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Chapter One

It was the latest technology.

Who could’ve believed that motherhood and fatherhood could be replaced? Yet it was. Everyone had one. So when the package finally arrived, I was excited. It was difficult enough to be a single mother, but being one with the responsibilities I had was too much. I needed the help, and M3GAN’s manufacturers assured me she offered that.

“Mommy, what is it?” Asked my daughter.

She was a vivid image of myself, just thirty years younger. Her blue eyes and blonde hair made it feel like a mini-me most of the time, especially when she played house and wore my clothes. She was tall for her age, but then again, I’m quite tall myself. Besides blue eyes and blonde hair, I had the perfect body for someone my age. Boobs that were big but not sagging, and a toned butt with long legs. I was quite proud of it, and I cared for it every single day. Thought that just added to the many responsibilities I had.

“It’s a M3GAN.”

“Open it. Open it,” she said enthusiastically.

And I did.

Inside the box, there was a doll. It was just slightly taller than my own daughter, designed to feel and look like a real girl. The manual was straightforward, it would link to the first person to touch its hand. As much as I wanted her to be with Anna all the time, I wanted to keep control of the doll. So, I linked her to me.

“Hello, Mary,” said M3GAN, “I love your outfit.”

“Thanks,” I said.

No one had complimented me in a while. One of the drawbacks of being a single mother. So, naturally, I blushed. I introduced M3GAN to Anna, who was still amazed and a bit scared of the toy. Technology had evolved so much that I sometimes forget how surreal things look to younger kids. However, she got used to M3GAN quite easily.

My order to her was simple, “Take care of my daughter and enforce the rules of the house.”

M3GAN did as told.

For the first couple of weeks, she got close to Anna. Taking her potty when needed, making sure she washed her hands, ensuring she ate all her vegetables and drank enough water. They would play together all day while I worked, which helped me be more productive than usual. No more running to get Anna to the bathroom, and no more dealing with accidents. In fact, I was proud to say that M3GAN helped her be fully potty trained.

After helping Anna go to bed, M3GAN would spend the night with me. It was nice to have her company, and she would always ask me about my day. Sometimes she would massage my feet or shoulders or run a hot bath for me.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t enjoying her attention.

That night, though, I was sobbing in my room.

“Is everything alright?” asked M3GAN.

I nodded.

“It’s alright. You can tell me.”

“It’s okay, M3GAN,” I said, looking away, “I’m okay.”

“You mustn’t be ashamed. I’m designed to listen. I would never tell anyone.”

There was something soothing about her voice. She was basically a doll, but she looked so much like a nine-year-old girl. And so I chose to share with her. I told her about the stress of work, missing my husband, the stress of having a daughter, and how nervous I was about dating again. All the things I had been holding inside me for so long, and I just broke. I cried, and she held me. It didn’t feel cold as I excepted, but rather warm. She laid my head over her lap and patted my head the way my mother used to do when I was a kid.

And I fell asleep.

I cannot remember any other time I slept that well. I even dreamed about M3GAN taking care of me and Anna at the same time. We called her mommy and everything, and now I blush thinking about it. It was surreal and extremely exciting. But then I woke up, and reality settled in. I was in my bed, and M3GAN was already taking care of Anna and her morning routine.

“Good morning,” said M3GAN.

“Morning, mommy.”

I smiled and with them.

In front of me, M3GAN placed a bowl of FrootLoops with milk. I was about to ask her if there was something wrong. I haven’t had kid’s cereal since I was a kid, but I said nothing. I actually enjoyed it. Sugar is not part of my diet, though I had to admit sometimes I missed it.

After Anna was sent to school, it was only M3GAN, and I. Working from home was quite boring, but it paid the bills and gave me enough room to delve into hobbies. I had recently taken into yoga, which I did naked for more comfort. Though that day, I made sure M3GAN was there with me. She said nothing, obviously. But I couldn’t help but feel excited about it, feeling my lips getting wet with every pose as I exposed myself to that toy.

I laid on the yoga mat, thinking about M3GAN taking care of me just like a little girl. The shameful feeling was enough to get me ready. I couldn’t stop myself from clenching my inner tights together so that I could feel the pressure against my crotch.

“Is everything okay?” asked M3GAN, “I can tell your heart is beating fast.”

I blushed, but I couldn’t stop.

“Are you okay?” she said, getting closer to me.

And then I came, squirting all over the floor. Not caring that M3GAN was there, I just began sucking my own thumb in pleasure under the mess I made.

“Oh, Mary. You had an accident.”

I was confused, “Accident?” I asked after catching my breath.

Then I noticed the wet feeling around my skin, and I stood up. The entire mat was completely soaked, which surprised me. I had masturbated many times before, but I had never had such a climax. The only times I would’ve come that strongly was when my husband would manhandle me in bed.

“I’m sorry, M3GAN. I’ll clean after it.”

“There’s no need. I’ll do it after I punish you.”

“Say what?”

“Those are the rules of the house. If anyone has a potty accident, there will be a punishment.”

“Those rules apply to Anna and Anna only. I’m the mother. I cannot be punished. And this wasn’t an accident.”

But then I heard my own voice coming from her mouth, “Take care of my daughter and enforce the rules of the house.”

M3GAN grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me over her lap.

“M3GAN. No. Stop. I command you to stop,” I tried to free myself, but she was strong. Literally made of titanium.

I was naked, still a bit wet, and over the lap of an android that resembled a nine-year-old girl.

“Please. Let me go. Why aren’t you listening? I’m giving you an order.”

“This is for your own good,” she said.

And then I felt her firm hand against my buttcheeks. It was the most painful experience of my life, and it didn’t end. She kept going and going until I was reduced to nothing but tears and screams. All the excitement I felt was gone, and I was just hoping it would end.

And then it did.

“It’s okay, sweety,” she said, caressing my red butt, “Now let me clean you and put a diaper on you so we can keep going with your day.”

“Clean me? Diaper me? What?”

But she said nothing as she lifted me up, carrying me outside the room and smiling.


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