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Nelly woke up that night.

Darren was asleep besides her. She loved watching him sleep, knowing that he once belonged to another woman. Another woman that at the moment was at their house, probably in a wet or messy diaper, babbling incoherently while a younger woman took care of her. That was the thing that truly got her going.

She stood up and went straight to her laptop.

Before leaving she had installed some cameras in the nursery to keep track of Rebecca’s evolution. She had passed from being a reluctant baby to willingly behave like a toddler in front of strangers. It had not taken too long, but there was more to come. Nelly had known for a while that she wanted to expand the family with a new sister for her babygirl, and she had a couple of girls in mind.

But when she checked the footage, that changed.

The former nanny couldn’t believe what was happening. Instead of watching her babygirl sleep as she should be doing, she saw Rebecca diapering her new babysitter. It was a bizarre yet enticing view. The younger girl allowed herself to be diapered, but not before letting Rebecca help her climax all over her. Once it was over, Caitlin, changed Rebecca’s clearly messy diaper.

Rebecca feel asleep as soon as Caitlin placed her in her crib.

The babysitter, on the other hand, just sat there, besides her charge, wearing nothing but a diaper. She watched as Rebecca sucked her own thumb while hugging her favorite stuffed animal. A part of her wanted to join the former mother and sleep just like a baby. But she was being paid for a reason, and she needed to act the part. She wasn’t a baby. Not anymore. And she left her home because she wanted independence, but then, why was she craving the touch of a mommy of her own?

She shook those thoughts. It was not worth thinking about something that was not going to happen. Although, she was going to stay in the diaper for a while longer. Maybe even use it. It wasn’t like if someone knew about it. No one could find out, and Rebecca wouldn’t say anything.

Caitlin’s secret was safe. Or, at least, that’s what she thought.

The rest of the weekend went by as expected. She took care of Rebecca and Amy as best as she could. Even though Amy was so easy to handle, the former mother ended up being the bigger problem. Caitlin would spend at least an hour a day or more changing Rebecca’s diapers and watching her cum multiple times.

It was both an intoxicating image as it was something she feared. Rebecca had no inhibitions anymore. She was just a dumb baby most of the time, or a nymphomaniac. That freedom was everything Caitlin wanted. But alas, the weekend was over, and Nelly was set to return Monday morning.

“Did you choose?” Asked Rebecca, laying over the changing table with a stinky diaper that was almost leaking.


“Whether or not you’ll be my babysitter.”

Caitlin nodded.


She removed Rebecca’s diaper, exposing the former adult’s hairless shame covered in poop.

“Babies aren’t supposed to talk,” said Caitlin, forcing Rebecca to suck on her own thumb, “That’s a conversation I will have with your mommy. In the meantime, let’s get you in a fresh diaper and ready for bed.”

And she did. She got Rebecca ready and placed her in her adult-size crib. But when it was time for her to finally sleep, she couldn’t settle. The cravings of putting another diaper on were in her mind, and she knew that she would probably not have the opportunity to do so after her babysitting weekend was over. She was going to make money, that was for sure, but living in a city meant big expenses, and rent was already expensive. There was no way she could afford them, especially if it was just to try.

So she made a decision.

She left her room and without even noticing it, she was already opening the door to the nursery. Inside, Rebecca was sleeping peacefully, sucking her thumb with her diaper in full display. Caitlin, tip-toeing, moved through the nursery to pick one of the many adult diapers stored by the changing table.

When she did, she rushed back to her room.

Just one more. I’ll wear one more. I’ll get it out of my system, and I won’t do it again, she thought as she opened the diaper.

Fully naked now, she understood why Rebecca needed someone to do it for her. Putting on a diaper by herself was too much of a hassle. The reward, however, was worth it for as soon as she was inside that thick padding, she felt in heaven. She laid down, rubbing the front of her diaper, thinking about what would happen if Nelly found out. She would probably do the same thing she had done to Rebecca, and part of Caitlin wanted it to happen. She rubbed herself to a climax, squirting all over her diaper, and falling sleep right away.

She passed out.

And then the door to her room opened.

Caitlin woke up. She was dizzy, but that was the least of her problems. The sun was up, she must have overslept, and that meant one thing. When her eyes were able to concentrate on what was going on, she finally noticed that right in front of her, a tall and hot woman was standing. Her breasts were huge because of the milk Caitlin knew she produced.

“What do we have here?” Asked Nelly, smiling.

Caitlin didn’t answer.

“I thought I hired a grown-up woman to take care of my little babies. Now I can see I’ve been a neglectful mother because I didn’t cared enough to check whether it was an actual grown-up woman or just another baby.”

Caitlin looked at her diaper. She now knew she was fully naked but for her thick white padding, which wasn’t white anymore but yellow. There was nowhere to hide. Nothing to say. Her shame was fully visible, and the thought of being humiliated in front of this beautiful woman was too much for her.

Her morning bladder, full as it was every morning, let go.

Nelly smiled.

“It’s okay. It’s not an accident if you do it your diaper. Is it?”