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In the crib, there wasn’t a baby. No. When Caitlin got closer, she could see a beautiful and sexy woman, wearing nothing but a diaper. A used one. Her breasts were massive, and she slept so peacefully. Not a care in the world. But it wasn’t what she signed up for. She was supposed to babysit two babies, not a mother and a daughter. Amy was out of diapers already, but Rebecca was far from being potty trained.

Caitlin turned to see her new employer. Nelly was standing by the door, smiling.

What had she got herself into?

Chapter One

The job position was a bit vague, but it didn’t matter, Caitlin needed the money.

Caitlin was tall and pretty for the town she was born in. Her beautiful blue eyes combined so perfectly with the face of her shape, making her look even younger than he was, but remaining sexy and attractive. But once she found herself in a big city, everything crumbled around her after she realized that there so many women that were taller, smarter, and prettier than her. She was just one of the many now.

Babysitting two babies wasn’t a challenging job. In fact, according to the job advertisement, it might be the best-paid job she could ever get. At twenty-one, she felt like the doors were closing on her. No money to buy a house, to buy a car. Not even enough to rent. She would have to go back to her parents soon, and she didn’t want that. Her mom was difficult and her father an asshole. She was free now, and if babysitting kept her free, she would do it.

After all, how bad could it be?

“You must be Caitlin,” said Nelly as she opened the door.

Caitlin nodded, “Pleasure to meet you.”

Nelly smiled, scanning the beautiful woman right in front of her, “Please come in.”

Inside the house, Amy was playing with her dolls. It had been over two years since Rebecca lost her status as a mother, and the little girl was so big now and completely potty trained.

“I guess this is one of the little girls I’ll be looking after.”

Nelly nodded, “Say hello, Amy.”

“Hi,” said the little girl, not really paying attention to her stepmother and the random stranger with her.

“Amy, why don’t you go check on your baby sister while I have a talk with the sitter.”

Amy nodded and rushed out of the living room.

The two young woman sat down. They were basically the same age, but Nelly was by far taller and stronger. Her huge breasts were still producing milk, and they were barely contained by the shirt she was wearing. She had an intimidating presence that Caitlin couldn’t help but admire.

“So, the job position is just a live-in nanny, right?”

Nelly nodded.

“There’s a bit of a catch. Nothing too major. You will get above-average payment. All the benefits, and you get a lot of free time as long as you are responsible.”

“A catch?”

Nelly nodded.

“What catch?”

Nelly smiled, “Why don’t you follow me?”

The woman stood up, towering over Caitlin, who just followed her as she walked into the rooms. They stop by a door with the name of Baby Becca on it. Nelly opened the door almost immediately, not giving Caitlin enough time to prepare for what she was about to see. And then she understood.

The room was a simple nursery for a babygirl. But for the odd theme that everything inside was big enough to fit her or someone even bigger. From the massive changing table on one corner to the oversized crib and playpen. Not to mention the folded diapers, onesies, and baby dresses that were in full display, big enough for an adult. But that wasn't the most shocking aspect she encountered. What shocked Caitlin to her core was what lied inside the crib.

She got closer, not saying a word.

There she was, Rebecca. A woman in her mid-thirties, sucking on a pacifier, completely naked but for diaper that was obviously in need of a change. Her breasts, in full display, were huge and massive. She was sleeping so peacefully, as if there was nothing out of the ordinary with her current situation. Was she a retard? Some sort of freak? What the hell was going on in that house and why was everyone acting as if it was something normal?

“I guess you need an explanation,” said Nelly.

Caitlin nodded.

Nelly woke Rebecca. The older woman in diapers just allowed Nelly to pick her up from the crib and into the changing table.

“This little girl is called Rebecca,” said Nelly, placing Rebecca on the changing table, “And she was Amy’s mother. Not a good one. Not a particularly pleasant person either. But she was.”

She opened Rebecca’s full diaper, displaying her hairless crotch.

“She hired me to be a wet nurse for her daughter. I accepted. It was good money. But through our time together I realized that Rebecca was not fit for being a mother. She wasn’t fit for being an adult either. She was as irresponsible as any toddler, but worst, because she had actual responsibilities.”

Nelly grabbed some baby wipes and began cleaning Rebecca’s crotch, making the older woman suck harder on her pacifier. Was she enjoying it? Caitlin asked herself.

It was a masterful class on how to change diapers. Nelly made it look so normal, as if Rebecca was truly just a baby in her eyes. She wiped her, tired her, powdered her, and diapered her as she continued to explain.

“So, after one too many accidents, I helped her get in touch with her inner child?”

“Accidents? Help her?”

Nelly nodded, “She peed herself a couple of times. She was very upset about it. But she was even more upset when I forced her over my lap and gave her the spanking of a lifetime. After that, she became a bit more docile. Though she still fought it, especially when I put her on diapers for the first time.”

“I think I need to go,” said Caitlin, “I’m sorry, but I cannot be part of whatever this is.”

Nelly chuckled.

“Don’t worry. But, if you don’t mind me asking. Why?”

Caitlin was confused at the question. Couldn’t she see how weird the whole situation was? A babysitter turning a mother into a dumb baby to then marry the husband and become the mother herself. Not even in her wildest dreams could she imagine something like that, and now she was right in front of it.

“It’s too weird,” she said.

“Tell you what. Let’s make a deal. Give a try for a weekend. I need to run a lot of errands and it’s also my anniversary with Darren. So you can get to know the girls by yourself. I’ll pay you double for your services, of course. And if you don’t like it. You can leave on Monday, no pressure.”

Double? She could make almost five hundred dollars in one weekend. That would be enough to keep her off her parents’ home for one more week. But the price to pay for it would be doing something that make her feel disgusting. Yet, she needed the money. There was no denying that.

“What do you say, Caitlin? It would help us so much.”

Caitlin nodded.

After all. How bad could it be?

Rebecca was awake and hungry, sitting in her playpen with a pacifier in her mouth and playing with her dolls.

Her mommy was showing the house to the new nanny. When she saw her for the first time she was being changed. Her mommy showing her entire shame to a total stranger. Though that wasn’t something new anymore. She couldn’t even remember how many times had she been changed in front of people that were either younger or her same age.

“I think that’s everything you need to know before I leave,” said Nelly.

Caitlin nodded as they both entered the nursery again.

“Remember. Amy goes to sleep at seven. But baby Becca, here,” she said, picking Rebecca up, “She naps every three hours, and then she should be in bed by nine tops.”

Caitlin nodded again.

“I’ll feed her before leaving. And I will leave you some bottles with my milk for the weekend.”

“Feed her?”

But before Caitlin could ask anything further, Nelly had already remove her blouse and bra, displaying her massive breasts. Rebecca didn’t even think it for a second. She began sucking her right breast as if her life depended on it. And Caitlin couldn’t take her eyes of the bizarre situation. What was even weirder was that, for a second, Caitlin imagined herself being fed by Nelly. Sucking her beautiful breasts, and that though made her feel even warmer in her crotch.

She said nothing, though.

“This little big baby dries me up every single time,” said Nelly, smiling.

Caitlin only smiled awkwardly.

Rebecca kept sucking. It was such a rush every single time. Ever since the first time she could never stop thinking about Nelly’s breasts and her delicious milk. Always on edge when it happened, hoping her new mommy would be so kind as to rub her diaper while feeding her. And she wanted, needed, the release.

But as those thoughts came into her mind, she began drifting. Not able to keep her eyes open any further, she feel asleep sucking on her mommy’s breasts as she did every day.