain of losing her husband, and the loneliness of life without her daughter nearby. Instead, she focused on the present moment, sucking her thumb and enjoying the touch of her padding against her crotch.

"You had a long day," said Lily, "It's time to sleep."

Without waiting for a response, she carefully picked up Mrs. Johnson, lifting her gently into the crib. The older woman sighed contentedly, allowing herself to sink into the softness of the mattress. For the first time in years, she felt truly relaxed. She allowed herself to give in to her desires, letting them flow naturally.

After all, why resist when it felt so good? Surrendering to her true nature, Mrs. Johnson drifted off into a peaceful slumber. As she lay in her crib, dreaming of the wonderful care provided by Lily, she could almost forget that she was an adult who held a high position at work. But then, she remembered. The memory of her professional life flooded her thoughts, and she struggled to reconcile her two selves. The businesswoman and the baby. Could she maintain such an imbalance indefinitely?

Chapter Four - Discovered! 

When Mrs. Johnson opened her eyes again, she realized she had slept all night. Though it was still dark in her nursery, she knew it was the next morning because her tummy was growling, indicating her morning poop was ready. Usually, she would just stand up and go to the bathroom. Not because she didn't like the feeling of her own mess against her skin. She loved it, but because cleaning that mess was always an ordeal.

She hesitated.

But then, a thought came to mind. She wasn't in charge of her own diaper changes anymore. Lily had made that very clear. If her assistant wanted to have complete control over her, why should she care about messy diapers?

Determined, Mrs. Johnson gathered her strength and crawled out of the crib. She noticed the warm, slightly musty smell of the room mixed with the sweet scent of her diaper. Standing up was challenging due to her bulky diaper, but she managed to stay upright. She glanced around the room, finding her way through the darkness. Her stomach felt heavy, tight, and full.

She squatted right there, just by the door.

Now, it was just a matter of pushing. And she did, and what came out sent shivers through her body. A mushy mix of liquid and solid, all pressing against her skin and the inside of her already-soaked diaper.

Mrs. Johnson grimaced and groaned with relief as the pressure eased and the warmth left her abdomen. Feeling utterly exhausted, she crawled back into the crib, curling up under the covers. The feeling of her own mess against her skin was intoxicating, but she was too tired to do anything about it. The smell was okay, not as bad as she thought, and as her eyelids became heavier, she grew more tired until she fell back asleep.

"The smell, my goodness," said Lily as soon as she entered the nursery.

Mrs. Johnson flinched at the strong odor, realizing she had fallen asleep in her dirty diaper. She looked up at Lily, hoping the younger woman wouldn't judge her. To her surprise, Lily only chuckled, her tone teasing yet affectionate.

"You know what they say, messy is sexy," she joked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

Mrs. Johnson blushed, feeling even more exposed than before. However, the warmth in Lily's voice comforted her. It reminded Mrs. Johnson that despite the current circumstances, she had someone who genuinely cared for her, someone who saw beyond her title and position. That knowledge brought a sense of calm and acceptance, helping her push aside any lingering fears of judgment.

"I'll take care of it," Lily assured her with a gentle smile.

Lily proceeded to strip off Mrs. Johnson's full diaper, revealing Mrs. Johnson's mess. Her entire crotch was covered in mushy and liquid poop, but it did not bother Lily. She carefully folded the diaper, placing it into a small laundry basket near the crib.

"I should probably give you a shower before we put you back in a diaper, don't you think?"

Mrs. Johnson said nothing. She was a baby. Babies didn't answer. They had no say in the matters of adults. She simply began sucking her thumb, making cute noises.

"That's one way to answer, I guess. Now, who's ready to shower with Mommy?"

Those words echoed in Mrs. Johnson's ears, bringing small tears into her eyes. She had always wanted a caregiver, a Mommy or Daddy. She never really cared who, but she never actually thought she would find one. Let alone one she was completely and utterly attracted to. A younger mommy who cared for her enough to change her soiled diapers was a dream come true. And as she accepted Lily's love, she began sobbing, still naked and vulnerable, still sucking her thumb.

