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She saw the contract. Flawless, like everything her younger sister ever sister ever did.

“I, Mikaela Cooper, 38 years old, agree to the following guidelines stipulated by this contract:

  • I renounce all of my possessions and any trace of adulthood. This includes, but are not limited to: Clothes, cars, apartments, social media presence, phones.
  • From now on, I will refer to my sister, Elizabeth Cooper, 29, as mommy. And I will give her complete power over my life, from what I wear and what I eat to whether or not I will be potty trained.
  • Edward Stossel, my ex-husband, will become my new daddy. I will refer to him as daddy or dada, and will submit to anything he says.”

There was a lot more going on in there. Every little detail explained as to why she was not allowed to take care of myself anymore. Diapers, onesies, baths, babysitters, it was all there. And she had no choice in the matter, but for accepting it or spend the rest of her life homeless or in jail.

She turned to see them.

Her ex-husband and younger sister, holding hands, and awaiting patiently for her to sign the contract. Would she do it?

Chapter One

Mikaela arrived at the office that morning.

Working while hangover wasn’t new for her. In fact, at this point in her life, it was more of a norm rather than an exception. Of course no one said anything about it. She was the older sister of the company’s CEO, and the power of nepotism was in her favor.

“Good morning, Miss Cooper,” said Kailey, her assistant, “Your sister is looking for you.”

Kailey was a rather bland-looking girl. Pretty, but not too pretty. Mikaela hired her because of that specific reason. At thirty-eight, she didn’t want to be competing with some much younger than her. It wasn’t like she needed the help, she was doing quite fine with aging. Her breasts were still firm and big, and her butt was toned enough. It was all because of her need to keep herself in shape through every possible method. Getting older was her biggest fear, and that translated to multiple skin care routines, constant laser depilation appointments, and a gym membership she used every single day.

“Tell her that I’m not in the mood,” said Mikaela, entering into her office.


“Shhh. I’m not in the mood for you either.”

“I’m sorry, Miss. But your sister insisted,” Kailey grabbed her by the wrist.

“What the fuck are you doing, you cunt?”

Everyone turned to see the spectacle. She thought about fighting, but Kailey’s grip was too strong, even if Mikaela was taller and thicker than her.

“You can’t do this to me.”

“I’m sorry, Miss Cooper, but it’s an order from your sister,” said the assistant as she dragged her through the halls of the office and into the lift.

On the lift, she let Mikaela go. It was now just the two of them, and the oldest felt like crying for such a public humiliation. How dared her sister treat her like that. How dare she shame her in front of her subordinates. But then, fear came into her body as a chill traveled through her spine.

The lift stopped.

It was her sister’s office. An entire floor just for herself. As if no one could see her face in every newsletter and her name in the company’s website. No, Elizabeth loved letting everyone know she was in charge without saying a word. But that wasn’t the reason Mikaela was trembling as they left the lift.

“Thanks, Kailey,” said the familiar voice of her younger sister, “You can leave us now.”

“Okay, ma’am.”

Before she could ask or say anything, Kailey was gone in the same lift that had brought them there.

“I believe you are wondering why I brought you here,” said her sister.

She was a tall woman. Perfectly tanned and with youth still in her face. But if being beautiful wasn’t enough, she was also a cunning and smart asshole. At least, that’s how Mikaela always described her to others.

“I do,” said Mikaela, feeling like a little kid about to be called off by her mother.


“I’d rather….”


She did. Not just because her sister commanded her to, but because she felt her knees getting weak. Elizabeth had that effect on her. Ever since she started talking she was bossy, and what was worst, is that Elizabeth ended up being better than her at everything, from sports to dating life and more.

“Now. I’ll just say it once. Your one chance,” she said, almost breathing into Mikaela’s neck, “What happened to the money?”

Mikaela was shaking.

“What money?”

She knew what money Elizabeth meant. It started as something small and fun. A couple bucks now and then taken from the yearly budget. Then, she wanted a trip to Aruba. She wanted a new car. She wanted a new apartment, and that went on and on. What started as something small was now out of control and she feared anyone would discover it.

“The money you stole,” said Elizabeth, stoically.

“I don’t know what you want me to say.”

“Don’t you? You think I was not gonna find out?”

Mikaela started sobbing.

“Are you crying?”

She nodded.

“What did you think was going to happen?”

“I’m sorry, sis. I swear I won’t do it again.”

“You stole a 850k, sis. It’s not something you can just apologize for.”

“What do you mean?” She asked in between sobs.

“I have to report it. Someone has to go to jail for it, sis. It won’t be me. It won’t be your assistant, and it won’t be our accountant.”

Mikaela was now crying desperately.

“Please, please. Don’t”

Elizabeth smiled, but didn’t say anything. She let Mikaela kept apologizing and begging for forgiveness. And then, the proposal came. The one that would change Mikaela’s life forever.

“Unless,” said Elizabeth, placing her hand softly over her sister’s shoulders, “Unless we find another way for you to pay for what you did.”

Elizabeth stopped crying, “I’ll do anything.”


She nodded.

“I want you to be my baby.”

There was a short moment of silence. Mikaela didn’t know how to answer to that. What did she mean for wanting her to be her baby.


“I want you to be my baby. That means diapers, pacifiers, baths, onesies, cute little clothes, and mommy’s milk.”

“You are nuts,” said Miakela, standing up.

She was not going to take it. Not anymore. She was the older sister. She had all the right to disagree with Elizabeth, and do whatever the fuck she wanted.

“Or you can go to jail.”

“You won’t send me to jail, I’m your sister. I’m your older sister.”

Elizabeth smashed her palms against the desk.

“You are indeed my older sister. True. But do you act the part?” She paused, towering over Mikaela.

Mikaela sat again.

“You were broke. Divorced. In Debt with every single person you knew. I had to rescue you from that. And how do you repay me? By stealing money from the company I worked so hard to build. No. You are not an older sister, and it’s time for you to stop lying to yourself.”


“But nothing. I’m giving you a way out. I can’t have kids. And you are definitely not an adult. This is a win-win situation. What’s there to argue?”

Mikaela was shaking.

“So, what do you say?”

“I….I….I don’t know,” she answered, sobbing again.

Elizabeth smile, holding her sister in her arms.

“Look. Why don’t you go home. Think about it. I want you to say yes, but that’s the last decision you’ll ever made. If you do, come back tomorrow. And there will be no more argument. You’ll do as I say.”

“What if I choose not to?”

Elizabeth kissed her in the forehead.

“Oh, sis. You won’t want to know.”


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