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Chapter One

"Elena, it's time for breakfast."

Her mother knocked on the door. But Elena didn't answer.

"Come on. We have to get to your aunt's house. Don't make me come in."


Caroline opened her daughter's door and went inside. The stink was no surprise. Elena would barely shower twice a week, but there was another smell. Having a young child and all, she was able to detect what it was and where it came from. In the bed, her daughter slept peacefully.

She got closer, uncovering the sleeping girl.

As she had suspected, she had wet the bed. That was new; it had never happened. She woke Elena up.

"Mom. What the fuck. You aren't supposed to come in without knocking," said the sleepy girl, opening her eyes, "What are...."

She looked down to see her wet bed.

"Care to explain?"

Elena shook her head, going back to sleep, "It was just an accident. You know I don't like to wake up during the night."

"This is unbelievable. You are eighteen years old, not eighteen months. Claire is not even three, and she can spend the night without an accident!"


Caroline wasn't going to take it any longer.

"Enough is enough. She grabbed Elena's wrist and dragged her out of bed towards her bathroom."

"Mom, what are you doing? Let me go!"

Caroline turned on the shower and began undressing her daughter.

"You shower while I deal with your room. And do it right. I don't want you stinking all the way to your aunt's house. When we get back, we'll have a long talk about your immaturity, young lady."


Elena did as told, though she wasn't happy about it. How dare her mother treat her that way? She wasn't a kid anymore. If she had an accident, she would deal with it, not her mother.

She sighed as she began dressing up for a visit to their aunt's house.

If mom wants to treat me like a baby, she thought, I'll give her a baby.


The trip to Caroline's sister's house was a long one. So, as an experienced mother, Caroline just put Claire in a diaper, hoping she wouldn't mind. She did, though. Claire was excited about being a big girl; diapers were just for babies. She didn't need them as much as before, and she was working hard to be fully potty trained like mommy and her sister Elena.

"Alright, girls. Let's go. We have a couple of hours of journey," said Caroline, turning the car on, "Any music petitions?"

"Frozen!" Said Claire, excited.

Elena didn't answer. She just put on her headphones and began playing on her phone. Something her mother hated, but she never did anything about it except complaint from time to time.

But that was about to change.

"Elena. Take those off your ears."

She ignored her.


She ignored her.

"Claire. Would you be a big girl and hand me your sister's phone and headphones?"

Claire nodded enthusiastically.

She took away Elena's headphones and phone with a swift move.

"What the fuck. Mom, Claire just took my phone."

"Yes," said Caroline, picking up her phone and headphones and placing them in the glove compartment, "I told her to do it."


"Cause we are on a family trip. I won't have you hooked to your phone all day. You can have it back when you get back home."

"That's unfair. I don't want to listen to faking Frozen."

There was a short moment of silence as Caroline stopped the car. She turned to face her daughters.

"Listen to me, young lady. I'm tired of your behavior. I swear if you say another word like that again, you'll be sorry."

"Fuck," said Elena, feeling like a proper adult, "Fuck, fuck fuck."

Caroline turned to her younger daughter, "Sweetie, you are such a good girl."

Claire smiled, "Thanks, mommy."

Caroline opened her car's door and went straight to get Elena. It wasn't too difficult. Elena was a thin and slightly short girl, more like their father had been before he passed away. So, Caroline easily picked her up, sitting on the back seat and placing Elena over her lap.

"What the fuck are you doing?" She demanded to know.

Caroline, however, was in no mood to deal with her any longer. She removed Elena's pants and her underwear, exposing her bare butt.

"You are going to learn a lesson."

She began spanking with all her strength, channeling her anger towards her daughter until Elena's butt was looking bright red instead of the soft white it had been before. But she didn't stop. Not even when her daughter, crying, begged her to do so.

"Please," said Elena as she cried out loud, "Let me go. Please. No."

"Are you going to behave?"

She nodded.

Caroline stopped.

She turned to see Claire, who was shocked by the entire situation.

"My dear, I'm sorry you had to see that."

Claire said nothing.

Caroline let Elena out and helped her get her pants back on. They were in the middle of a road, so no one saw what had happened. But humiliating her daughter in front of people wasn't Caroline's goal. She just wanted her to act her age. Maybe now Elena would become the bright young lady Caroline was sure she could be.

Chapter Two

Elena sat, sobbing and looking out the window. The stinging pain in her butt reminded her of what had happened. Her mother was in the pilot's seat, singing to Frozen alongside her younger sister as if nothing had happened. Had they gone mad? She was eighteen, not two. She was far too old to be spanked like that. No. It was too much, and Elena was not going to put up with it.

She felt the familiar sensation of a full bladder. Usually, that wouldn't be a problem, but if her mother wanted to treat her like a baby, so be it.

Elena tried to pee herself. But it wasn't as easy as she thought. She pushed a little harder and harder and harder until she finally felt the warm sensation of her own pee against her skin and clothes.

Good, she thought, now her family trip was ruined, and they would have to return home.

"Mommy," said Claire, "There's water in the seat."

Caroline turned to their daughters. There was indeed water there, but it wasn't raining, and no one had spilled anything. She thought maybe Claire had had an accident, but she was wearing a diaper. It couldn't be.

"You didn't," she said, looking at Elena.

"Did what?" Said Elena, pretending not to care. But she was smiling.

Caroline stopped the car in a small resting area alongside the road. There were some families there, a couple of stores, and a fast-food restaurant. It was the kind of place people with small kids would stop at to let them go potty.

"Claire, honey, can you hand me your diaper bag?"

"But I'm not wet, mommy."

"I know, my love. But your sister is. And we need to help her."

Claire nodded.

Caroline turned to see Elena now, "You are coming with us."

Elena's plan was already backfiring.

"You cannot make me go out like this."

"Like what?" Said Caroline, stepping off the car and helping Claire get out too, "Come on. We don't have all day."