"What's wrong?" asked Lily.

"Notin'," she answered, not removing her thumb from her mouth.

Lily embraced her, "Are you ready?"

Mrs. Johnson nodded.

Lily carefully picked up her naked boss, carrying her into the bathroom. Once there, she undressed the older woman, leaving her standing in front of the bathtub. Then, she turned on the water, adjusting the temperature to a comfortable level.

"Do you want me to hold you while I wash you?" asked Lily, offering Mrs. Johnson support as she stood in the tub. Mrs. Johnson nodded gratefully, stepping into the bathtub and allowing Lily to cradle her in her arms.

It was heaven for Mrs. Johnson, and everything that happened afterward just further cemented their new dynamic. She spent the entire weekend as Lily's baby. No worries. No responsibilities. Lily went as far as breastfeeding her every morning and every night. Nothing came out of her beautiful, perky breasts. But it didn't matter. It made Mrs. Johnson feel more like the baby she knew she was inside. She wasn't the boss anymore. She wasn't a successful businesswoman no more. No. She was a baby. But would those two parts of herself be able to coexist? Or would one have to trump the other? Perhaps that was the question she didn't want answered, but that's the thing about life. It forces us to answer the hard questions when we least expect it.

A month had passed since Emily Johnson was discovered by her young, new, hot assistant. Things had changed in her life since. For instance, she had become more agreeable in her job. She smiled at her employees and didn't lose her temper. She couldn't. Lily would punish her if she did. Spankings weren't Emily's favorite part of being under her young assistant's control. People didn't fear her anymore. They actually liked her. Of course, they didn't know it was because she had become Lily's baby. As for Lily, she was promoted. She now managed everything for Mrs. Johnson, not just as an assistant but as a vice president of sorts. But as with everything in life, not everyone was happy.

Daniella Michaels, a disgruntled subordinate, knew something was going on. After all, Lily was a new employee. She had no experience. She had no pedigree. Daniella was a hard-working Harvard graduate. She deserved the world. And she wasn't happy. She suspected something was going on between the two of them, perhaps an affair — the most normal thing that could happen between an older boss and a hot new employee. But there was something else. Why would they disappear so often three times a day? Scheduled. Sex? Nah. Too obvious.

And so she decided to act. For a month she had been paying attention to their every move. She even got the code to open Mrs. Johnson’s office. Next time they went inside to do whatever they do, she’d be ready. She would catch them in the act and get a sweet promotion. Maybe even ensured a lot of money.

Danielle sighed, hoping to find something worth her time.

She broke into Emily's office that afternoon to find a scene she was not expecting.

Lying on the ground, in the middle of her after-lunch diaper change, was her boss, Emily Johnson. She was sucking her thumb while her assistant, former assistant, cleaned her like she was a dumb baby. Worst of all, she seemed to be enjoying it. A woman so cold, she had earned herself the nickname of the Winter Bitch around the office, had just pooped herself, and was getting change. Lily went as far as blowing raspberries in Emily's tummy, making the older woman chuckle like an infant.

"What the fuck?!" Shouted Daniella, and both Lily and Mrs. Johnson froze right there.

"Daniella! What are you...? It's not...!" Emily said, removing her thumb from her mouth, "It's not what it looks like!"

But how could Emily defend herself? She was lying on the floor with her most private parts exposed as her younger assistant cleaned her? There was a fresh, new diaper next to her while Lily removed the old, used one. Baby powder and Mrs. Johnson's favorite stuffed animal decorated the scene. Was there another explanation than the truth?

Chapter Five - Mrs. Johnson’s New Life

The fresh, thick diaper around her crotch did nothing to bring her comfort. Here she was, a mature woman, quite successful, in front of two younger women who were dressed the part. Mrs. Johnson wanted Lily's touch and comfort. She wanted to feel her warmth. She wanted to feel safe and protected. But she couldn't have that, not before dealing with the problem at hand.

"So this is why you got promoted. You are changing her shit," said Daniella. She was most definitely getting a lot of money.

