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Chapter One

It was the first day of a new job. A new beginning for Henry after being fired by his law firm, which eventually led to his divorce and not being able to see his own kids. Granted, maintenance in a kindergarten wasn’t his life’s ambition, but it would pay the bills, especially now that he was about to become homeless. Luckily, this job also offered a room to live in as part of the benefits. It wouldn’t be much, but it would be enough until he could get back on track.

At this moment, anything that would shine a little light on his life was better than nothing. At least, that’s what he kept telling himself.

The owner of the kid’s school was a woman just a couple of years older than Henry. Her name was Maria, and she was not particularly warm to anyone but the children. He noticed that as soon as the parents started to appear with their babies on hand. It was as if she changed her entire personality whenever a baby was nearby. Maybe one of those women who couldn’t get children of their own yet desired it so badly that it consumed them.

Henry smiled.

He always prided himself on being good at reading people.

One by one, the parents began leaving until it was only Maria, her two assistants, and himself.

“Very well, girls,” said Maria, turning to see her two young assistants, “This is Henry. He’ll be in charge of maintenance, so if you need anything, please talk to him.”

“Hi Henry,” said one of the assistants, a pretty girl that couldn’t be a day older than twenty-one.

“Hello, Henry,” said the other assistant, a tall and towering woman with a very severe expression.

“Hello,” he said, trying to turn on the charm “Pleasure to meet you.”

He was a good-looking fella for someone in his early forties. He was above average height, and he kept himself fit and looking young through exercises and a lot of moisturizing creams. In fact, because of this routine he had, he even looked a lot younger than Maria though they were almost the same age.

“Very well, then. Let’s go take care of the babies,” said Maria, turning to see Henry, “Henry, I’ll show you your office.”

Henry nodded.

The office, if it could actually be called an office, was a small storage area with hundreds of diapers, changing supplies, extra clothes for the kids in case of accidents, some tools, and a small desk.

“I know it ain’t much, but it should do the work. We use this area to store supplies more than anything. As I told you before, the business has been blooming, and we need to keep the building under code or, well, you know about that kind of stuff.”

Henry nodded.

“Now, let me show you where you’ll be sleeping.”

That’s the part Henry was looking forward to. He was used to a king-size bed with memory foam pillows and silk sheets. Though he was sure he wasn’t going to get any of it. Still, he hoped it would be something comfortable, at the very least. However, comfortable wouldn’t describe what Maria had in store.

At first, Henry said nothing.

It was a pink room. Small, but big enough to include a double bed. That wasn’t the problem, though. That same bed had rails surrounding the sides. It was, for a lack of a better word, a crib. An adult-size crib. There were some toys and even a changing table. Everything was big enough for a man his size, and that’s when he started panicking.

But before he could ask about it, Maria spoke.

“I know it’s too much. But it’s the only room I have for help. It was for a former student. She had some special needs, and we were happy to take care of her.”

Henry still said nothing. He was scanning the different items inside the room, from adult-size baby outfits to what seemed to be a rocking chair.

“Anyway. She passed recently, and the room became available full time,” she said, waiting for Henry to say anything, but he didn’t, “If it’s not for you, I can understand. I will not hold it…”

“It’s okay,” said Henry, smiling awkwardly, “I think I can get used to it. It’s not like it’s going to be forever.”

“That’s the spirit,” said Maria, “You can move in immediately if you want. Today, let’s just get you used to be here.”

Henry nodded, “I will, thanks, ma’am.”

Maria showed Henry the different classes in kindergarten. There were the babies or the Duck Class. Those that weren’t potty trained were sent straight there, and Maria made an off emphasis on anyone. Henry thought nothing about it, so they kept going. The next class was the Monkey Class or the ones that were potty trained but for some accidents from time to time. Finally, the Lion Class was for those that would only need protection at night.

The kids in the Lion Class were very eager to meet Henry. He was new, and kids loved new things. So, Maria asked Henry to entertain the kids while she checked on her newer assistant.

“How old are you?” They asked.

“Are you potty trained?” They asked.

“Are you also a student?” They asked.

Henry chuckled.

“No, I’m working here from now on. So, we’ll see each other often.”

“Play with us.” They asked.

“Yes. Let’s play house,” said a little girl.

“No, that’s stupid,” said one of the boys.

Henry tried to step in and tell the boy that it wasn’t nice to say those things. But the girl was already crying.

“We can play house,” said Henry, trying to cheer the girl up, ”What do you say?”

The girl nodded, and soon enough, a group of girls was surrounding Henry while the boys went to play among themselves. Henry thought they meant for him to be the husband, after all, that was the logical option. But he was wrong. The girls wanted Henry to be the baby.

“Please, pretty please.”

“I don’t know.”


Henry accepted. After all, how bad could it be? It was just a game with some five-year-olds. He didn’t think it would be too bad, but that’s when the girls placed a pack on his mouth and laid him on one of the girls’ laps. It took him by surprise, and in a way, it felt good to be looked after. It was a weird feeling, ever since his divorce, he had felt like such a failure. Not to mention his losing his job, house, and family. So when the girls started making comments about how cute the baby was and how good of a boy he was, he actually felt a warm sensation spreading from his heart.

He knew he had to stand up and tell them to stop, but he didn’t.

In fact, he didn’t know how or when, but he fell asleep sucking on the pacifier as they patted his hair.

Chuckles woke him up.

He opened his eyes to notice all the kids looking at him. He spat the pacifier and stood up. That’s when he realized why they were chuckling. His pants were wet, noticeably wet.

“What did you do?” Asked Henry furiously.

“Nothing,” said the little girl that had cried just before.

“Why are my pants wet?”

She said nothing. But that’s when the other kids began shouting.

“Henry peed his pants. Henry peed his pants.”

Henry was shocked. But things were about to get worse.

The door to the room opened, and Maria stepped in. All the kids went quiet immediately as she began walking towards Henry.

“Care to explain?” She asked, scanning his crotch.

“It was an accident. The kids spilled some juice on me, I think. I just need to…”

Her face was in his crotch. She was sniffing him. He tried to step back, but she held him by the wrist.

“This is pee. Unless you are about to tell me the kids peed on you without you noticing, I’m sure you had an accident. Now. I will give you the time to explain yourself.”

Henry was shocked. He knew his pants were wet, but pee was another level of humiliation.

“I…I…” he said, tears forming in his eyes, “I don’t…”

He was sobbing now.

That’s when the little girl that had made him play house stepped in.

“It was my fault, Miss Maria. We were playing house with him, and I think we played too hard ‘cause he fell asleep and…”


“He had an accident.”

Maria was furious.

“Did you peed yourself in your sleep in front of these kids?”

Henry didn’t know what to say.

“It wasn’t his fault,” the girl kept saying.

But Maria didn’t want to hear it. He took Henry by the wrist again and took him out of the classroom. He said nothing. What could he say? He had just disgraced himself in front of his new employee and a bunch of kids. He didn’t notice that Maria was leading him back to his room.

She dragged him in and stood right in front of him, examining the damage.

“I’m going to be honest. This has never happened to us. So I don’t know what to do.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened.”

“I believe you. Clara, the girl that defended you is all about honesty. But you still peed yourself in your sleep. Not even at night, but while taking a nap. So I think there’s only one solution.”


“You can either wear protection to bed, or you can look for another job that offers a room to live in.”





Love this, soon the kids will have to take care of him heheh