"But I'm wet."

"I know. We'll fix that before we get to your aunt's house. Come on, don't make me drag you out."

Elena didn't want any more unnecessary attention, so she complied. She thought her mother was taking her to the restroom. But that wasn't her plan. Caroline took both girls to one of the stores. It was a big place filled with aisles and aisles of products, from pet stuff to clothing.

Maybe she was going to buy her some pants or something, thought Elena, but her mother didn't stop at the clothes aisle.

She kept going with both girls until she found what she was looking for. There, in front of Elena, was an aisle full of diapers and other related items. But they weren't baby diapers. They were adult ones. Caroline picked one package and was on her way again, both girls following closely.

"It would be 15 dollars, ma'am," said a young man at the cashier, "Would that be all?"

"Actually," said Caroline, pointing with her eyes at Elena, "My daughter just had an accident. I forgot to put her protection on. Is there anywhere I can change her with a bit more privacy?"

The young man turned to see Elena. Her pants were completely soaked, and her cheeks were red with embarrassment.

"Sure," he said, pointing at a door on the other side of the store, "We have a family bathroom over there."

"Thanks, you are so helpful," said Caroline, turning to see her daughters, "Say thanks, girls. Be polite."

"Thanks," said Claire.

But Elena said nothing.

"Elena. Say thanks to the kind man."

She shook her head, "You are nuts," she muttered, "I'm a grown-up. I won't. You can't make me."

"Do you need another spanking, young lady?"

"Thanks," said Elena immediately, thinking nothing but much she had hated her last spanking.

"Good girl."

She grabbed Elena by the wrist and went straight to the bathroom with both her daughters. The young man looked as Elena walked away, her pants still dripping a little, which meant he would have to clean some random girl's pee.

Inside the bathroom, Caroline began undressing Elena. She first removed her soaked pants and then her underwear until her oldest daughter was naked from the waist down.

Elena complied. She didn't want another spanking.

Caroline cleaned her daughter using the baby wipes she had in Claire's diaper bag. She was fast and efficient with it, but then again, she was an experienced mother who had had her fair share of wet babies. However, she would like to think that a big girl would be easier, less moving around and protesting. But that wasn't the case with Elena. She did everything in her power to make it harder.

"Mommy, why is Elena going to wear diapers?" Asked Claire, who was inside with them but had her eyes closed the entire time.

"Because she's not big enough to make it to the potty."

Claire chuckled.

Elena hated every minute of it. The baby powder her mother spread on her parts, the soft and fluffy diaper she locked her in. But that wasn't the worst. She noticed there was nothing she could wear to get to the car besides her soaked pants.

"Can I have my pants back?"

Caroline shook her head.

"But. People will see me…" she couldn't finish that sentence.

"You should've thought about that before peeing yourself like a little baby. Now, let's go. We have to make it to your aunt's house before it gets too late."

"You can't make me go out like that," said Elena, stomping her foot like a real toddler, "I won't let you."

Caroline smiled.

A minute later, she was dragging Elena out of the bathroom in nothing but a diaper and her t-shirt. Everyone was looking at them, some laughing, some in shock, but everyone was looking.

Chapter Three

Caroline sat in the pilot seat and started the car. Her two daughters, on the back, one wearing nothing but a T-shirt and a diaper, the other one confused about the entire situation.

Elena said nothing. She was still in shock. It seemed like a nightmare. It couldn't be possible. She just wanted to go back home, not paraded in diapers in front of dozens of people.

"I hope you are happy now, young lady," said Caroline, "Just wait until your aunt and cousins see you. You don't know what embarrassment is yet."

There was a short moment of silence.

"If you want to be a baby. I'll treat you like one," Caroline kept saying.

But Elena did not answer.

Her mom had made a mistake. If there was something Elena loved more than just lying around, eating, and playing video games was vengeance. And she was going to have it one way or another. Her mother didn't know that she had awakened something deep inside Elena.

"Mommy, why is Elena wearing a diaper?" Asked Claire.

"Because she had an accident."

"Does it mean she also needs to be potty trained?"

Caroline chuckled and nodded, "Apparently, she will need to."

Elena said nothing for the entire trip. Neither her mom nor her sister said anything else to her. They sang Disney songs, talked about princesses, and other stuff parents do with kids. Meanwhile, the older sibling just sat there, waiting for the car drive to be over. Finally, her mother stopped just outside her sister's house.

"Well, let's go. Let's see what everyone else has to say about my new baby."

Claire giggled.

Elena once again said nothing. She had it planned. It would happen as soon as they got in the house. Her mother will know what it is to have to deal with an overgrown baby. If she was embarrassed by Elena's behavior, she knew nothing yet.

They knocked at the door. Moments later, the door opened.

Caroline's sister, Samantha, opened the door. She was just a reflection of Caroline herself. Tall, blonde, and well-preserved for someone in her late thirties. Not fit, but not unfit either. A MILF, some would call her. And she had always had a fascination for Elena, her favorite niece. But nothing could've prepared her for what was before her eyes.

"Hi," said Caroline, "Sorry for the delay, sis. We had an accident."

"Accident?" Asked Samantha, scanning her older niece's diaper, "Is everyone OK? What's going on with Elena?"

"Don't worry. It was a potty accident. It won't happen again. Right, Elena?"

Elena did not answer. She just looked down. Her tummy was ready. She just wanted the perfect place and the right crowd.

"Can we come in?"

Samantha nodded.

"Well, hello there, Claire. You've grown," said Samantha, leading them into the living room.

"I'm almost potty trained," said Claire enthusiastically.

"I can see that," she said, turning to her other niece, who was waddling to the room because of her thick diaper.

When they got there, silence came back. Sitting in the living room were three young men, one young girl, and a man slightly older than Caroline. They were all shocked by the sight of the eighteen-year-old wearing nothing but a diaper and a T-shirt.