"She's your boss, and I'm too," said Lily, defiantly, with an air of confidence Mrs. Johnson couldn't even understand at the moment.

"Please," the older woman pleaded, "Don't tell anyone."

"Well, that depends on you," said Daniella as something came to her mind, "Before anything else, what the fuck is happening here?"

"Nothing that should concern you," said Lily, handling Mrs. Johnson, her favorite teddy bear. The older woman took it and embraced it, making her look even more ridiculous, and yet, in Daniella's eyes, slightly bit cute.

"It does concern me. You got my promotion just because you're changing the boss' dirty diapers. Now, that's a sentence I never thought I was going to say."

"Don't be rude," said Lily, putting herself in between the newcomer and her boss, "You're going to make her cry."

Mrs. Johnson felt warm at Lily's words, though she feared her new Mommy was making things worse for the both of them. After all, they were at fault. The affair was the least of their worries. No company would ever hire someone for such a position of power, knowing they spend their free time wearing diapers and sucking their thumbs. Emily's career was over. And that realization brought tears to her eyes.

"Have some spine, my goodness," said Danielle, "I used to admire you. You were everything I wanted to be. But now," she paused, getting face to face with Lily, "She's nothing more than a dumb baby."

Mrs. Johnson couldn't fight it anymore. She began sobbing because Daniella had hurt her feelings. What had happened to her? A month ago, she would've fired Daniella without hesitation. She would've drowned her with lawsuit after lawsuit until the bitch agreed to keep her mouth shut. Now, she was a sobbing baby hoping for her Mommy's touch and protection, and as she realized that, her diaper grew bigger and warmer.

"Is she peeing herself?!" asked Daniella, laughing.

"She does that when there's a lot of strong emotions," said Lily, "You and me are going to talk about this."

"What about her?"

"She's going to wait here with Mr. Teddy and be a good girl. Won't you darling?" asked Lily to her boss.

Mrs. Johnson nodded.

And Lily and Daniella were gone.

Emily Johnson, wearing a wet diaper and a blouse, sat in her office's ground, holding her teddy bear tight. Mommy was gone with the awful lady. She was making sure Emily could keep her job without anyone else finding out about her new life. It was all gonna be okay. As her thoughts went to other places, she began sucking her thumb right there. The door to her office was open. Anyone could come in. But she didn't care. She was a baby, after all. She wasn't an adult anymore. Perhaps it would be better if people knew who she was.


That wasn't it. She loved her job. She needed to regain control of the situation, and she needed to do it right away. But as she stood up, she noticed her pants were gone. Lily must have had them. She couldn't parade around the office in just a blouse and a wet diaper.

So she waited. Holding Mr. Teddy tighter with every minute that passed. And she kept waiting.

After what seemed like an hour, her subordinate came back alone.

"Lily," said Mrs. Johnson, mustering as much dominant presence as she could in her current state, "Did you fix it? I think things have gotten out of control. We need to stop. I need to grow up and go back to how things were before." She was determined. It would be hard. She didn't want to give up on her little side, but it was necessary.

Lily closed the door without saying a word.

"I also think you should probably look for another job. You know, make it easy for Daniella to keep it secret."

Lily sat at Mrs. Johnson's desk.

"Lily! Are you paying any attention?" Mrs. Johnson demanded, feeling her strength slipping away. But Lily just stared at her, thinking how ridiculous the older woman looked trying to be in control while a wet diaper hanged around her crotch. "If you don't fix this, it will ruin my reputation. Everything I've worked for will be lost."

Lily hesitated for a second. She was about to give the final push, and the next minutes were going to be some of the most important in her life and in Mrs. Johnson's life. Though, the boss was unaware of what Daniella and she had talked about and what the solution was.


"You will call me Mommy, or I swear I'm going to parade you in front of every employee here in just your diaper." Lily's voice was cold and distant, and it felt ten times more demanding and imposing than Mrs. Johnson's.

The boss complied, "Mommy," she said with watery eyes, holding her teddy bear tight, "I'm scared."

