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Elizabeth sat naked on the bed, feeling her older sister's lips sucking on her nipple.

It was heaven, but she knew they needed to be somewhere else, so when her husband opened the door and found them like that, she could only say, "I know. I know, but she was crying."

"It's okay; you two are natural."

"Why don't I get her down for her party, and you go get some clothes on?"

She chuckled, "Well, I'm definitely not going down like this."

"You would turn lots of heads if you do."

"Don't I already?"

They chuckled.

Mikaela was still sucking, not caring about what was going on around her. So when Elizabeth's sister removed her from her nipple, she just started complaining again. Unknown to her that she looked just like a toddler throwing a tantrum, which only made Elizabeth and Edward chuckle.

"It's okay, Daddy's got you," he said, carrying Mikaela as if she weighed nothing, "Now, it's time for the world to meet our new baby,"

"You sure she'll be okay?"

"She'll have to. She'll do fine. Won't you?" He asked Mikaela.

Mikaela just blushed, realizing what she had just been doing for the last few minutes as if some trance had pulled her from her adulthood for just a moment. She hid her face against Edward's chest, hoping it was all a nightmare. Hoping she wasn't going to be revealed to the public like some sort of freak.

But hope died rather soon when Edward pulled her from her mommy and took her out of the room.

He took her through Elizabeth's office and onto the lift. She said nothing, and she said nothing, but her heartbeat was going a thousand miles an hour.

Here she was, wearing a diaper and a little girl's dress, being carried by her ex-husband, who was now her younger sister's husband. And to make matters worst, she was about to be introduced to the world as the failure she was. She wanted to run away and hide, but the prospect of another spanking made her do something she wasn't expecting…She let out a small stream of urine right into her fresh white diaper, and she began sobbing again.

"Is everything okay?" Asked Edward.

Mikaela didn’t answer.

He stopped walking.

"Are you wet?"

She nodded.

But it wasn't the reason why she was crying. No. For a few minutes already, a thought had been present in her mind. She's been an entire morning without using the bathroom, and peeing was the least of her problems. Her tummy was beginning to feel upset, making noises that would make anyone blush. Though in Mikaela's case, she couldn't think of anything that would make her blush more than the clothes she was wearing. Oh, yeah, pooping herself in front of a crowd. That ought to do it.

"Hey, I know it's a hard thing to do. We can talk."

"I no wants to be a baby."

Edward chuckled slightly, "You are cute when you talk like that."

"Mommy says I has to."

"And you do what mommy says, right?"

She nodded, though she was unable to understand why.

"What about doing what Daddy says?"

"I no knows."

He kissed her forehead and then her lips. Nothing sexual, just like a father would to his baby girl, and that made Mikaela blush. It had been their first kiss since the divorce, and her crotch was on fire. Edward had been the best thing that ever happened to her, and even when he was literally kissing and carrying her, he felt so distant.

"Hey, we won't let anything bad happen to you."


He nodded and smiled, "Daddy will protect you."

She smiled, too, knowing that it was dumb to think of him as her Daddy, but she did. Being in his arms was everything she needed to feel like nothing bad would ever happen. Within minutes they were walking off the elevator and into a long hallway with offices on each side. The offices had transparent walls and open doors, so everyone could see as Mikaela was paraded in her onesie and diapers. She hid her face against her Daddy's chest as she heard the whispers and giggles of the people, who until only a few hours ago, had been her coworkers.

But whispers and chuckles were the least of her problems.

The pressure in her tummy was building up. Maybe she could reach somewhere private, or maybe she could convince her sister to let her use the bathroom for the messes. Yeah, she could do that. It's not like Elizabeth wanted to interact with her poop. Who would?

And then dozens of people shouted in unison.


Part poppers blew so close to hear that her ears began ringing.

"Look around, baby. Everyone is here for you," said Edward.

She did.

She could see her parents on one side, holding a sign that read It's a Girl. Her mother, a tall and strong woman that didn't look her age, was standing next to a man with a severe expression. Her assistant, a young woman with an ample bosom and killer legs, the one she had tormented for so many years, was taking pictures of the bizarre scene in front of her. Friends and coworkers from her division were gathering around her, trying to get a peak of the newborn baby.

