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Chapter One

Steve woke up that morning feeling guilty. The night before, his wife, Kate, had asked him once more to go see a fertility doctor. After all, she already saw one, and it wasn’t her fault that there was no baby yet. Steve, however, didn’t want to see a doctor to tell him what he already knew. And, if he was honest, he truly didn’t feel the need to be a father.

Kate, on the other hand, was the opposite. It was her dream to be a mother, and at thirty, she felt like that dream was getting further and further than ever.

So Kate being upset was no surprise to him.

“Goodbye, love,” said Steve, leaving home for work, “Date night tonight?”

Kate said nothing. She only nodded.

She was fed up with Steve’s attitude. He said he wanted kids before they got married. He said it was his dream to be a father, but now it just seemed as if he actively didn’t want it. He didn’t want to get a doctor’s appointment, and he seemed to be faking climax so that they wouldn't get pregnant. But, she did love home. It’s not like she would leave him just to have a baby.

He was handsome, or more than handsome, cute. He still looked twenty-five and had a rather slim figure. Little body hair, but that wasn’t really a problem. Though, many of her friends questioned her decision to marry him. She was, after all, out of his league. Slightly bit taller than him with beautiful long, hazel hair and a body everyone wanted, with massive breasts and an ass that seemed to remain stuck at eighteen.

She sighed as her husband’s car left the house.

Unlike Steve, Kate was a successful writer who could manage her own hours. He, on the other hand, was a mid-level worker at some factory. They decided that they both would work until the baby was home. Then, Steve would help with taking care of him, and she would become the sole provider. It was a good plan. She was the one that brought most of the money anyway, so Steve not working wouldn’t be a problem.

But, Steve seemed to resent the idea even if he accepted it when she proposed it.

What could she do now?

“I did tell you that boys like him are not keen on their word,” said Sandra, her best friend, as they drank their usual morning Starbucks, “To be honest, it surprises me that he can even get it up. He seems a bit feminine.”

“He is a man,” said Kate, taking  another sip at her beverage, “He’s just a bit...”

Irresponsible, she thought but didn’t say it.

“Well, you already looked like his mother. Isn’t he older than you? He looks like a little brother.”

“I love him.”

“I didn’t say you didn’t.”

There was a long pause.

“Do you love him like a husband...or could you consider loving him like something else?”

“I’m not divorcing him,” said Kate, annoyed at her friend.

“No. No. I’m not implying that. I had a coworker at college. She was a mother.”


“Well. That’s the thing. She started having some accidents, potty ones, and her daughter turned her back into a baby.”

Kate chuckled.

“Yeah, right.”

“No kidding. Her name’s Evelyn. I even have a picture here.”

Sandra took her phone and showed it to Kate. She was not expecting what she saw. In her friend’s phone, there was an adult. She was slightly chubby with piercing eyes and a pretty smile. Maybe in her early forties. But, that wasn’t the surprising aspect of it. She was wearing nothing but a diaper, and she was sucking on a pacifier. What made it even more bizarre was that she was sitting on another woman’s lap. A younger one, a lot younger.

“What the fuck is this?”

“That’s the solution to your problems.”

Kate was confused. She could only see what she assumed was a kinky scene, a rather disturbing one, to say the least. Yet, there was something about the young woman with the overgrown baby in her lap. She seemed happy, fulfilled as if at that precise moment she had gotten what she’s always wanted.

“Steve won’t give you a baby. Right?”

She nodded.

“And you won’t leave him, right?”

She shook her head.

“Then, why not make Steve the baby?”


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