Lily pulled Mrs. Johnson close to her, sitting her right over her lap, "It's okay. No one's going to hurt you while I'm here."

Mrs. Johnson felt ridiculous. She had tried to exert some domination. She had tried to take control of the situation but to no avail. There was nothing she could do as long as she kept submitting to Lily's demands.

"Listen," said Lily, bouncing her boss on her lap, "We came to an agreement. And it's going to be hard. But you need to understand that it's for your own good."

Mrs. Johnson couldn't really worry much as her inner baby was enjoying bouncing in her Mommy's lap, giggling like a little girl as she did. It had been harder and harder to keep in touch with her adulthood, especially with Lily around. But then the words came out of Lily's mouth.

"You're stepping down as CEO. You are appointing Daniella and me as the new bosses here. And you will remain my baby forever."

Mrs. Johnson's jaw dropped, and her giggles turned into sobs.

"But... But... But... But..." she stammered, trying to grasp what was happening. The reality of the situation sank in, and it was all becoming too much. This wasn't the way things were supposed to happen. It was unbearable. The diaper had grown hotter, and she began to wriggle in discomfort. Her emotions were swirling like a storm, and her thoughts were in chaos. She wanted to be a good girl, but her old self wouldn't let her.

Mrs. Johnson's thoughts raced, panicking. She tried to pull away from Lily's lap. But the younger woman who had been her assistant until very recently pulled her closer, embracing her like a mother would a child.

"Take the deal," said Lily, "And I will take care of you forever. I can move in with you. Daniella will become your auntie. And she'll take good care of your company."

But the older boss couldn't stop sobbing against the gentle breasts of her assistant. "But I'm an adult! I'm your boss. I'm the boss," she argued in between sobs as she felt her adulthood sliding away.

"But you aren't. Not anymore. Tell me the truth: do you really want to be an adult? Don't you prefer being my baby?"

Her little brain couldn't really understand the question. Of course, she liked being a baby. But she enjoyed both.

As Mrs. Johnson continued to sob, Lily caressed her hair, rocking her softly. "There, there, sweetheart. Everything's going to be alright."

"But how? How am I going to explain this to everyone?" Mrs. Johnson whispered, sniffling, the stains on her blouse showing the signs of her growing fear.

"That's where we come in," Lily said, looking towards Daniella, who had entered the room, taking in the unfolding events. The older woman wearing a diaper and sitting over the lap of the younger assistant.

"Together, we'll help you keep your reputation intact," said Daniella, "You can be a baby for as long as you want. And in time, if you want, you can let the world see your real self."

Mrs. Johnson gulped.

"What's your decision?" asked Lily.

This was the moment. She could choose not to accept. She could choose to regain her previous life and become the boss again. Or she could get everything her heart had desired for as long as she could remember. In that precise second, she felt a familiar rumbling in her tummy. And without her making a conscious decision, her body expelled the bowel movement straight into her thick padding. It spread fast and everywhere, and when she was finished, she started bouncing on her Mommy's lap like the dumb baby she was. Her body had taken the decision for her, and now it was up to her to live with the consequences. Perhaps Lily was right. Perhaps she would have a happier life as a baby than as an adult.

Epilogue - Baby Shower

Lily looked out the window of her spacious corner office, observing the hustle and bustle of the city below. It had been a few months since she and Mrs. Johnson moved in together. For the last few weeks, she had witnessed Mrs. Johnson's rapid transformation - from the once stern-faced corporate executive to a whimpering, diaper-wearing baby, always clutching her beloved teddy bear.

"Mommy, mommy," she would call whenever Lily came back from work.

Despite the peculiar circumstances, Lily found herself enjoying the role of caregiver and boss. Daniella had been helping a lot, too. She had even changed Mrs. Johnson's diapers when she came to visit them. Together, they had found the right babysitter for Emily. A young girl named Laura who was just out of high school. She was hot and cute with a dominant personality. She had become Emily's third favorite person in the world. Something Lily found not surprising, knowing her former boss' taste for younger girls.