"You might be wondering," said Caroline, but she couldn't finish.

A loud wet fart echoed through the room. Followed by another one and another one, and another one. They all turned to see Elena, who seemed to be concentrating on one thing, filling her diaper. She pushed and pushed and kept pushing until she felt the mushy escaping from her butthole. When it was over, she felt relieved. She smirked. Her mother wanted to treat her like a baby. She would play along. She would be the biggest baby ever, and her mother would understand her mistake.

No one said anything.

"Mommy, Elena did a poo," said Claire.

Caroline grabbed her daughter by the wrist. She wanted to say something. She wanted to punish her daughter right there and there. But there was enough of a scene already, and she didn't want to ruin the evening further.

"It's OK, sis," said Samantha, "Why don't you relax, and I'll deal with your baby?"

Caroline turned to see the motherly eyes on her younger sister. She might as well just try to calm down, so she accepted.

Samantha grabbed Elena, saying nothing as she led the eighteen-year-old upstairs. When she was sure no one was listening, she got closer to her niece.

"If you want to get back to my sister, there are better ways to do it," she said, whispering, "I can help you."

"How?" asked Elena.

"Maybe she's the one that needs to end up in diapers," said Samantha.

"Why would you help me do that?"

Samantha smiled.

"I'll tell you. But first, you need a change."

Chapter Four

Elena lay on her aunt's bed as she changed her messy diaper. It was a surreal experience, though not one she disliked. Her aunt did it swiftly and without saying a word, removing Elena's messy diaper to reveal every inch of her crotch covered entirely in her own mess. It wasn't a nice smell, but Samantha seemed unbothered.

Minutes later, Elena was in a fresh new nappy.

"So, what were you going to tell me?" She asked as her aunt helped her get dressed.

"Back in the day. When we were younger, I used to have a problem wetting the bed. It wasn't too bad, but let's just say your mother didn't help much," said Samantha, scanning her niece's diaper, "She made my life hell until I stopped wetting the bed. But I didn't forget."

"What did you do?"

"A simple trick. I put one of her hands on warm water during the night. She's always been a heavy sleeper."

"And then?"

"She peed herself."

"That sounds too far-fetched."

Samantha chuckled.

"Oh, but it happened. And not only did it happen, but our mother put dear old Caroline back in diapers because of it."

"Just like that?"

Samantha nodded.

"I helped a little. I came clean with a lot of things she had done that mom knew nothing about."

"So it was more like a punishment?"

Samantha nodded again.

"How is that going to help me?"

"You guys are staying the weekend, right?"

Elena nodded.

"Well. I cannot convince my sister to treat you like an adult. But I can help you treat her like the baby we both know she is."

"You mean…"

"We can start tonight. If you want."

"Why would you do that to your sister?"

"I already told you. I haven't forgotten her teasing or her constant bullying because of my problem. Besides, it's not like we are going to hurt her. In fact, something tells me she's going to enjoy it. Some baby time can help her forget about Dan and, maybe, forget about the stress of being a single mother."

There was a short silence.

"So, what do you say? Are you going to help your favorite auntie?"

You are my only auntie. But yes. I'll help you."

"Good. Until then, why don't you give your mom something to be stressed about?"


"If she's going to treat you like a baby…."

Elena nodded.

Downstairs, in the living room, Samantha's family was in shock as Caroline explained the events that led to Elena's diapering. No one said a word as she went through her potty accident in the car and her parade in the middle of the shop, wearing nothing but a diaper.

Elena's cousin laughed as she appeared, holding Samantha's hand.

"The baby is clean."

Caroline seemed so disappointed in her daughter, so she just smiled and thanked her younger sister.

"I guess it's time for lunch. You guys hungry?" Asked Samantha.

Everyone said yes. Everyone but Elena. She was standing there, sucking on her thumb, looking at her mom directly in the eyes.

Samantha settled the table, and everyone sat immediately. Caroline and Claire sat close by, so the mother could help her daughter eat. Elena just sat in the living room, thinking only about the sweet revenge her aunt had promised her. Samantha and her family sat, too, and began eating as if nothing weird was happening in the house. Though, from time to time, her husband would turn to see the eighteen-year-old baby sitting in his living room. He had always thought his wife's family was a bit off, but this was taking things to a new level. His own kids would be mature enough not to make a fuss out of it.

"The food was delicious, sis," said Caroline, smiling, "You gotta give me the receipt."

"Thanks, sis. Are you sure Elena won't eat?"

They all turned to Elena, who was still just sitting and sucking her thumb.

"Yeah. When she wants to eat, she can simply come here. I'm not going to play along with her tantrum."

"Fair enough," said Roger, turning to his own kids, "Now you behave, or you'll end up like your cousin over there."

"No way," said one of the kids, "She is a freak."

"Kids," said Samantha, raising her voice, "She is your cousin, and you will respect her, OK?"

"Yes, mom," they both said at the same time.

"Good," said Samantha, "Now, why don't you take your cousins to play upstairs while we clean the table?"

"But," said the older sibling, "What if she poos again?"

"Eww," said the younger one, "I don't want to change her diaper."

"If that happens, you call your aunt or me, right, sis?" Asked Samantha.

Caroline nodded, feeling so ashamed about her daughter.

Elena just allowed herself to be led upstairs by Claire, her younger sister. She couldn't wait until that night. She couldn't wait until she had her mom in a diaper so that she could understand how it felt. The girl was so obsessed about what would happen that she didn't notice the pee stream escaping her until it was already over.

"Thank god, I'm already wearing a diaper," she thought as she walked to the second floor with her sister and cousins.

Downstairs, Samantha was pouring more wine into Caroline's glass.

"Don't worry, sis. You drink up and relax. I'll take care of the kids today."

Caroline thanked her and kept drinking, not knowing it was all part of Samantha's plan.

Chapter Five

Caroline sat on her bed.

