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Part Two

Before leaving the room, Lucile took it upon herself to make the most of Elle’s current state and place a pair of knitted baby slippers on her sister’s perfect feet. The thick diaper, the onesie, the pacifier in her mouth, there was no way she could ever see Elle as her older sister ever again, and that’s what she wanted.

She grabbed Elle’s hands and led her off the room and into the hallway. It could’ve been the thick diaper, slippers, or both, but Elle fell to the ground after a few steps.

“Are you okay?”

But she wasn’t.

As far as Elle’s bladder was concerned, that little fall was enough to release a torrential flow of urine right into her fresh diaper. She didn’t stop; she couldn’t. She just stayed on the ground, on all fours, avoiding her younger sister’s eye contact.

“Did you just peed yourself?”

Elle didn’t answer.

The warmth of her own pee spread around the thick padding between her crotch. To her surprise, it wasn’t the most unpleasant feeling, far from it. In a weird, twisted way, it awoke in her a feeling of arousal, though it was obviously not something she could tell her sister, so she just blushed as she kept disgracing herself.

“Here, let me help you.”

Lucile helped Elle back to her feet, though it was more than obvious that walking wasn’t an option for the diapered mother. So, with very little effort and no hesitation, Lucile grabbed her older sister’s diapered bum and carried it like a mother would a little girl.

“Let’s get you something to eat before your big sister wakes up.”

“Big sista?” asked Elle, still with the pacifier in her mouth.

But Lucile didn’t answer.

She took Elle to the living room, pressing against her diapered crotch with one hand, though unknown to her, her older sister was fighting back the need to moan with every step. Perhaps it was the excitement of something new or the fact her own husband had not touched her in so long, but there was no doubt that when the weekend was over, she would try it again. She could maybe get Steve to get involved. Reignite the fire and be bold, yes.

Maybe it wouldn’t be a waste of time, she thought, enjoying her sister’s hands pressing against her diapered crotch around her wet diaper.

“While Camille is sleeping, we might as well try some of this,” said Lucile, sitting on one of the couches in the living room, “Ready for mommy’s milk?”

That sentence was confusing to Elle in so many ways, who had just sat on top of her younger sister’s lap. Before she could protest, Lucile removed her pacifier and began pushing Elle’s head against her nipple. There was a bit of resistance, but there was no escape.

It had been a morning of many first times, and it wasn’t over. For the first time since she was a baby, she felt the sweet nectar of a woman’s breast invading her mouth and running down her throat. Elle tried to fight back; she wanted to push away her sister and demand a full stop to their agreement. She had taken things too far.

But she didn’t.

No, she just sucked. Tears ran down her cheeks because it wasn’t just the fact her sister was humiliating her. No. Elle was crying because she was enjoying it. The wet diaper, the breastfeeding, the clothes, all of it. Now, her crotch was moving rhythmically as she sucked, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Lucile. However, she had bigger plans, and her sister’s enjoyment of her treatment, though welcomed, was never a priority. No, no, no. Little Elle knew very little about her sister, but she was going to find out soon.

“That’s it. Good girl,” Lucile kept saying as she caressed her sister’s hair, “Drink it all, my dear. It’s all yours.”

Elle’s tears began fading. At the same time, her eyelids got heavier and heavier.

It was a bright sunny day in the country club. All the rich and powerful gathered there every weekend, men with their gold and women with their gossip. It was in the latter group that Elle found herself daydreaming. She wasn’t sure how she got there, but she was sure that whatever Mindy, a young and ambitious new arrival in society, was saying had perhaps been a bit too boring for her.

Her eyes gazed upon a butterfly that flew around the terrace and stopped at her table.

“Elle,” she heard Mindy saying.

She turned to face Mindy.


“Do I have your attention?”

Elle hesitated, “Yes.”

“Good, so you can stand up and elaborate on it,” said Mindy, smiling devilishly.

Elle stood up.

She didn’t know what they were talking about, probably something awful. But all eyes were on her now, and she couldn’t come up with an answer. They were judging her. They were judging how she was dressed. Her clothes seemed picked for a five-year-old and not an adult woman with a daughter.

They whispered horrible accusations and mocks.

And Elle’s eyes began getting watery; she was now fighting back the tears. Her heartbeat was running fast. And her legs were shaking. And there was a warm sensation around her crotch and running down her legs.

Elle looked down at the big puddle of urine that had formed around her feet. And now she couldn’t fight back the tears. Just like a toddler, she cried. She couldn’t understand why everyone was so mean. She was just a little baby, and babies weren’t supposed to make it to the bathroom. But babies wear diapers. Where were her diapers? Why wasn’t she wearing one? Where were her mommy and daddy and sister?

Everyone burst into sadistic laughter.

Elle tried to run away, and then…

“Wake up, sleepyhead. Waky waky.”

She opened her eyes and saw the familiar face of her younger sister.

“Are you okay?” asked Lucile.

Elle nodded.

“You’ve been sleeping for almost an hour.”

“Have I?”

Lucile nodded, “You’ve soaked your diaper full; I better change you now before it starts leaking.”

“What?” asked Elle, still disoriented.

Lucile gave Elle no notice before she undressed her right in the middle of the living room. Windows wide open so that anyone passing by could see inside. Elle tried to cover herself, but Lucile wouldn’t allow it.

“Please, not here. There are people on the streets.”

“Nonsense. No one is looking inside, and if they do, there’s nothing more natural than a mother changing her baby.”

Lucile removed the soaked diaper, cleaned Elle’s private parts, and placed a new diaper on her.

“No poopy messes yet. No worries. It will happen soon enough. Maybe even sooner, considering all the yummy yummy milk my baby had.”

“Poopy messes?” asked Elle, but Lucile was gone before she could inquire further.

Elle’s tummy gave her a signal. One she knew too well. She had not made her morning’s poop yet. And that could only mean more humiliation for the proud mother.