Laura would often stay for weeks in their manor, and when she was there, she would take care of everything. But Lily craved more intimacy with her boss baby. Working away from her was difficult. The instinct to be with her new baby every day, all day, was strong. Perhaps it was what real mothers felt. Not to worry, though. She was going to fix that.

The door to Lily's office opened.

Daniella walked in.

"Everyone's ready. Are you sure you want to do this?" asked Daniella.

Lily nodded.

"Very well. Do you think she will mind?"

"She might cry, but she's a baby. They cry a lot. She has no say in the matter. Besides, it ought to happen someday. Why not sooner rather than later?"

"Her parents are here. Her younger sisters. Former lovers. Every employee. Every person she knows. Everyone who looks up to her," Daniella got closer to Lily, "She won't like it."

"I know she won't. But she will get used to it. I doubt she could cope without being a baby anymore. She'll play along with it."

Mrs. Johnson woke up in her old office. The office was different from how it had been before, but she knew it was her office. There was a changing table on one side, a crib on another, and a playpen full of toys, stuffed animals, and blankets. She tried to move, but she was trapped in her trolley. She was wet, as usual, wearing nothing but a onesie that barely covered her diaper.

"You are awake," said Lily.

"Mommy, was going on?" asked Mrs. Johnson with her thumb in her mouth.

"I got a surprise for you. But we were waiting for you to be awake," Lily answered, pushing the trolley towards the door.

Mrs. Johnson's heart was beating fast. This was a nightmare. It must be. As soon as they left the office, they were met by dozens of people in her office. All of them looked shocked at their former boss.

"It's true," she heard them whisper. "She really is a baby."

"Is she wearing a diaper?"

"Is that a pacifier?"


Mrs. Johnson's face turned pale as she realized what was happening. She had thought she had made peace with her new reality, but seeing all these people... it was too much. She wanted to scream, demand answers, ask for privacy. Yet, she found herself unable to do anything other than sit there, staring at the floor for a moment before trying to hide inside her trolley.

"Don't be rude, sweetie. All these people are here to see you," said Lily, smiling gently at her. "They want to be part of your new life. Isn't that nice?"

Mrs. Johnson closed her eyes, wishing she could run away from this situation.

"What is this?" she asked, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"This is your baby shower. My baby shower. Everyone from today onwards will know I'm your Mommy, and you are my baby, and we are happy together," whispered Lily into the trolley as they moved down the aisles.

Mrs. Johnson bit her lip, tears welling up in her eyes. This was the most humiliating thing she had ever experienced. She had lost everything, even her dignity.

Lily held her hand, feeling her trembling. "Don't worry. I promise you this is for the better. Now, we won't have to hide. And Daniella will take over your company. And I can be your Mommy twenty-four-seven."

"Emily, is that you?"

Mrs. Johnson looked up. Her younger sister was standing right in front of her, next to her, Amanda and Roger Johnson, her parents. They looked shocked and disappointed.

"I always knew you were compensating something with all this success," said her mother, "This look rather suits you. Don't worry. Dad and I are okay with it. Lily here says you'll be with us for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Dad's made it clear he won't change your diapers. But your sisters and I will give it a try."

Mrs. Johnson felt like dying. She was sobbing, blushing, and sucking her thumb, looking for some sense of comfort. She wanted her Mommy. She wanted Lily's breast. That always calmed her down.

But the day wasn't over.

Her parents weren't the only people from her past in the baby shower. An old boyfriend was chuckling next to Emily's former employees, probably sharing intimate stories of the new baby in the office. He had broken up with her when she wet the bed one night. She had been thirty then.

"It's okay, baby. It will all be okay. Just give in. Let go of it all and be the baby you were always meant to be."

Something changed that day.

Something inside Emily Johnson broke, and something was born to replace it. Long gone was the cold bitch that had ruled the office with an iron fist. In its place was a baby girl. One that wouldn't even talk like an adult anymore. One that had not used the potty for years and counting. A perfect baby girl who depended on others for everything. Even when those others were technically half her age.



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