It was her younger sister's biggest guest bedroom. Her two daughters were sleeping in the room next door. The matriarch of her house could not think of anything but the day she just had. Her daughter, Elena, was becoming an untamable brat, and she just didn't know what to do about it.

She drank another sip of wine.

It was OK. This weekend was supposed to be about relaxing, and she was going to relax. Her sister would help her deal with the overgrown baby and her tantrums. The wine was starting to kick in, and she was feeling drowsy. She didn't know how or when, but she closed her eyes.

The dream was intense.

It started with Caroline waking up in her room, in her house. But there was something different. Her bed wasn't her bed. It was a crib. A massive crib that could fit her and her daughter, Elena, who was sleeping next to her, dressed like a grown-up toddler. Caroline looked down to notice that she was dressed in the same way. A thick and obviously wet diaper, a baby blue onesie, and white socks with frills. She started to panic. She wanted out of it, but she couldn't leave the crib. A small pressure in her bladder began growing, and she peed herself before she could do anything. Her diaper got even bigger until it was leaking. In her desperation, she just began crying, and that's when the door to the room opened.

It was her younger sister.

Then she woke up.

Her head was spinning. It must've been the wine, but her heart stopped for a second when she realized what had happened. She removed the sheets to uncover that she had wet herself during the night. But it couldn't be. It should still be a dream. She's never wet her bed. Not a single time since she left diapers when she was two. Her mom was so proud of her, unlike her sister. No, it couldn't be.

She closed her eyes again. But when she opened them, she was still in her sister's guest room. Still soaking wet.

Caroline sighed.

She looked at her phone. It wasn't that late. Maybe they would still be sleeping. She could rush to the laundry room. Yeah, she definitely could. She stood up and removed the bedding and her clothes as fast as possible, revealing her perfect figure. Something she was proud of for her age. She was tall, her breasts were big enough, and her butt was still round, even after two daughters.

Quickly, she put on some extra pants and went straight to her sister's laundry room.

But, when she opened the door, she was surprised by someone waiting for her.

Caroline's heart stopped for a second. Was she caught?

"Mommy," said Claire, with her eyes barely open, "I'm hungry."

Her heart started beating again.

"Let me do some washing, and I'll get you something to eat. OK, darling?"

Claire nodded, "Can I come?"

"To do the laundry?"

Claire nodded again.

"It's a bit boring, hun. Tell you what. I'll finish this, and I'll make you some pancakes."

"Yay, pancakes. With honey?"

Caroline nodded, "Can you help me find the ingredients?"

Her youngest left, running to the kitchen.

Caroline rushed to the laundry room. She put her wet clothes and wet sheets on the washing machine and rushed back to her room. Now, she needed to do something about the smell and the obvious damp patch. She tried to clean it with baby wipes in her bag, but it wasn't working. Finally, she decided to use some of her perfume for the smell, open the window to let it air, and flip the mattress.

She was almost over when the door opened.

It was her sister, looking as radiant as ever. She entered, dragging Elena by the hand.

"Sis, I think your big baby made another mess," she said, making a funny face with her nose, "Do you think I should sho…."

There was a short moment of silence.

"What happened to the bed?"

"Nothing. Just thought about doing some cleaning. It helps clear my head," said Caroline, sweating cold.

"Right. What's that smell then?"

Her heart stopped.

"Well, actually. I dropped a bit of perfume on the bed. It's OK. I'm already washing the sheets."

"You peed the bed," said Elena, chuckling, "Mom, you peed the bed."

Caroline's heart began beating faster.

"That's not true."

"Mommy peed the…" but Elena couldn't finish.

Samantha sat quickly over the mattress and began spanking her niece. Elena first felt nothing because of her padded protection, but soon enough, the icky mess inside began spreading more and more. Then, her butt cheeks began stinging. She wanted it to stop. She tried to resist. She pleaded to her mom, but Caroline just stood there, not knowing what to do as her younger sister punished her oldest daughter. It happened so fast. And when it was over, Elena was silent and sobbing.

"Go to your room," said Samantha, fulminating her niece with her eyes, "I'll clean you later."

Elena left, feeling betrayed.

Samantha turned to see her older sister. She was silent, not moving, breathing fast.

"OK. Now, tell me what happened," said Samantha.

Chapter Six

Caroline explained what had happened, blushing the entire time.

"I see," said Samantha, holding her sister, "Well. An accident can happen to anyone."

Caroline smiled when she listened to her words.

"Why don't you go take a shower and I will deal with your other problem?"


Samantha nodded, "She needs a change."

Caroline nodded.

Samantha stood up and kissed her sister's forehead, "Go on. I'll deal with all of this."

She was about to leave the room when she felt something stopping her. Samantha turned to see her sister, looking rather pathetic but, at the same time, cute.

"Thanks, sis," said Caroline.

"You're welcome."

Elena sat over her bed in her own room with her diaper in an unspeakable state. Her messy diaper was making it even more uncomfortable to sit on. But it didn't matter anymore. She felt betrayed and angry. That's when her aunt entered her room again.

"Are you OK?"

Elena didn't answer.

"I see. Look," said Samantha, sitting beside Elena, "I think we need to talk."

"You think."

"I want to help you get some payback. But it has to be done smartly. You cannot just push your mother to wear diapers as she did with you."

"Why not?"

"Because she's a grown-up. She is a mother. She is responsible for more than just herself. If you do it too fast, she'll fight back."


Samantha easily picked up Elena, placing her nieve over her lap.

"I want her to want it. To understand how difficult it is to be a mother and a grown-up and that being a baby might be better for her. When we finish with her, she will willingly ask for us to keep her in diapers twenty-four, seven."

Elena felt a rush traveling through her entire body as her aunt started patting her head.

"Do you think we can do that?" She asked.

Samantha nodded, "I know so. So, what do you say?"

Elena nodded.

