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Mikaela woke up in the baby’s chair in her sister’s car.

She was in the backseat, diapered, wet, and wearing the dress she had been put on earlier for the party. Her mind drifted around the many things that had happened, and tears of shame broke in her eyes. Had she not had a pacifier in her mouth, she would be sobbing like a two-year-old. Luckily, she did have one, and her tears were concealed from the two people sitting at the front. Her sister was in the passenger seat, talking to Edward about how happy she was.

But Mikaela’s thoughts were focused on everything else.

Her former assistant, the woman she had tormented for so many years, had been hired as her new nanny. She didn’t need a nanny, but she couldn’t do much arguing in her state. A woman her age, wearing a bit thick diaper, couldn’t complain about being looked after by someone younger than her. For all intents and purposes, Mikaela was a baby. She was a baby in everyone’s eyes. Everyone’s eyes but hers. And even if she had submitted, hoping to avoid another round of harsh spanks in her bottom, she still hoped everything was just a horrible dream. She still hoped it was a joke and her sister would soon remove her diaper and let her go back to her old life. Or at least start a new one away from everyone that has seen her shame.

“Of course, I’ll be delighted to care for little Mika here!” She had told her former assistant when Elizabeth asked her to become Mikaela’s new nanny.

And what followed was a complete discussion of how much of baby Mikaela had always been, whether it was her bedwetting when she was a child, her lack of emotional maturity, or the fact that she had always depended on Elizabeth for everything. And Mikaela’s cheeks grew redder as her brand-new nappy grew wetter. It was a horrible experience, and by the end, she had been introduced as Elizabeth’s new baby to everyone in the company, including boys barely eighteen. They even went as far as announcing there would be a new nursery for everyone in the company who wished to bring their babies because they had nowhere else to keep them.

Now in her baby seat in her sister’s car, she continued sobbing as she kept sucking on the pacifier. Somehow, it made her feel calmer, as if the rhythmic nature of her own sucking kept the horrible thoughts and emotions away. And she closed her eyes again, not worried that her diaper was in the brisk of leaking.

When she woke up a few minutes later, she was being carried out of the car by her handsome ex-husband, whom she refused to call Daddy in her mind.

“I think someone’s leaking,” said Edward as she held Mikaela in his strong arms.

“It’s okay. She will need a bath after everything that happened today. And we’ll have to get used to leaky diapers now that we have a baby of our own.”

Edward smiled, but Mikaela didn’t.

She buried her face against Edward’s massive chest, and for a second, she felt safer than she’s ever felt before. But she fought that feeling. They could treat her like a baby, and she would play along because she had to. But she wasn’t a baby. She wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction of reducing her to the baby they forced her to be. No. She would play along until she could think of another solution. Something that could get her out of the deal without landing her in jail.

But as she tried to think of something, she saw her sister’s new house, and her jaw dropped.

Elizabeth wasn’t known for sparing any expense, and her house was a testament to it. Huge would be too little a word to describe it. No. It was probably one of the biggest houses Mikaela’s seen in her life. A mixture of something classic and modern that just made it look even more elegant. And she felt small as Edward brought her inside. Never in her life, not even working properly for a long time, would she ever be able to afford something like that. Not even when she was stealing money from her sister’s company would she be able to afford it?

“You like it, honey?” Asked Elizabeth, caressing Mikaela’s hair, “It’s your new home. Our new home.”

Mikaela wanted to say something eloquent, but the pacifier played against her, “I wike de decor…”

“You’re so cute. Isn’t this better? You don’t have to pretend to be a responsible adult anymore, darling,” Elizabeth said as she took her from Edward’s arm, “My love, can you get Mika’s room ready? I think someone needs a bit of a cleanup before bed.”

“I’m no tires.”

Edward and Elizabeth chuckled.

Her younger sister picked her up with the ease of a mother picking up her child. And within minutes, she was giving her a tour of the immense house. From the indoor pool and movie theater to the incredible master bedroom she shared with Mikaela’s ex-husband. And then to the master bathroom, where a huge bathtub awaited her.

“I’ll ask you some questions,” said Elizabeth as she let the water run, “Answer with a nod or shake your head. Okay?”

Mikaela nodded as Elizabeth began undressing her, leaving the former adult woman in nothing but her leaking diaper.

“Did you feel aroused when I breastfed you today?”

Mikaela blushed but nodded slowly.

“Do you feel aroused by your diaper?”

Once again, she blushed but nodded.

“Do you like being in a wet diaper?”

By now, Mikaela was the color of tomatoes, and she wanted to shake her head. Accepting she was aroused by her sister and her thick, white padding was one thing. But being aroused by her own urine. No. That was too much. She couldn’t.

“Mika. Answer me. Are you enjoying your wet diaper?” Asked Elizabeth, putting her hand right in Mikaela’s padded crotch, feeling the warmth of her older sister’s wet diaper, “So, are you.”

Blushing, Mikaela nodded, looking away, ashamed of her confession.

“You know,” said Elizabeth, pressing harder into Mikaela’s diapered crotch, “You can be my baby, but it doesn’t mean we cannot, you know…”

“But, you are my younger sister,” said Mikaela, holding on to a soft moan as her sister kept caressing her padded, wet crotch.

“Younger? Who’s the one getting aroused in her wet diaper?”

Mikaela moaned so loud that she was sure it echoed around the massive house.

“Answer me.”

Mikaela nodded, “I like it.”

Elizabeth smiled and kissed her older sister in the mouth with such passion Mikaela felt like the world had stopped existing for a moment, and it was just her and her sister and her wet diaper. And her sister’s hands kept pressing against her wet diaper, and her tummy growled, and she felt like her bowels were giving up, and they did. And as she came in her diaper, she released the contents of her bowels into the thick, white padding.

“Classy,” said Elizabeth, “But I’m not done with you.”

She quickly removed her panties and led Mikaela’s face right against her crotch. At such a distance, Mikaela could smell the strong scent of her younger sister’s sex. It was intoxicating, and something that’s never happened before happened. She felt like another round of climax poured out of her body. A wave of pleasure made her shake as her tongue tasted the strong flavor of the woman she had bullied when they were kids.

“Go on, baby. Keep going. Fuck. Oh, fuck!”

Elizabeth forced Mikaela closer to her crotch as Mikaela felt her own poop spread around her crotch, and more pleasure rushed through every inch of her body.

And then, they both came together.

Holding her younger sister in her arms, Elizabeth kissed her forehead. It had been a pleasure as she’s never felt it before. Edward was good at it, but the taboo of fucking her own older sister was something on another level. Mikaela rested against her body, and the smell of her stinky mess penetrated out of her diaper.

“I think it’s time to get you clean.”

Mikaela nodded, feeling terribly ashamed of what she had just done. But she had no strength to fight anything at that moment. She let her sister remove her diaper, revealing the horrible mess she had created. And she felt like sobbing again, though this time, she instinctively rushed her thumb to her mouth.


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