And it was too much for little Mikaela. All the focus she had on not messing herself. All the focus she had on maintaining the little dignity she still had. All of it was gone, and she could feel her little butthole losing the fight to keep her diapers, if not clean, at least free of messes.

But it was too much.

It had all been too much, and right there, in her ex-husband's arms, she began pushing and pushing until the entire contents of her bowels had found their way all over her crotch. She then began crying; it wasn't a normal cry, a desperate one. However, it wasn't the mess spreading around her crotch that made her cry so loudly and desperately. No. It wasn't even the public display of her humiliation. No. She was crying because part of her was enjoying it. Part of her was enjoying the mess around her pussy. Part of her was enjoying being in her ex-husband's arms. And her brain couldn't handle that.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" She started crying, but her mommy was nowhere near.

Everyone shut, and there were no noises but her wet farts and cries.

"Someone just made a stinky," said Edward calmly.

"I can help you with that," said Mikaela's mother.

"I can help, too," said Mikaela's assistant.

They tried to take Mikaela from her Daddy's arms but couldn't. She was holding on for her life, which just made her look more like a toddler, scared of being away from her parents.

"It's okay, sweetheart. Grand mommy will take care of you," said Mikaela's mother.

"And you will have to get used to your new babysitter," said Edward, placing Mikaela in her mother's arms, "Cause she'll be in charge of your care far more than Mommy and I."

"Maybe more than one person is too much," said Mikaela's mother, "I can handle the change today. Besides, I've done it before."

Edward accepted, and within seconds, Mikaela was taken away from the party and into what had been her office just days ago. Her name had been removed from the desk and door, as had been her possessions. However, the office was not empty. There were dozens of wrapped gifts in one corner and what seemed to be a diaper bag just over her chair.

Her mother placed her over the desk and, with a big smile on her face, kissed her forehead.

"Well, well, well," she said, "You accepted."

Mikaela didn't know what to say.

"It's, perhaps, the smartest thing you've ever done."


"My dear girl. Ever since you could talk and walk, you've been a disappointment to this family. Your grades, lack of personal care, responsibility, divorce, bankruptcy. And the list goes on and on."

She stopped to take out the supplies she needed for the diaper change from the bag.

"Honestly, I'm surprised your sister didn't try to do this since the very beginning."

"Stop, please," said Mikaela in tears.

"Stop what, exactly?"

"I am no bad. I'm mommy's baby."

Her mother chuckled.

"You have no idea how much more natural this is. I've seen you soaking your bed because you were drunk so many times, and every time I wanted to spank you and put you back in diapers. But I didn't. Luckily, your sister had the balls to do something about you. And you better appreciate what she's given to you," said her mother, opening the onesie and dirty diaper only to release the stinkiest mess either of them had ever smelled.

"My goodness, I forgot about this part."

Mikaela blushed.

Her mother said nothing while she cleaned every inch of her crotch and butthole. It had not been as exciting as when her younger sister had done it, but she was still blushing every time her mother went deep in her pee pee and back hole. After almost ten minutes of cleaning her mess, her mother finally put a new diaper on her.

But before closing her onesie, she blew a few raspberries on her tummy, making the former executive burst into laughter.

"It's okay," said her mother, "If you do your best at being a good baby, I'm sure everything will be okay for you."

"You think?"

"It won't be easy. And you will give up many things, but your sister loves you, and I think Edward does too. Not like a husband anymore, but as something different."

"But what if I can't take it no more?" Asked Mikaela, now with a normal voice, "What if it's too much for me?"

"Then we won't be visiting you in jail."

Mikaela felt a chill traveling through her body.

She had not been a baby for more than a couple of hours and had already disgraced herself in front of her colleagues, friends, and family. How much worst could it get? Was she actually ready to commit to the baby act? Had she really enjoyed wetting and messing herself in front of everyone?

"Let's go, little one. Let's enjoy your party," said her mother, offering her hand.

Mikaela accepted.


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