"Good," said Samantha, smiling, "Now, why don't we take care of that stinky bum of yours?"

Elena chuckled and nodded.

Samantha did it carefully and motherly. She removed Elena's diaper to witness the mess she had made. Her crotch was completely covered with poo, and the smell would've made anyone flee. But it didn't bother Samantha, she was a mother, and dirty diapers had been part of her life before. As she cleaned her niece, she thought she would soon have to do the same for her older sister. The possibility of having two babies to care for was exciting, especially because she had longed for motherhood for so long. Her sons were now too big to want to be babied by her, which left a hole in her life.

"How do I help you turn my mom into a baby?" Asked Elena, laying there patiently with her private parts now clean and in full display as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

Samantha grabbed another diaper and placed it on her niece.

"Well, I think you can best help me by showing your mother that being the family's new baby is something you enjoy."


"We want her to want it. Right?"

Elena nodded.

"What better way to do so than by showing her the possibility of a life with no responsibilities? It wouldn't be a big imposition on you. You are already wearing diapers and using them. Why not step it up a little?"

"Step it up?"

Samantha nodded.

"What do you mean?"

"You can play with your sister's dolls, cry when you need things, have even more potty accidents, and use baby bottles. You know. The whole deal."

"But I don't want to."

"I know that, but it will only be until we have your mom back in diapers too. Then I will let you go back to your normal life. You will have to babysit her, though."

The thought of babysitting her mother and humiliating her the way she had been humiliated was too tempting to ignore. But was she really willing to let the baby's treatment go even further? She didn't mind the diaper changes and had to admit that diapers had not been as bad to her as she had thought.

She sighed.


Elena nodded.

"Good. Let's take you downstairs then."

She taped Elena's diaper in place and put a PJ shirt on her. Then, as if her niece was nothing but a baby, she picked her up again and took her to the living room. The family was already waiting there for them. Claire, her uncle, her cousins, and Caroline, who seemed shocked at the state of her daughter.

"Good morning, everyone," said Samantha, placing Elena on one of the chairs, "Sis, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Caroline nodded.

The rest of the family said nothing. Samatha's sons knew better than to taunt her cousin in front of their parents. Furthermore, they knew better than to taunt her at all if they didn't want to end up in the same situation.

"Why is Elena still in diapers?"

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Go on."

"I think she's actually enjoying it."

There was a short period of silence. Caroline couldn't believe what she was hearing, but she turned to see her eldest, and she was sucking her thumb like a bug dumb baby.

"You are saying she wants to be a baby."

Samantha nodded.


"I don't know. There's no responsibility. Everyone does everything for you. No more worrying about pleasing others."

"That does sound tempting."

"Right?" Said Samantha, thinking about how to play the next step of her plan, "Why don't we play along with it?"

"Baby her?"

Samantha nodded.


"So she can understand that there's nothing nice about being treated like a toddler."

"Like a punishment?"

"No. We will treat her like a two-year-old. She'll eat baby food. She will be bathed by us, and so on."

"I don't know. Taking care of an oversized baby wasn't my idea of relaxing for the weekend."

"I bet neither was it to pee the bed. But we have to play the cards we are given."

Caroline blushed immediately.

"Sorry, sis. That was out of line."

"It's OK. I did pee on the bed."

Samantha embraced her older sister, holding her close.

"Tell you what. Leave her to me. I will do the baby treatment, and you can just relax. OK?"

"You'd do that for me?"

Samantha nodded.

"Thanks, sis. You are the best," said Caroline, hugging her sister.

She left back to the living room with the rest of the family.

Samantha stayed there, thinking about the next step of her plan. She needed Caroline's accidents to be more constant and more public. And she had just the way to make it happen.

She smiled deviously, looking at her niece and sister.

Chapter Seven

Caroline's tummy had been feeling weird all morning since breakfast. It wasn't odd, as having a gassy tummy at her age was more than normal. But she felt it differently this time, as if her tummy was brewing something.

She ignored it, however, as the entire family was getting ready for a day out by the lake. She didn't want to admit it. But she was jealous of her sister for having such an amazing house with a lake view. It was private and spacious, which was lucky as she didn't want anyone else to find out about her daughter's diapers. When she punished her and put them on her, she wasn't expecting Elena to like it. Now, she had another kid in diapers and acting out even more.

Caroline sighed.

"Let's go, sis," said Samantha, carrying Elena as if she was a baby, "We need to get the grill ready."


Samantha placed her niece by the lake and gave her some blocks to play with while the adults got the BBQ ready. The other kids avoided Elena, as none of them wanted anything to do with her dirty diapers. However, Claire was curious about her sister's new role in the family.

An hour passed, and Caroline's tummy pressure began increasing. She now knew she needed to get to the toilet, and soon.

She stood up, left what she was doing immediately, and rushed to the house with her hands on her butt. She hoped none saw her shame, but she couldn't care less. Messing herself was a step further than wetting the bed.

So she rushed and rushed until she got to the house's door. But it was locked.

She tried to breathe. She just needed her sister to unlock the door. That shouldn't be a problem. She was a grown-up woman, for fuck's sake. She didn't wet the bed. she didn't poo herself. She breathed again, slowly, and began marching back to where her family assembled.

Her moments were slower, and she began panicking as the cramps and cold sweats started. Her tummy grumbled with every step, and the pressure began to become torture. She needed to relieve the pressure, and she needed it soon. Finally, she got to her sister, who was making some baby noises for Elena as she played with her blocks.

"Sam," said Caroline with an obvious awkwardness in her voice, "I need your help."

"Sis, sure. What do you need?"

But Samantha knew quite well what her sister needed. She was the one that locked the house door to ensure this very moment happened. She was the one that put a small but relatively powerful laxative in her breakfast. And she had already decided Caroline's fate, even if the older sister was unaware of it.

"Can you unlock the door to the house? I need to use the toilet."

