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Hi guys! Here's an updated version of A Husband's Mistake. I changed the title to something more fitting. It will be finished soon, too. Just have to finish some last-minute editing. Anyway, enjoy the first updated chapter. Remember that members of the Supporting Baby and Premium Baby tiers have commission captions and stories just like this one! 


Everyone was looking at him.

His son, his son’s wife, his mother, his colleagues, his neighbors, his friends. Even his own daughter. They all witness his new status. Diapered and dressed in the most ridiculous pink baby romper. All eyes were on him and his wife, who stood behind him like a proud new mother. Besides her, the source of John’s nightmares and the reason he was being paraded in such a state: Jacob. Or as he knew him now, Daddy.

Chapter 1

John’s Mistake

It was another picture-perfect summer afternoon in a quaint suburban neighborhood. The lush green lawns stretched endlessly under a cloudless azure sky, punctuated only by the occasional tree. Neighbors gathered in small groups and engaged in amiable conversations as the mellifluous scents of grilled food permeated the air. John Thompson found himself that day, displaying his success and wealth in the face of his neighbors. Few of them were aware of who John was before he invited them to an evening BBQ. They were going to find out. At least, that was John’s hope.

With an uncontrollable mixture of pride and anxiety, he had spent days meticulously preparing for the occasion. Friends and neighbors were all present, enjoying the warmth of sunshine and the good company. But there was something wrong with how things were playing out. None of them seemed to care. John was such a successful engineer with a big house and a sexy wife. No. Attention was turning to his neighbor’s young son, Jacob.

He stood out among the crowd; his rugged athleticism was accompanied by an air of confidence, his gaze piercing yet magnetic. Everything John wished he had been when he was in college. A football star. A popular young man. Not even all his money could change that now. Compared to the young man, John was simply uncharismatic and a bit chubby. Had he not had enough money to buy her everything she wanted, he doubted Sarah would’ve married him.

And if he needed a reminder of it, he could just as well see how she flirted with the athletic barely legal young man.

Their looks exchanged sparks John had never gotten from his wife, and it enraged him. Feeling jealous, John did everything he could to keep Jacob and Sarah apart for the rest of the evening. But it was to no avail. Whenever John wasn’t looking, Sarah would jump in to entertain the young and handsome athlete. They didn’t even care if people were around, judging their not-so-subtle flirt.

Maybe Jacob wasn’t flirting. Maybe he was just being nice to a more mature lady. John needed to know, so he rushed to meet the young, handsome man.

“Hi there, I’m John,” he said, extending his hand, “You must be Robert’s son. Jacob, right?

Jacob shook his hand with a firm grip. So firm it almost made John cry in pain. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Thompson.”

“You play ball, right?”

“That’s right. Do you like football?”

John hesitated. He honestly wasn’t into sports, and he thought of those who were as lesser. If Jacob was just another jock, there was nothing to be worried about. Success was a matter of intellectuals like him. He smiled, “No. Not really.”


“Excuse me?”

“Figures,” said Jacob with a very clear and husky voice, “Sorry. I was having a very pleasant conversation with a beautiful woman, but she had to run some errands. I think she’s back,” he said, pointing with his eyes at John’s wife.

“That’s my wife.”

“I’m aware.”

“She’s beautiful. Isn’t it? I’m a lucky man.”

“If you say so.”

“What were you talking with her?” Asked John, losing his patience with the handsome young man.

Jacob smiled, “Nothing you should worry about. Now, if you excuse me.”

And without hesitation in his movement, Jacob left John standing alone as he made his way back to Sarah.

John couldn’t enjoy the rest of the evening. Not even the compliments of his neighbors and peers could wash out the sour taste of Jacob emasculating him. His sour temperament turned the remaining of the evening into hell for him and the rest, so it wasn’t a surprise when the party was over sooner rather than later.

“Why are you still here?” asked John when he entered his beautiful home. There, sitting on his couch, was Jacob. Next to him was John’s wife. They had a gland of wine in their hands and were chatting as if they had known each other forever.

“John! Don’t be rude,” said Sarah, a little bit tipsy, “Jacob wants to help with the trash. Robert wasn’t feeling well, so he asked Jacob to help us.”

“That’s right. My father didn’t want to leave you alone with the cleaning,” said Jacob, smiling charmingly, “He’s a good man.”

“You are so thoughtful and eloquent,” said Sarah.

“Oh,” said John, not knowing how to proceed,” I guess that’s okay.”

Thirty minutes later, John noticed Jacob wasn’t cleaning around much. Neither was his wife, for that matter. They were sitting inside, chuckling together as Jacob shared his latest football victory. John wouldn’t have said anything, but when Jacob placed his hand on Sarah’s leg, he knew he had to act.

He couldn’t let this happen, not in front of him.

“Hey, Jacob,” he called out, sounding more confident than he felt. “Can you give me a hand with something?”

Jacob raised an eyebrow.

“I need to move the grill. It might rain tonight.”

“Rain tonight?” Asked Sarah, “It hasn’t rain in a month.”

“Sure thing, John,” said Jacob, standing up, “It’s good to be cautious. Lead the way.”

As they walked towards the shed, John couldn’t help but feel that Jacob’s demeanor had changed. He felt angry. And his anger felt like a monster compared to John’s petty jealousy.

“Are you flirting with my wife?”


John wasn’t expecting such a blunt answer. He expected Jacob to apologize and blame the alcohol or something. He didn’t know how to react. But his anger turned into rage, and without any control over his body, he tried to punch Jacob in the face.

But the young boy blocked it easily. John, on the other hand, didn’t block Jacob’s punch. It hit him right in the face and made everything around John blurry.

“Don’t stand up again until I tell you so, or you’ll be sorry,” said Jacob.

But John didn’t listen.

His rage was enough to get him back on his feet. Even when his brain kept telling him not to.

“I tried to warn you.”

Jacob punched John right in the stomach, so hard, close to his bladder, that the impact had an immediate consequence. A massive amount of urine found its way through John’s underwear and pants, running down like a constant flow until John was sobbing in a puddle of his own making. He was in too much pain to notice it at first, but the warm feeling around his legs and crotch soon caught his attention. And if that wasn’t enough, Jacob’s laugh brought him back to reality.

“You fucking loser, you peed yourself.”

“You can’t talk to me like that. I’m an adult. This is my house,” John said in between sobs.

“Do you feel like you are in any position to complain?” Jacob laughed, reveling in John’s humiliation.

John’s face reddened, his cheeks burning with shame. His heart raced, and his breath came in quick, shallow gasps. Tears welled in his eyes, no matter how much he tried to fight them back. What would he say to his wife?

“Enough!” he snapped, attempting to regain some dignity,” Get out of here. Get out of my house!”

“You look like a little kid throwing a tantrum.”

“Get out! Get out! Get out!”

Jacob stood right in front of John, towering over him, “Make me.”

John didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t even think about another beat-up. So he looked away, defeated. Humiliated. Wondering what Sarah would say if she saw him like this.

“I thought so. Now, let’s go. Sarah needs to see this.”

John froze right there. He couldn’t let his wife see him like that. It was bad enough she had been flirting with Jacob all day, but this humiliation. He just couldn’t.

“Please, no,” he said, now crying in desperation, “Please. I’ll do anything you want.”

“You will. But I’m still showing Sarah what you did. What do you think she’ll do?”

“Please, no!”

But Jacob didn’t care.

He grabbed John and, to his surprise, carried him like a father would carry a toddler, as if John was weightless. Not caring about John’s soaked pants. Or the fact he kept crying against Jacob’s

“Your life’s about to change.”


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