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Chapter Four

Without her phone, Rebecca didn’t know how much time it passed.

She just stood there, waiting for Nelly to return, feeling her wet skin getting colder and colder, and sobbing as she stared at the wall. No, there was no way she would allow some nobody to treat her that way. Nelly was strong and tall, but Rebecca wasn’t some little girl that couldn’t defend herself. She could call the cops, though that meant having on-record her shameful accident and spanking. So, she would have to deal with Nelly alone; obviously, firing her was step number one.

After a nice shower and putting on some clothes, Rebecca heard the front door.

She went down to face Nelly, but as soon as she saw the nanny's raging eyes, she felt weak.

“I will not allow you to treat me like this…”

But Nelly just went straight ahead to Amy’s room with the sleeping baby in her arms. She placed Amy in her crib, kissing her forehead and turning the baby monitor on before she left the room. She seemed calm as if nothing had happened. But that only made Rebecca feel more nervous.

“I was talking to you…” she tried saying.

Nelly, however, just grabbed Rebecca by the wrist and dragged her back to the living room.

“Stop it. Let me go. I’ll call the cops!” She shouted, “I’ll fucking end you.”

That was it. Nelly placed Rebecca on her lap, removed her pants and underwear, and began spanking her again. This time she did not stop easily. She kept going until Rebecca couldn’t cry no more.

“Are you ready to be a good girl?”

Rebecca didn’t answer.

“Just nod, baby girl.”

But Rebecca didn’t.

“I guess you still need to learn a lesson…”

“No, please,” pleaded the defeated mother, “I’ll do anything you want.”

“I’ll hold you to it,” said Nelly, kissing both Rebecca’s buttcheeks, “As I cannot turn you, You’ll have to come with me to get the thing off the car.”


Nelly said nothing else. She lifted Rebecca, holding her in her arms, and walked towards the door. From the car, she retrieved a couple of backs without putting Rebecca down.

How strong is this woman? Rebecca asked herself, but not wanting to infuriate her, she remained in Nelly’s arms like a good girl, hoping none of her neighbors would see her if she just buried her face against Nelly’s shoulders.

She did not see the content in the bags until they were both back inside the house and inside the living room. First, Nelly sat Rebecca once again on her lap, which made Rebecca feel uneasy and uncomfortable after that last spanking. Then, she proceeded to take out the contents of the bags.

Rebecca was speechless.

Onesies, diapers, pacifiers, baby bottles. You name it. It was there. But, the problem was those baby items were large enough to fit an adult; and Rebecca was smart enough to know the adult in question was her.

She thought about escaping, but even if she could free herself from Nelly’s arm, which she doubted, the nanny was strong enough to submit her again. So, she did nothing. She didn’t have to. In a couple of days, her husband would be back, and Rebecca’s nightmare would end. He would do whatever was necessary to send Nelly to jail for life. Not to mention she would get a lot of sympathy from him, probably even some jewelers. But, that would be in a couple of days, and Rebecca didn’t have that much time. