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When John woke up the next morning, he looked at his surroundings, still feeling utterly disoriented. When he moved around, trying to stand up, he remembered the events of the previous night. Peeing himself in front of Jacob wasn’t even half of the hell he had experienced. His wife’s cruel words and the painful spanking came to mind, flooding his eyes with fresh tears. Then came the diaper.

He remembered.

Around his crotch, in between his legs, there was a diaper. One big enough to fit him, making it impossible to keep his legs together. And to make matters worse, he needed to pee badly.

Standing up was difficult. But he managed to do it. Maybe he could rush to the bathroom before anyone else woke up. Maybe he could get his wallet, keys, and clothes and leave his home. He would think about the details later. Now, he needed to act. If he was to retain any sense of dignity, it was now or never.

“Dammit,” he muttered to himself as he reached the door.

It was locked from the other side. He couldn't open it, and the pressure in his bladder was building up fast. The temptation of removing his diaper was strong. Maybe he should, peeing the room would teach them not to lock him in without a bathroom.

But something primal inside of him prevented the act. What if Jacob didn’t like it? What if he got angry again? He actually peed himself a little thinking about another round of spankings by his tormentor.

What if he escaped?

Perhaps that way he could find someone to help him. But he was wearing nothing but a diaper. And there were no clothes around. Nothing he could use. Even if he managed to get out of the room, he was still trapped. A forty-something man climbing down a window wearing nothing but a diaper would definitely make it to the front page of some dreadful local paper. Indecent exposure would be the least of his problems if he went out naked and some kid saw him. Even if he convinced the police he was running for his life, he would become the talk of the neighborhood. He could even be fired from his job just because of it.

More minutes passed, and the pressure built up to the point John knew there was no getting around it.

Defeated once more, he relaxed his muscles, allowing his bladder to release an entire night of liquid into his thick diaper. The feeling was overwhelming, forcing a lonely tear in his eyes. But it was also intoxicating. The warmth of his own urine spread all over his crotch, reaching his rear, forcing a shameful erection against his padded prison.

Ashamed, blushing, John stood by the door, absorbing the feelings of his wet diaper. Unluckily for him, an all too familiar feeling spread through his lower abdomen. A morning routine he had had for years. Something he would do every single morning as soon as he woke up. No. He wasn’t pooping himself. No, he had to draw a line.

But before he could beg to be left out, the doorknob moved abruptly and the door opened, pushing him to the ground in disbelief.

“Well, well, well. Looks like someone’s wet. Did you have a potty accident last night?” Asked Sarah, walking into the room completely naked.

“No!” Said John, “I did it this morning. It wasn’t an accident.”

Sarah chuckled, “That’s something to be proud about, I guess.”

John blushed, realizing what he had said.

"Did you enjoy your first night as a baby?"

John looked down, too embarrassed to answer. "You... I want out. I'll call the police. I'll divorce you," he muttered, feeling even more trapped in his situation. He knew those words were empty threats.

"Oh, honey, we agreed not to tell anyone about last night, remember?" She moved close to him, running her fingers along his cheek gently, "Besides. After last night, do you really think you could ever find anyone who would take you? You can leave me. Perhaps I won’t keep one hundred percent of everything you own. But, what would happen next? You’d be alone. Forever. And what do you think Kate or Mike would say if they found out about your little accident and the fact that you let a man half your age put you back in diapers?”

“It wasn’t my fault!”

"Really? And whose fault is it that you are wet again? Mine? Jacob’s? Society?”

John had no answer.

“Lets’ go,” said Sarah, helping him up, “Your new Daddy wants us to have a family breakfast.”


“Don’t you remember? You’re the house’s new baby girl. A title I think fits better than husband or father. What do you think?” She asked, chuckling.

John didn’t answer.

He did remember the night before and the words Jacob forced him to say. A baby girl. John was now Jacob’s and Sarah’s baby girl. He was wearing a diaper — a used one for that matter. He was forced to sleep in the spare room and call his own wife Mommy. Worst that that, he was meant to call his tormentor Daddy.