"Sure sis, I was actually about to do so. Stinker here needs a change," she said, picking up Elena, "What say you? Do you want a change?"

Elena just chuckled like a dumb baby, knowing that her aunt was putting her plan in motion. She couldn't wait to have her mom feel the shame she felt when she was forced to parade in front of strangers, wearing nothing but a diaper. However, she had taken a liking to them, and even sitting in her mess wasn't as bad anymore. She wouldn't admit it to her aunt, much less to her mother, but she wouldn't mind wearing diapers again from time to time once her aunt's plan was finished.

As they got closer to the house, Caroline felt she would lose the fight. Her tummy's pressure was growing to the point of desperation. She was too afraid to fart to let out some of the pressure. She knew if she did, it would be over.

"Just let me find the keys, sis," said Samantha, looking through her pockets with one hand while carrying Elena on the other arm, "Oops. I think I left the keys in my purse."

"What?" asked Caroline.

"Sorry, sis. Can you get them? Carrying this one takes a lot of energy."

Caroline felt a cold shiver traveling through her spine.


She could only nod. She needed the bathroom, and for the bathroom, she needed the keys.

"My purse is next to the BBQ. Be a dear and bring it for me. OK?"

Caroline began her walk back to the BBQ area. Ten minutes to walk there, and then ten minutes to come back. That was twenty minutes. Not to mention the time it would take to open the door and get to the bathroom. She could run, but her body was in too much despair to do it.

She could only walk slowly as the contents in her bowels began getting closer and closer to her butthole.

A thought came to her mind. She could easily find a tree or some hedges to do her business there. It would make her feel like an animal, but it was better than messing with herself in front of her family. But that idea couldn't be, for the fight was over as far as her body was concerned.

She felt a powerful cramp that forced her to stop. She rushed her hands to her butt, hoping it would help, but it didn't. First, it was a fart, a very powerful and smelly one. Then, she felt the mushy poo press against her underwear. It was warm and sticky, and releasing it was like heaven. It went on for a couple of minutes straight. Just pouring off her butthole, Caroline, who had not had a potty accident in almost forty years, could do nothing but squat right there and sob.

"I think it's time to see your mom," Samantha said to her niece.

"But I need a change."

"Something tells me she needs one, too," she said, smiling and thinking of all the humiliating things she had prepared for her older sister.

Caroline didn't know what to do.

She had had an accident during the day for the first time in her life since she left diapers back when she was a toddler. She couldn't believe it, but the stinky mess in her underwear was difficult to ignore. So, what did the proud mother do?

She cried.

It was a sort of cry she didn't know she had in her. The type of cry that was more like desperation than pain, and it was true. She was desperate for help. She was desperate to keep her pride and to avoid anyone's prying eyes. But that was not going to happen because as soon as she turned her sight to the area where her family was, she noticed her sister walking towards her, carrying the baby formerly known as her own eighteen-year-old daughter.

Caroline stood up quickly. She could still play it cool and avoid the shame. No one knew what she had done, and no one needed to know. She rubbed her eyes, trying to look as normal as possible.

"Sorry, couldn't find the keys."

"It's OK," said Caroline.

"Are you OK? Your eyes are red," said Samantha as she opened the door.

"I'm OK. Something got into my eyes."

"What's that smell?"

Elena began laughing.

"What's so funny?" asked Caroline, mortified, trying to impose her authority over her own daughter.

"You pooped yourself," said Elena.

Caroline blushed and was left speechless.

"That's not possible," said Samantha, reaching her free hand to her sister's dress, lifting it before Caroline could even react.

There was a moment of silence as Samantha and Elena inspected Caroline's completely messed up underwear. It was such a mess that the poo was starting to run down her legs and into her bare feet.

"Come," said Samatha, grabbing Caroline's wrist and dragging her into the house.

Caroline didn't know how to react, and even if she did, her sister grabbed her so tight and strongly that she could barely keep up with her pace. It was surprising how strong Samantha was, carrying Elena on one arm and dragging her with the other hand. She moved through the house as if it was nothing. Until she finally stopped just by her bathroom door.

"I can't believe you punished your daughter because she peed herself, and yet you just peed your bed and pooped yourself within the same day," said Samantha, opening the door to her huge bathroom.

Caroline had regained her senses and was now aware of what was happening, and her sister's words just hurt. She started sobbing while her diapered daughter just chuckled at her predicament. For Elena, seeing her mother humiliated made her feel so many things, and a need to start rubbing her messy diaper started surging in her mind. But she contained herself. She just savored the moment as her aunt began telling off her mother and treating her like a kid who had just had an accident because of her own irresponsibility.

"I'm sorry," said Caroline, still sobbing.

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to your daughter, who is clearly suffering from your lack of responsibility."

Caroline turned to see her daughter.

"I'm sorry," she said, breaking into another desperate cry.

Elena smiled devilishly.

"And don't you get too happy, misses," said Samantha to Elena, "Now that I have to help your mom clean, your diaper, change will have to wait."

Elena didn't mind. She was ready to wait if that meant her mother would soon join her in a thick white prison of her own.

In the room, Samantha helped her sister into the shower. She removed her sister's dress, revealing the complete mess of the estate of her underwear and legs. Her long legs were covered in streaks of poo that had already made their way into her feet and toes. Not in control of herself yet, Caroline began peeing herself as soon as Samatha removed her dress, making her sister chuckle.

"It's OK," said Samantha, reassuringly, "Accidents happen. But I think we need to consider some methods to protect your dignity and my furniture."

Caroline was confused as her sister began removing her destroyed underwear.

"Diapers, honey."

"No," said Caroline, steeping her feet.



"Can you tell me what's in my hand?"

Caroline shook her head.

"Tell me, now."

Caroline tried to speak in between sobs, "My underwear."

"And why am I holding your underwear?"

"Because I had an accident."

"Accident? Can you be more specific?"

