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Darren sat in the living room looking at his daughter, Amy, playing beside her mother. That shouldn’t be an odd scenario in most cases. However, Rebecca was not considered Amy’s mother any more than she was considered an adult. You see, Rebecca was dressed the same way as Amy. A pink onesie with cartoon characters, some colorful knee socks, and what was obviously a diaper. But in their house, that was a normal day.

“Food’s almost ready,” said Nelly from inside the kitchen.

Darren smiled.

He had lost his wife two years ago when he came back from a business trip to find her in nothing but a diaper. She was being treated like a baby by the woman they had hired to take care of Amy while they worked. He sometimes thought about that day and what happened right after he confronted Rebecca about it. She was no longer a wife or mother. She was a baby, and she wanted it that way. Luckily, Darren didn’t need to deal with both babies himself. Nelly moved into the master room as his new girlfriend, and they’ve been raising Amy and Rebecca as sisters.

“Daddy, Becca’s made a poopy,” said Amy, who, at two, was already on her way to being out of diapers full-time.

“Is that true, Becca?”

Rebecca didn’t answer. Babies couldn’t tell if they needed a change or not, and she was, for all intents and purposes, a baby. She just stayed there, playing, hoping her husband…No, daddy would change her before nap time.

Darren stood up.

He didn’t need to check her diaper. It was obvious someone needed a change, and Amy was doing too good at potty training that there was no need to check her anymore. Rebecca, on the other hand, was messing herself at least three times a day, or more, depending on what she ate. It was surreal she could poop that much when one considered the fact she was only eating baby food and drinking Nelly’s milk.

“Let’s go get you change,” said Darren.

Rebecca chuckled.

“No, my love. Let me do it,” said Nelly, appearing from the kitchen, “Food’s ready. Why don’t you and Amy eat while I get Becca ready for her nap?”

Darren nodded.

Nelly was everything Rebecca never was. She was responsible, a good mother, and ambitious but kind. She cooked, cared for the babies, studied for her career, and did almost everything around the house. She was a superwoman, and Darren was so lucky to have her.

He kissed her and took Amy to get her ready for lunch.

Nelly grabbed Rebecca, carrying her as if she weighed nothing, “Let’s take care of you, my sweet baby girl.”

“Mommy, mommy,” said Rebecca enthusiastically because she knew what Nelly meant when she said: Let’s take care of you.

Nelly placed her on the changing table and removed the diaper to reveal her messy crotch. It was a sight that always made her feel warm between her legs. Long were the days when Rebecca would be considered an ambitious woman everyone in her office feared. She couldn’t go back to that even if she ever decided she wanted to. Everyone in her former office knew about Rebecca’s new lifestyle. Some of them had even seen her wetting and messing her diaper when Darren and Nelly took her to the office to make her resignation official.

But Rebecca didn’t care.

She lay there, allowing a woman ten years her junior to clean her crotch as if it was the most natural thing in the world. She felt Nelly’s soft touch as she removed every trace of poop and pee from her skin. And her touch was waking her princess's parts. Soon she would need her mommy to take care of her.

Nelly placed another diaper on Rebecca and taped it.

“It’s time, my sweet.”

Finally, thought Rebecca.

Nelly removed her shirt and then her bra, revealing her massive breasts and the delicious milk pouring from them. Rebecca lost no time and went straight to one, beginning to suck that delicious nectar as Nelly began to rub Rebecca’s crotch through her diaper.

“Slow down, baby. There’s plenty for you,” she said, feeling the warmth between her legs heating up. To the point that she was sure she would need to change her panties after it.

Rebecca kept going, feeling Nelly’s touch as she pissed herself again. It was heaven. It was everything she ever wanted and needed. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to her climax as she kept tasting the sweet milky treat her mommy made for her.

And then, both mommy and baby came at the same time.

Nelly carried Rebecca to her crib. Locked her there, kissing her forehead. And left.

The former mother lay there, sleepy and ready for her nap. She didn’t care if anyone thought she was a weirdo or a terrible mother. She didn’t care that every last one of her friends knew about her new life. She was happy. She was happier than she ever was, and it was all thanks to nanny… I mean, mommy.


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