Sarah grabbed him by the wrist, pulling him outside the room, forcing him to waddle like a toddler behind her as she led the way to dining room. With each step, John’s will faded as his bowels shouted for release.

He didn’t even have time to protest as they reached the table where Jacob sat, waiting for them. Like Sarah, the younger man was also naked. His massive manhood wasn’t erected, and even then, it was bigger than John’s.

“Good morning, baby,” said Jacob, smiling with arrogance, “did you sleep okay?”

John didn’t answer.

If he was honest with himself, he might’ve slept better last night than he had in years. After the crying, of course. When he had forgotten about the diaper, and the spanking, and the fact his wife was being fucked by a younger, much more handsome man in his own bed.

“I know a big bed might be frightening for you. Baby aren’t supposed to be left unsupervised, after all. But there’s no need to worry,” Jacob paused, sipping coffee from a mug in front of him, “Your crib should arrive later today.”

“My crib?”

“Oh, yes. I’m planning on making this arrangement permanent.”

John’s jaw dropped.


“I spoke with my father. Told him you needed someone to help around the house. It’s good money. So he doesn’t mind. He’s traveling for a few months in a couple of days. So that’s settled. I’m moving in.”

John couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It was as if his life was coming to an end. Could he even escape now? A man running away, wearing nothing but a diaper. A wet diaper that was noggin so badly, he could barely waddle as he walked.

“There’s more,” said Sarah, sitting on Jacob’s lap like a teenage girl would with her boyfriend, “We think John is not an appropriate name for our new baby girl.”

“It sure ain’t,” said Jacob, “Which is why from now on, your name is Joan. Little sissy baby Joan. Or baby Jo.”

John shook his head.

“It’s cute you think any of this is up to you,” said Jacob, caressing Sarah’s naked rear with his cock, “If you don’t submit willingly, then I’ll be forced to do things to you I don’t want to.”

John’s legs trembled a she felt like fainting.

“Come over,” said Jacob.

John obeyed, scared for his own life. And in a moment of betrayal from his own body, a loud and wet fart escaped his rear. He froze right there.

Sarah laughed.

But Jacob didn’t, he glared at John, smirking. It was as if he invited John to shame himself in front of them. To provide them with the amusement of seeing a middle age man had the most childish of accidents. He couldn’t do it. He forced his butt cheeks together, hoping it would help. But as he kept walking towards his Mommy and Daddy, he felt his strength fading away.

Another fart left his rear.

“Please,” John pleaded, “I need to go to the bathroom.

But neither Sarah nor Jacob answered his plea.


And another.

And it was over.

John squared right where he stood. Tears ran down his cheeks as pushed, allowing the pressure to be released. More first at first. Then, a solid log found its way into the diaper, restrained by the thickness of the padded prison. But it wasn’t over.

Another round of pushing and this time, it was’t solid. No. The mushy poop spread all over his crotch and into his hairless balls. The warmth of it was exciting. He felt his tiny dick rising as he cried in shame.

Jacob stood up from his chair, stopping just in front of John’s face so that his massive manhood was an inch away from John’s mouth. The smell of his penis was intoxicating, almost flushing away the stink of his own messy accident.

With a smile, Jacob said, “I think our baby girl needs her pacifier.”

John froze again.

He couldn’t be serious. But as soon as John opened his mouth to protest, the massive cock entered his hole. It all happened so fast. Jacob leaned over, forcing John’s face to move rhythmically as for the first time in his life, John sucked another man’s penis. He wanted to hate it. He wanted to be disgusted by it. But he sucked and sucked as if he was born to do so. And there was no coming back from it. With his wife standing behind him, offering kind words to encourage him, John sucked until Jacob came inside his mouth. When the semen touch his tongue, the diapered sissy came in his messy diaper. He couldn’t hide the pleasure he had felt. A big smile on his face, and he fell to the ground, still twitching against his padded prison. Cum running down his throat as he swallowed the load of the man that had ruined his life.

“I always knew you were a cocksucker,” said Sarah.

“Be a dear, honey,” said Jacob, sitting back on his chair, “And clean him. It’s starting to stink in here.”


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