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Gwen's brain couldn't really comprehend what was going on. Not anymore. The morning had started with her as the daycare owner. The one in charge of all the toddlers in her little classrooms. And now she was the one wearing a diaper, a messy and wet one for that matter.

"What are you smiling for, little one?" asked Lucy.

Gwen looked up to see the twenty-four-year-old assistant. She had hired Lucy to help her with her daycare. Her first subordinate. And she was excited about it. Highly skilled and good with kids, Lucy soon became indispensable, and Gwen saw her work getting smaller and slower. Within weeks, Lucy was doing most of the work. So well, in fact, Gwen was almost unnecessary in her won daycare, which didn't sit well with the forty-year-old daycare owner. Parents were starting to like Lucy more than they liked her. If Lucy decided to open her own daycare, she would take all of Gwen's clients with her.

And Gwen couldn't have that.

"Are you firing me?" asked Lucy.

"No. It's just there's really not that much work here. I think you'll be happier working somewhere else."

"Yeah, right."

"So, this is your two-week notice."

At first, it seemed everything was alright between them. Lucy even offered Gwen a glass of wine to thank her for the opportunity. That glass became an entire bottle by the end of the day. And things started to get blurry after that. For Gwen, at least. That very same night, she peed herself on her way to the bathroom. The first time it happened since she was potty trained. But she blamed the alcohol. It was just an accident, and accidents could happen to anyone.

But then it happened again, and this time, while working.

"Are you okay?" asked Lucy.

Gwen blushed but nodded. There was no way to hide her shame. Her pants were soaked, and there was a small puddle of urine forming underneath her feet.

"Yeah," she said, pausing to inspect the damage better, "Just had too much to drink, I think I…."

"You peed yourself."

"I know, it's just an accident."

"As it happened before?"

Gwen lied and shook her head.

"Fair enough. Why don't you take a shower? I'll take care of the kids."

The next few days, the accidents kept happening, and to make matters worst, she had even begun wetting the bed every night. Gwen was worried, which led to her trusting Lucy and her fears about her shameful problems. And the young assistant knew then that her plan was working. She didn't need to create her own daycare and compete with so many others. No. She could easily take control of Gwen once the parents saw what a big baby Gwen really was. Once they saw that Lucy, younger than most daycare providers perhaps, was the best choice to take care of their children.

"Maybe you need some protection."


"Yeah, like we do with the babies, you know. Diapers."

"I'm not wearing diapers. I'm forty, not two."

"Well, they are designed to prevent you from running your clothes and your mattress. And a lot of people use them. It's not just for babies."

And the fateful day arrived.

Gwen, diapered, was receiving the kids in when her tummy growled so loudly she hoped no one else could hear it. She had peed herself, sure, but there was no way she was going to mess herself. Not if she could help it.

"Lucy, I need you here!"

And Lucy took over her duties. And Gwen rushed to the bathroom, only to find it closed and locked.

"Lucy! The door. Lucy! Did you lock the door?"

But it was too late.

Gwen squatted, and as soon as she did, the mushy mess left her rear and found its way into every corner of her already wet diaper. It was too much for the forty-year-old daycare owner. So she did what everyone in that situation would; she cried for help. And with every cry for help, she felt as if her adulthood slept away. Until, after a minute or so, she sat there without a care in the world but the contents of her diaper.

"I see the drugs worked. It took its time, but I'm afraid it's irreversible. Not unless I teach from scratch how to be a woman, and I don't think I want to. Of course," continued Lucy, "You won't be able to run the daycare anymore."

But Gwen didn't care. She had stopped crying and was now enjoying the funny feeling of her own mess against her crotch. It made her giggle. And it didn't matter. Mommy would change her soon, and she would be clean again. And then she would go play with all the kids!

Gwen was happy.



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