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“You wet yourself, again?” Asked Kate.

“I didn’t mean to. It was an accident.”

“You’ve been having accidents for far too long, and you cannot blame this time. Though the cummies were more excusable than peeing on one of my favorite couches.”

Steve blushed.

“I’m sorry.”

“That won’t do. We are going to need a real solution.”

“What do you mean?”

Kate smiled, “Follow me.”

Still wearing his wet pajamas, Steve did as told. It was a rather uncomfortable sensation, one he was unfamiliar with. Cumming on his pants every night was one thing, but peeing himself was a completely different matter. It had a strong smell and it was rather cold now, making him walk slower than usual.

Finally, Steve stopped as he followed Kate into the guest room.

“Well? What do you think?”

In the bed, he could see a big bag of diapers large enough to fit him.

“You’re joking.”

“I’m not. I want my husband to sleep with me in our bed. But that can’t happen until he learns not to make a mess in the bed every single night.”

“It was only this time. I don’t know what happened.”

There was a short moment of silence as Kate opened the package of diapers.

“Okay,” she said, taking one of the bag, “What if I make you a deal?”

“A deal?”

She nodded.

“If you can spend the entire week without peeing the bed. Or god forbid, messing yourself or having accidents in the middle of the day, no diapers.”

Steve smiled.

“That shouldn’t be a problem,” he said, getting closer to his wife, “Can I go clean now?”

“Wait a second. You haven’t heard what will happen if you fail.”

“Diapers at night?”

“No,” she said, doing her best not to find the situation exciting, “If you fail. It will not only be diapers at night. But diapers twenty four seven.”

“Are you insane?”

She stood tall, towering over him, “What did you call me?”

Steve felt small.

“I’m sorry. But, diapers all day?”

“And everyday,” she said, kissing his forehead, “Or we can start now and you can let me diaper you every night before bed. Your call.”

“But why?”

“Why? You can't seriously be asking me that. Besides your constant accidents? You are not doing well at work. And yes, I know about it. I’ve also noticed the wet spots on your underwear. Who do you think washes them? You are behaving like a child and I will treat you like one unless you prove to me you can be a grown up.”

Steve’s blood was raging. How dare she talk to him like that? Yes, it was true he’d been leaving some wet spots in his underwear. It wasn’t his fault whenever his boss raised her voice at him he just couldn’t control himself.

“I’m not waiting forever. You have to make a decision.”

It was perhaps the most difficult choice Steve has had to make in a while. There was no way he could willingly be put back in diapers at his age, but the other option was just too unbearable. That was, only if, he actually fucked up and wet the bed again, or worse.


He didn't answer. He couldn’t.

“If you don’t answer. I guess I’ll…”

“I’ll take it.”

“What, precisely?”

“The deal. Diapers twenty four seven if I have another accident.”

“Are you sure?”

He nodded.

“Good,” she said, hugging him, not caring if he was still soaked from the previous night, “Go clean yourself. You have to go to work.”

Once Steve was gone, Kate sat in the living room, thinking on how she could implement the next step of her plan. She wanted Steve to regress completely, and for it to work, he needed to want it too. However, knowing her husband, diapers could work but being babied was not something he would take lightly.

She poured herself a glass of wine.

In front of her, on a table, there was a package of powerful laxatives in powder. Next to them are some diuretics. Both of which had been used recently. She had poured them in Steve’s breakfast.

She smiled.

Soon enough they will start working. Soon enough he would have an accident right at work, and there would be no way for him to stop it.

Steve’s tummy wasn’t feeling quite well as he reached his office. He hadn’t really eaten anything that could upset it. Some eggs, toast, and a little bit of chocolate milk. It wasn't a grown-ups breakfast, but it was comforting, especially because Kate made it for him.

Maybe he was becoming lactose intolerant. Everyone in his office was but him, he thought as he sat on his desk.

“Steve, in my office,” said Elena, standing by Steve’s office door, “Now.”

He did as told immediately.

“Sit,” she commanded as they got into her office.

Steve obeyed.

“How is it possible for a man your age to be as careless and slow as you are? Shouldn’t you get better at this job as time goes by,” she said, placing a big file over her desk.

Steve was speechless.

“It’s not a rhetorical question. I truly want to know.”

“I don’t…”

“You don’t what? Understand plain English?” She asked, opening the file and pointing at it, “Is there anything wrong with those depositions?”

“I…I…I don’t know.”

“My goodness. Are you some sort of retard?”

Steve had to do his best to prevent himself from crying. He hated it when Elena treated him like some stupid aid. He was older than her. Where was the respect?

“Are you crying?”

Steve couldn’t contain it anymore. He was sobbing. But the tears were the least of his problems. His tummy was rumbling, and he knew that if he didn’t make it to the bathroom soon, crying in front of his boss would be the least of his problems.

“You are pathetic. When my father hired you, I told him it was a mistake. But, he’s friends with your wife. So he wouldn’t…”

A loud wet fart echoed the entire room.

Elena said nothing at first. Neither did Steve.

“Are you…”

Another one.

“Get the fuck out of my office.”

Steve tried to stand up. He needed to make it to the toilet. But as soon as he left the chair, he lost the battle. He could feel the warm and mushy mess spreading around his underwear. The poo didn’t stop, it kept going until it was leaking down his trousers and into the floor. He stood there, disgracing himself in front of his boss without being able to do anything.

“I’m sorry,” he said, crying even louder now.

Elena just stared at him. She had never seen a grown man messing himself, let alone in the way Steve had just done it. He was a disgrace for his sex, there was no doubt of it. However, something inside her felt different. As if she wanted to comfort him and protect him.

“It’s okay,” she said, standing up, “Let’s take you home.”


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