It took Caroline a moment to speak the words, "I pooped myself," and she began crying in desperation again.

Samantha didn't care about the state of her sister's butt and legs. She knew if her plan was to work, Caroline needed to agree willingly to be reduced to nothing but a baby. And so, she embraced her sister, holding her so tight that she could feel her sister's tears on her neck.

"It's OK. It's OK. It's OK. Only I will know. OK?"

Caroline didn't answer.

"What if I put one on you, and if you keep it clean for the rest of our time outside, we target about it?"

Caroline just nodded as she stopped crying.

"Don't worry, sis. I will take care of you. You just relax for the next few days. Do we have a deal?"

Caroline nodded again.

"Good. Now, let's clean you up well so we can continue enjoying the day."

Samantha cleaned her sister as if it was nothing but a little girl that had had an accident. She paid special attention to Caroline's body, removing every remaining poop from her asshole to her shaved crotch. After almost twenty minutes, she was happy with the results and helped her sister off the shower.

On the floor, Elena sat outside, rubbing the front of her diaper with such a passion that she was sure she could start a fire with it. But instead of fire, it was just the deepest and most satisfying climax she had ever had. Nothing had turned her on as much as seeing her own mother humiliated but combined with the state of her own diaper. It was too much to bear.

Her aunt and mother emerged from the bathroom.

"Let's get you clean so that mommy and auntie can talk privately, OK baby girl?"

"Private?" asked Elena.

She wanted to see what was to happen. She's been looking forward to it, and she needed to see it. She needed to know.

"Play along," muttered her aunt in her ears.

And Elena did.

She let her aunt place her in bed, removing her diaper to reveal the mess she had made. Elena said nothing the entire time, just scanning her mother's completely naked body beside her. Her aunt cleaned her up, spreading a little baby powder over her crotch and taping her into a brand-new diaper. Once her diaper was changed, Samantha helped her out of the room and placed her in an old playpen they still had in the home.

"Remember, we need to play it cool."

Elena nodded.

Back in the room, Caroline was still shocked by everything that had happened. To the point that she was unable to see her daughter or sister in the eyes. She kept looking down, like a little girl that knew she had done something wrong. When Samantha left the room with the newly diapered Elena, she just stayed there, naked and ashamed. Still hoping Samantha had been joking about the diapers.

But when her sister came back, her hopes faded.


Caroline wanted to say no, but she knew better than to try and complain. Her sister wouldn't hurt her. She wasn't scared of her, but she had a way of making her feel like she actually needed those diapers. And perhaps, she was right. So she laid in bed, completely naked and exposed, and let her sister do her job. First, Samantha placed the diaper underneath her, lifting her legs as if they weighed nothing. Then, she spread some baby powder around her crotch and butt.

"I might have to shave you down there, sis. It will make it more comfortable for you."

Caroline shook her head. Samantha only smiled and closed the diaper using the tabs.

It was a surreal feeling to be diapered again for the first time since she was a baby. She looked at herself in the mirror. It was her looking back, a mother, a grown-up. But something was wrong. She was wearing a diaper and nothing else, and she actually felt good about it, which made her blush.

"OK. Time to go back with the family. Let's get you some clothes."

Caroline didn't want to leave the room. She didn't want to be around anyone while wearing the diaper. But she had no choice. Now, she only needed to make it a couple of hours without an accident.

It shouldn't be a problem, should it?

Chapter Nine

The family was outside, enjoying the day.

There would be nothing wrong with the picture from afar for many outsiders. But as soon as they get closer, they would notice everything odd with it. For instance, the eighteen-year-old was wearing nothing but a diaper and sucking her thumb. Everyone acted as if it was something normal. Then, the mother sat far away from everyone because she had a secret of her own. She was also wearing a diaper, and what was worst, she had been put in it by her younger sister. Luckily, so far, no one else knew about it—just her and her sister, Samantha.

"Who is ready for some burgers?"

Everyone cheered the idea.

They ate. Well, most of them but Elena, who had been given a bottle of milk. Caroline didn't know where her sister had gotten all the baby items to treat Elena like the baby she was playing to be. In a way, she envied her eldest daughter, she seemed rather happy, enjoying her new treatment. Why would anyone submit themselves to being treated like a baby in front of everyone? Yet, it was undeniable. Elena was happy with it. And then a thought crossed her mind. What if her sister did the same to her? Would she have to endure the same treatment if she was to have an accident again?

"Here you have, hun," said Samantha, offering more wine to her older sister.

Caroline accepted gladly.

Babies couldn't drink, and she loved wine way too much to endure a life without it. But drinking as much as she did was, perhaps, a mistake. By the fourth glass, she was feeling rather tipsy and with a full bladder. Not to mention her tummy hadn't yet recovered from the laxative, though she didn't know that.

She stood up and went to her sister.

"I need to go to the bathroom," she whispered in Samantha's ear.

"Do you need the potty, sis?" Samantha asked, almost shouting.

Caroline shushed her, blushing.

Samantha laughed a little.

"Don't worry; everyone's having fun. They aren't paying attention to your potty needs, sis."

"Please, I need to be out of this diaper. And you have to open the door to the house."

Samantha chuckled, "Alright, fine. Let's go fast then."

Her sister took her by the hand and rushed to the house. She said nothing about it; just hearing the crinkle of the diaper and how it felt against the skin in her thighs was enough to keep her as submissive as a little girl being dragged by her parents. It was a rather odd feeling, but what was stranger was that she didn't mind it. In fact, something about it made her feel comfortable and cared for.

"I think we have a problem, sis."

"Did you forget the key again?" asked Caroline, closing her legs as hard as possible to prevent another accident. But alas, the pressure was becoming too much and coming from the front and back.

"No, but I think I'm rather tipsy to do this myself."

"Give them to me," said Caroline, grabbing the keys, "I'll do it."

