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Rebecca woke up an hour later with a familiar pressure on her tummy.

Her bladder and bowel control were already weakened by the constant use of diapers. She had not used a toilet in almost three years, so when she began pushing, it was the most normal thing for her to do. She was still laying in bed, feeling the warm mushy poop press against her skin and diaper. It spread all over her crotch and against her most intimate parts. She liked that sensation, and loved how it made her feel. She began rubbing her diaper and sucking even harder on her pacifier.

She was about to climax.

But then, the door to the nursery opened.

It was the babysitter, which meant her mommy was already gone.

Looking at her better, she couldn’t help to feel ashamed at what she had been doing just a few seconds before. Caitlin was beautiful, and so much younger than she was. The humiliation of being in a messy diaper in front of such a pretty young girl made her feel even hornier. She didn’t stop rubbing, even as the babysitter got closer. She kept going and going, knowing that she needed to stop, but she couldn’t.

It was heaven for her, and the she came.

“That was quite a spectacle,” said Caitlin, chuckling, “Do you do that every time you mess your diaper?”

Rebecca, ashamed, nodded. She tried to avoid eye contact with her babysitter, but Caitlin was already on top of her crib, looking down at her. The smell was terrible, which was such a surprise to her as Nelly explained that Rebecca only ate her milk and baby food. It shouldn’t be that bad, but it was. Still, she had accepted the offer and she was going to take care of Rebecca, whether she was stinky or not.

She picked her and carried her to the changing table.

“I know I shouldn’t ask. I know your…mhm, mommy said you are not allowed to talk besides baby talk. But I need to know,” said Caitlin, opening Rebecca’s diaper to reveal an unspeakable mess, “Why do you like it?”

There was a short moment of silence.

Rebecca removed her own pacifier, “I don’t know. I think I just do.”

“Is it sexual?”

Rebecca nodded, “But not only sexual.”

“Please, explain,” said Caitlin, cleaning Rebecca’s crotch carefully as to not get any poop in her own hands.

“I didn’t want it at first. But mommy, mhm, Nelly, she forced me to it.”

“That I know. I want to know why you allowed it.”

Rebecca blushed. She had asked herself that many times and the answer was always the same. She was such a pathetic excuse of a woman that having someone so much younger than her like Nelly reduced her to nothing but a bubbling baby made her lips so wet, she couldn’t control herself. Nelly’s breasts, her milk, her dominant presence, her scent, everything. It all made Rebecca hornier than she had ever been.

“Nelly is,” she paused, feeling Caitlin’s gentle hands spread baby powder over her most intimate area, “She has a way to make me feel drawn to her. I don’t think I could stop myself if I tried. And I don’t really want to try.”

Caitlin couldn’t help but smile at Rebecca’s honesty. And she had to admit, as she put a new diaper on the older woman, that Rebecca looked so cute as a baby. And an even weirder thought crossed her mind, that she would look cuter as a baby than as an adult. She imagined herself wearing a diaper and sucking on a pacifier and she felt a rush on her private parts as her lips got wet.

“I understand,” she said, touching Rebecca’s diaper, “I think you are brave for dropping your life to follow your dream.”

Rebecca blushed again.

Caitlin picked her up and placed her on the play pen. She kissed her forehead, like she would to any kid, and gave her some toys to play with while she go and spend some time with Amy. Caitlin found her in the living room, playing with some dolls.

“What are you playing, Amy?”


“And who’s the mommy?”

“Me,” she said, enthusiastically.

“Why don’t you play with your baby sister?”

“Cause she stinks.”

Caitlin chuckled.

“Hey, why don’t we watch a movie an order some pizza?”

Amy was excited about the proposition.

The rest of the way went by relatively normal. She played with Amy, made Rebecca take a couple of naps, and got them both ready for their bedtime. By seven, Amy was in bed and sleeping. Meanwhile, she was in Rebecca’s nursery, watching the former mother play with herself after making one last stinky for the day. It was such a bizarre scene, but she was so enticed by it. What would it feel to wear a diaper and do the same thing Rebecca was doing?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the older woman climaxing in her diaper.

“That seems like fun,” said Caitlin, picking Rebecca up and taking her to the changing table, “Ready for a change?”

Rebecca only nodded, blushing shamefully. She knew it was humiliating. She knew Caitlin was almost twenty years younger than her, and she had just seen herself masturbate in her own mess for the second time in one day. But Caitlin seemed unbothered and curious about the situation. Maybe she was even curious about trying one. Could the new babysitter become her playdate? Could they play in their diapers together until they both climax? Why not?

“Would you like to try?” She asked, shyly.

Caitlin chuckled, “You mean wear a diaper and masturbate with you?”

Rebecca nodded.

Caitlin should’ve said no. She knew that it was wrong. Firstly, ‘cause she was supposed to be a grown-up woman. But mostly because she was supposed to be the one in charge. She couldn’t just play around in a diaper when she had the responsibility of taking care of Amy and, to a lesser degree, Rebecca.

But the problem was, she said yes.

Rebecca blushed because of that answer. She had been craving Caitlin’s touch for more than just diaper changes, and there was no way her mommy would find out. The babysitter wouldn’t expose herself. It would be their secret. She was thinking about every posible outcome when she noticed that the young woman in front of her was undressing slowly. Her breasts were smaller than hers or mommy’s, but her body was a testament to beauty. From her soft feet to her shaved pussy, and all the way to her lips, she was beautiful, and Rebecca craved her.

Caitlin noticed Rebecca’s eyes scanning her.

“Do you need help?” Asked Rebecca.

Caitlin blushed and nodded.

Rebecca stood up, feeling the mess in her diaper move round with every step she took. She helped Caitlin into the changing table. She spread the baby powder on every inch of Caitlin’s crotch, massaging her most intimate parts carefully in the process. Caitlin went red, almost crimson, feeling Rebecca’s touch around her wet lip.

“I think someone’s enjoying this.”

Caitlin nodded.

Rebecca rubbed harder and harder, until she felt the wetness in Caitlin’s in her entire hand. The smell of her sex was penetrating and satisfying. And when the babysitter moaned with her climax, she sealed her in the thick white prison.



Great chapter 😍 but I like to see how Rebecca family ( sisters, niceies. Her mother , friends and coworkers) treating her after she is back to babyhood 😍


I'm impressed by the quality of writing you're putting out.


Would you like a sequel/prequel for this story in which we follow Rebecca right after she was regressed?!