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Chapter 2

Sarah’s Decision

The walk back to the house seemed to have taken forever before Jacob carried John through the backdoor and into the kitchen. It was deserted, probably because Sarah was still drinking her wine inside.

“You guys back?”

They heard her voice coming from the great room.

Jacob smiled devilishly at John, “Ready for it?”

He shook his head. If there was a time to beg, it was now. Although there was nos having his dignity, he could still prevent further humiliation. So he did. Still sobbing and feeling uncomfortable because of his wet trousers, John pleaded like a pathetic little man.

“There’s nothing you can say that can help you,” said Jacob, with his husky voice as he opened the door to the great room, carrying John in his massive arms, “Now stay silent. Don’t talk until I say so, or you will regret it. Understood?”

John nodded.

Time was up.

Sarah looked in shock as the young, handsome man she had been flirting with was carrying what seemed to be her husband. And her husband was crying like a little boy who had had an accident. Speaking of accidents, it was more than clear the type her husband had had. His khaki pants were soaked.

“What’s the meaning of this?!” She demanded.

She might be a bit tipsy, but she wasn’t drunk. Not yet. This scene playing in front of her eyes was too bizarre for alcohol to create.

“Well, little John here had an accident. And he started crying when that happened.”

“Little John?” Asked Sarah, scanning her husband, “You have no idea.”

John could do nothing but hide himself from his wife’s gaze, snuggling his sobbing face against Jacob’s chest, hoping it was all a nightmare. He wasn’t allowed to talk, and even if he was, there was nothing he could say. He did peed himself. He was indeed crying. He was pathetic.

“I can understand now why you started flirting with me,” said Jacob, his voice calm and husky, “He’s not much of a man. Is he?”

“You haven’t even seen what’s in between his legs. That little thing is only good to pee apparently.”

They chuckled.

John blushed.

Slowly and gently, Jacob unwrapped the older man from his massive arms, placing him on the ground. Sitting there with his wet pants in between Jacob and his wife, John couldn’t help but feel small. His heart hammered in his chest, fearing what might come next. He didn't dare look at Sarah. For a moment, no one said a word, but the awkward silence was finally broken by Sarah, “So, hubby,” she said, “Did you have an accident?”

John couldn't bear to look at her, and even if he wanted to defend himself, he was not allowed to answer.

“You can talk, little boy,” said Jacob, and the words he chose brought shame to an already-defeated John.

“It wasn’t an accident,” John muttered.

“So you peed yourself on purpose?”

“No! It wasn’t my fault,” John stopped, turning to see his tormentor. Standing there, below the light, Jacob looked even more menacing than before. But John continued, “He did it. It’s his fault!”

“So a nineteen-year-old forced you to pee yourself?” Asked Sarah.

“He’s right,” said Jacob, and John’s face lit up.


“Well. More than my fault, my responsibility. The little guy here tried to hit me and I answered back. I should’ve just let it go. Leave it to you to punish him properly. But, as I said, I answered back. All it took was a few punches and he was peeing himself.”

John was mortified. How dared Jacob compared him to a kid? He was an adult. A man. It was his house. It was his wife, and he had had enough.

“Enough!” Exclaimed John, standing up. His wet trousers weighing him down a little. “Stop talking as if I was some dumb toddler! I had enough. Get out of my house!”


The calmness in which Jacob answered made John shake.

“What?” Asked John.

“You heard me. I said no. What are you going to do? Throw another tantrum?”

“I don’t. I’m not. It’s not a tantrum,” said John, fighting back even more tears now, “But, this is my house.”

“You think that gives your power. Don’t you? You think your fancy university degree and good career makes you important. A man? Successful?” Asked Jacob, towering over John like a legendary beast looking down at a mouse, “When that fails, what will you do? Do you wanna hit me again?”

John felt a few drops of urine leaving his body agin, hopefully, no one had noticed that.

“Sarah, dear,” said John with a weak voice, “Call the cops. This boy’s crazy.”

“I don’t think I will.”

“What? Why? Call the dam cops, Sarah, you bimbo!”