But she couldn't. She could barely keep her hands from shaking. Every time she tried to get the key in, she would miss the keyhole. She tried and tried and tried until she started sobbing out of impotence and frustration. Caroline couldn't hold it anymore. She couldn't hold it at all, and that's when the dam broke.

"Are you OK, sis?"

It was a small stream at first, but it grew bigger. She could feel the warmth of her own urine spreading around the diaper and around her crotch. Though reassuring and rather comfy, the sensation made her sobbing turn into a desperate cry. The cry intensified when she started feeling the pressure in her backside and the pain of holding it back. In for a penny, in for a pound, and so she pushed. It began with a small log coming from her rear and pushing against her diaper, but the small log soon turned into something messier, and she could feel the wet, soft poo against her own skin. Unlike the pee, the poop was uncomfortable against her skin, and it was worst when it reached her private parts.

"Oh," said Samantha, getting closer to her sister.

She held her close as Caroline kept crying. She didn't have to ask what happened. The smell was enough to be sure.

"It's OK. It wasn't your fault."

"I don't know what's going on," said Caroline, still crying on her sister's shoulder, "I just keep having accidents, and…."

"It wasn't an accident, hun. Are your clothes ruined?"

She shook her head.

"Then nothing but happened. That's what diapers are for, after all. They are meant to be filled with, well, you know. So you did nothing wrong."

"I, I, …"

"You did nothing wrong, sis. But I think it's time you admit that maybe Elena is not the only one that belongs in diapers in this house."

"But I can't…."

"I think you should. At least while you are here. I don't want you having accidents on the furniture or in bed."

She helped Caroline stand up.

"Come on. Let's go back with the others."

"But I need a change. I'm…"

"It's OK. I've got some supplies out for changing Elena. I can change you there, too. Besides, I doubt we can even get the keys in right now."

"They will see. Everyone will see."

"I know. But I think it shouldn't matter."

Caroline wanted to protest, but she didn't. How could she? She has had so many accidents recently that her sister's words made sense. Diapers were at least helping her not ruin her clothes or embarrass herself in front of everyone. But now they were going to know either way. She was so conflicted she didn't notice they were already back with the rest of the family, and Samantha was grabbing the changing supplies.

"Come on, sweetie."


"It's time for your change," said Samantha, and everyone went silent.

It was about to happen. She was going to be changed in front of everyone, and there was nothing she could do about it. Her youngest daughter looked awed, and so did her nephews and brother-in-law. No one knew how to react. It was too much already that they were forced to pretend Elena's behavior was normal. But a woman, Caroline's age, having an accident in a diaper, and being changed in public was another level of craziness.

They said nothing, though.

All mouths were shut, and all eyes were paying attention to the scene in front of them. Samantha helped her sister lie on the ground, lifting her dress so that everyone could see the mess she had just made. Caroline was sobbing, knowing there was no going back. Everyone now knew about her accident, and they were about to see her shame even further as Samantha opened the diaper.

It was a mess.

There was poop everywhere around her crotch.

"Such a stinky little girl, aren't you?" Asked Samantha.

But Caroline didn't answer.

"It's OK, sis. I'll take care of you and Elena and Claire. Though I think soon, Claire will be the one helping me take care of you both."

In between sobs, Caroline asked her sister, "Why?"


"Why are you OK with changing me? Why does this make you happy?"

Samantha chuckled, "Because I want to make you pay for how you treated me when we were kids. I've been looking forward to it for so long. But now that we are here. I feel warm. I haven't had a baby to take care of for a while. I like it."

"You want me to be your baby?"

Samantha nodded, "And you want the same thing. Don't you?"

Caroline shook her head.

"You do. You are envious of Elena. I've seen it. You crave to be taken care of. You want to be free from responsibilities. I can give you that," said Samantha, cleaning her sister's crotch so carefully that it made Caroline blush, "You already know you want to be a baby."

Caroline thought about it. Was her sister right?

She had been having accidents the entire weekend, but that didn't mean she was ready to be a baby again. Elena's carefree behavior was enticing. She couldn't deny that. Her oldest daughter was sitting there, playing and sucking her thumb. No worries or responsibilities. Caroline had been craving that for so long, and now it was within her grasp. But she didn't know if she could live with herself if she took the opportunity.

"What do you say, sis? Are you ready to be my baby? Or should I let you go back to your room? No diapers or anything."

There was a moment of silence as Samantha finished her cleaning.

Caroline didn't answer. She just placed her thumb in her mouth.

"Good girl."

Samantha smiled, standing up.

Caroline was now completely naked but for her diaper. Elena was wearing a babyish shirt and a diaper, and everyone else was shocked about the whole situation. But Samantha didn't care. She had what she wanted, and her family needed to get used to it. Her husband would do what she said, or he would soon find himself in the same situation, and her sons might even enjoy power over their aunt.

But that would come later. Right now, her babies needed to rest. It had been a long day, and a nap would help them get used to their new lifestyle.

She grabbed Elena by the hand and carried Caroline in her free arm. It wasn't as heavy as she thought it would be, especially now that her diaper was clean and fresh. It was a good thing she started lifting weights a few months ago. She was strong enough to carry them both, but she didn't want to push her body too much.

"I'll put the babies to sleep. Can you guys clean after you finish?" She asked.

"Of course, honey," said her husband.

"Sure, mom," said her sons.

"Yes, auntie," said Claire, still in shock about the whole situation but not wanting to end up the same way, "I'll be good."

Samantha chuckled, "I know you will, sweetheart. You will be my little helper. Won't you?"

Claire nodded.


And then she left straight for the house.

It was going to be a new life for Caroline and Samantha. No more mother and daughter. They were going to be twin baby sisters, from hairstyle to clothes and diapers. They were going to eat, sleep, bathe, and be changed together. She could even send them to kindergarten together. That if she found a place that would have them both. But then again, that would come later.



Amazing I hope for part 2 😍