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Chapter Nine

There was a short moment of silence.

“Good,” said Nelly, getting closer to Rebecca again, “But that won’t do. You will say the following: Pwease, mommy. I wanna be nothin but your litwel girl. I wanna be in diapys forever, and I wanna be Amy’s little sister.”

Rebecca thought about it carefully. Was she willing to reduce herself to that point? Was she willing to call her own baby daughter big sister? What would her husband think? Would she lose her job?

She sighed.


“Pwease, mommy. I wanna be nothin but your litwel girl. I wanna be in diapys forever, and I wanna be Amy’s little sister.”

Nelly chuckled at the sight of a grown-up woman admitting she wanted to be nothing but a dumb baby. However, there was something she needed to make clear with her new little girl.

“Regarding your husband,” she said, caressing Rebecca’s body, “Perhaps you’d like him to be a part of this”

Rebecca was confused.

“Just imagine. You, me, Amy, and Darren as a big happy family.”



“He’s my husband.”

“Well. I don’t think he’ll be considering you much of a wife when he returns and sees you in your thick messy diapers.”

That was true. She knew it was true, but in her brain, she thought she could do something about it. Something to make it work. But, no matter what she planned, the end-result was always the same. Darren would either be disgusted and file for the divorce, or he would just leave, never to return again. He wasn’t a kinky man. He was very conservative in that sense. He loved being a father to Amy and a husband to Rebecca. Would he love being a father of two?

“You know there’s only one choice. You let me handle it.”

Rebecca said nothing.

“What do you say, baby girl?”

“Yes, mommy.”

Nelly picked her up, “Now that that’s settled, would you like to get some ñam ñams from mommy?”

Without thinking it twice, Rebecca nodded.

Nelly pulled her closer to her breasts, ready to feel the sweet bliss of her new baby girl sucking on them. It was intimate. It was heaven for them both. Rebecca sucked and kept sucking, drinking the delicious nectar that Nelly provided. The nanny would rub her diaper, making the grown-up baby moan as she continued to suck.

But then, they heard a cry.

Nelly stopped rubbing, trying to push Rebecca always from her breasts so that she could go take care of Amy. But as soon as she did, the former mother began crying too. An infant cry. One of desperation.

Nelly chuckled.

“You are truly becoming the baby we both know you are,” she smiled, tickling the grown-up woman to stop her sobbing, “But I still have a responsibility to look after your daughter. Ups, I mean, your older sister.”

Rebecca frowned.

“I’ll be right back.”

She left her, but not without kissing her forehead first.

“We are going to be a big happy family,” said Nelly, looking at her beautiful overgrown baby in her thick diapers.


Darren had spent his entire trip thinking about the relationship with his wife. He loved her. He was sure about it. But her behavior was becoming more and more unbearable, especially when she blamed their kid for her problems at work. Maybe therapy would be a good option, they wouldn’t be the first of their friends that needed couples therapy.

On the other hand, was the relationship worth all that sacrifice?

He kept debating that in his head as he approached home. He paid the taxi driver, grabbed his suitcase, and went inside. Hoping he would find his wife in a more manageable mood.

But what welcomed him wasn’t the woman he left just a week before.

On the ground, near his baby daughter, was his wife. A beautiful woman, completely naked, but for a diaper that had been clearly used multiple times already. She was playing with some dolls and sucking on a pacifier. His own daughter was playing also and seemed unbothered by her mother being in such a state.

“Welcome back, sir,” said Nelly, who was sitting on the couch, “I bet you have many questions.”

He nodded.

“I’m Nelly, by the way. The babysitter.”

“I figured that,” he said, without taking his eyes off his wife, “Is she okay?”

“Well, she needs a change. But other than that, she is perfectly fine. Aren’t you, babydoll?”

Rebecca looked up at her husband. A rush of emotions flooded her heart and mind, but she only nodded. Nelly had made it clear that if she pretended to be an adult again, she would leave. She didn’t want Nelly to leave. She wanted her mommy with her forever, even if it meant leaving everything else behind.

“What happened to you?”

“She had some accidents. The bathroom type. After some tantrums and threats, she decided that being a mother and a wife was too much for her.”

“Too much?”

“Well, stress and responsibilities. Work. All those things babies don’t have to worry about.”

“Did you do this to her?”

“I just gave her a push. This is who she really was and is.”

Darren got closer to his wife.

“Is it true?” He asked her, holding her chin up so that they could see each other in the eye.

Rebecca thought about it for a second. She thought about spitting the pacifier, removing the diaper, and pleading for Darren's forgiveness. She thought about suing Nelly for what she did. If there was ever a time to do it, it was now. She had the opportunity to speak her mind.

But she didn’t.

Instead, feeling the overwhelming pressure of the interrogation, she only squared right there. In front of the man, she had loved for almost ten years. She said nothing. She only pushed, and pushed, and pushed. Until everyone in the room could hear her wet farts and how she filled her diaper. Then, more pee came out, to the point that she began leaking.

The cherry on top of her performance, she began crying like a bawling toddler.

“I think that’s one way to answer. Don’t you think so?”

Darren nodded.

“Why don’t you take a shower while I clean the baby, and then we can talk?”

“Talk?” He asked, grabbing his daughter, “Talk about what?”

“I have an idea that could work. But, I need you to have a more open mind.”

Darren chuckled.

“What about Amy?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of her, too, while you relax.”

He sighed.

It felt warm. Though he couldn’t quite place the why. Being told after a long day’s work to just go relax while someone else looked after the house definitely was a welcome change.

So, he did. Still thinking that it could be a bad or good dream.

Meanwhile, Nelly began changing Rebecca right there in the living room. She first removed the tapes to open the diaper, revealing the sorry state of her messy crotch and unleashing the smell of her own poo and pee.

“Good girl,” she said, cleaning Rebecca’s crotch masterfully, “Soon you’ll have a mommy and a daddy. And your only worry would be to be a good girl. How does that sound?”

“Good, mommy.”

Nelly smiled and blew some raspberries on Rebecca’s tummy, making the grown-up baby burst into laughter.


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