John didn’t see it coming, but Jacob slapped him so hard it knock him to floor and even more urine left his body, now creating a second puddle where he sat. He was crying now. Not just because of the pain, but because of the frustration and humiliation.

“Don’t you dare insult your wife in front of me,” said Jacob, “What a pathetic excuse of a man you are. Weak.”

“Thanks, Jacob,” said Sarah, now standing next to him. Both of them looking down at John, making him feel even smaller. “You’re right. He’s a pathetic excuse of a man. You are half his age, and you are so much more mature and manly.”

John didn’t know what to do.

“Please,” he said in between sobs. Defeated, looking down at the puddle of his own urine, he pleaded, “Just leave.”

“I don’t think we will,” said Sarah, “This is my home too. And I want Jacob to stay.”

“But he…He attacked me.”

“As I understand it, you attacked him first and then cried when it didn’t go your way. Right?”

John didn’t answered. For all intents and purposes, she was correct. He did strike first, and he did cried when Jacob answered. But it was because he was hitting on his wife. Any man in his right mind would do the same. He doubted the police would think the same.

“You want me to call the police?” Asked Sarah.

“I say let’s do it. Might like having my own house at nineteen,” said Jacob, putting his arms around Sarah, “What do you John? Should we call the police and tell them what happened?”


He could risk it and call the police and the nightmare would be over. Or he could call the police and they would side with Jacob, and it was more than obvious Sarah wasn’t helping him. He could lose his job if it’s discovered he tried to hit a nineteen-year-old. And worse, it would be terrible if everyone find out he failed. That he got his ass beaten and peed himself like a wimp.

“So? What’s your answer?”

John shook his head, “Don’t call them.”

Jacob smiled first, and Sarah followed.

“What to do with you now?” Asked Jacob, “We cannot leave you in those wet trousers all night. Can we?”

John blushed, hoping they would just allow him to take a shower and forget about the entire day. But Jacob had other plans.

“Let’s see,” Jacob kneeled right in front of John until they were face to face, “I won’t call the police. I won’t press charges. But I want you to beg me to become your wife’s lover. Beg now, little boy. That’s an order.”

“What?” Asked John, lost in the eyes of his tormentor —eyes like the darkest of nights.

“Now that’s a nice turn of events,” said Sarah, “Go on. Jacob ordered you something. Unless you want to get the cops involved.”

“You’re blackmailing me! The cops will know.”

“Yeah,” said Jacob, “But that would be your words against mine? Don’t you think?”

John gulped and turned to see Sarah, “Honey?”

“Don’t Honey, me. You called me a bimbo a few minutes ago. I will tell them the truth. Part of the truth, and then Jacob will get a nice settlement and I will get the other part of your money in the divorce.”

He couldn’t believe it.

Here she was, his wife, siding with the man who beat him so hard he peed himself. And now, they wanted him to beg the man to be his wife’s lover.

“What if I don’t?”

“Then cops it is. By the way,” said Jacob, “They are huge fans of my father. He gives a lot of money to the local law enforcement. They also love football.”

John’s heart was pounding even harder and faster now.

“I—I want you to be my wife’s lover,” he muttered, his voice so low he could barely hear himself.

“Couldn’t hear you,” said Jacob.

“I want you to be my wife’s lover!” He exclaimed, tears running down his cheeks, “Happy?!”

Jacob laughed, “Now, that’s something you don’t hear every day. But something’s missing.”

“What do you have in mind?” Asked Sarah.

“I know,” he said, kissing her in the cheek, “Say it again, but this time, while sucking your thumb. Said like a little toddler.”

John’s jaw dropped.

He couldn’t be serious. Could he? No. He wasn’t going to do it.

“That’s fitting,” said Sarah, her hands exploring Jacob’s massive chest, “He peed himself. He’s crying. He throws tantrums. He is a baby.”

“You heard the lady,” said Jacob, “Do it again. As instructed.”

John looked down. The urine was drying around his trousers and on his skin. He was getting cold and uncomfortable and all he wanted was go cry in his room and forget about everything.

“No. I don’t. I won’t. I did what you said, please. Leave me alone.”

“Babies cannot be left alone. That would be irresponsible. Now do as I said, or, I’ll spank you so hard, you’ll be begging before the end.”

“You can’t,” said John, pleading and turning to see his wife, “He can’t. Please, help me.”

“Oh, I can. And I will,” said Jacob.

Without warning. With no hesitation in his eyes or movement, Jacob lifted John, “Now you’ll find out I don’t threaten. Threatening is for weak men. I do as I say.”

John peed himself a little bit more as Jacob undressed him, removing his wet trousers in one single movement. Then, he pulled off his underwear, revealing something Jacob wasn’t expecting. The tiniest, most minuscule penis he had ever seen.

He laughed.

John blushed.

But the laughed didn’t last. With another fast and strong movement, he placed John right over his lap. His hairless rear in full display. And with swift movements, he spanked the weak man over and over and over until John was reduced to nothing but a sobbing mess, begging.

“I can keep going,” said Jacob, “I could do it all night. Or you can ask me nicely, and like a toddler, to be your wife’s lover. But now, I’ll add something more to the mix. You will also ask us to treat you like a baby. Not a baby boy. No. That little thing between your legs. That’s no man’s cock. It’s not a boy’s dick either. That’s a girl’s clit. So you will beg us to turn you into a baby girl. Diapers and pretty dresses included. How does that sound?”

John couldn’t really understand what was going on. He just wanted it to end.

“Oh, and if you don’t ask fast. I’ll might add more conditions.”

John took a deep breath before putting his thumb into his mouth, sucking like a toddler would and said, “Pwease, be mys wive’s dover. And mades me yus baby gwirl. I wants diapys and dwesses.”

Sarah laughed so hard, she could swear she peed herself a little. But she didn’t care. Seeing her pathetic husband begging to be treated like a baby girl was the best that had happened since she got married.

“Let’s make our little girl’s wish come true. What do you think?”

“Let’s do it!”

Not an hour after peeing his pants in front of Jacob, John found himself lying on the guest room's bed, naked from the waist down. His thumb still in his mouth, rendering him helpless as he watched the handsome young man clean his tiny penis and crotch. There wasn’t much hair to begin with, so it didn’t take long before John was completely hairless. Jacob the spread baby powder all over his most private parts and taped the diaper around John’s waist, sealing his fate.

"That little thing you call a dick. I'm surprised your wife didn't leave you sooner. It's a miracle you managed to father children," Jacob said with a smile, finishing the task, "By the way, welcome to your new life."

"I think he's going to cry," said Sarah.

“Wy yus do this?" asked John, pleading with his eyes for some sort of recognition.

"Why? Why did I allow him to do this?"

John nodded.

"What about because you are a terrible lover? Perhaps it is because you are lazy around the house. Maybe it's because you think your money and intellect make you better than everyone. You’re petty. Selfish. And all-in-all, horrible. You know what? I think it's just because Jacob is ten times the man you'll ever be. His cock alone is ten times the size of yours!"

John was now crying desperately.

"I would stop crying, little one," said Jacob, "Unless you want the entire neighborhood to find out."

"I think he's crying because he's sleepy. Aren't you?"

John shook his head.

"We don't have a crib for you. Not yet, at least. But we can trust you not to fall from the bed. If you behave, I might give you a little treat tomorrow.”

They said no more, leaving John diapered and sucking his thumb in the dark room. His mind couldn't stop overthinking the entire situation. He had started the day as a married man with two kids and a grandson on his way. A successful man with more money than he could spend. An intellectual who read Chomsky and Coates. Now, he was lying on the guest room bed, humiliated and emasculated.

He heard noises coming from the room next door. The noises became loud moans, and he knew his wife was keeping her word. She was having sex with the young and handsome young man. And John could do nothing. How could he? Calling the cops meant everyone would find out. And that was best case scenario, because the other option was him being charged with assault. Everyone would know his shame. He could lose everything. And then, the kids. What would the kids say?Every little possibility passed through his tired mind until his body couldn't handle it anymore.

He cried himself to sleep that night.

But his new life was just starting.


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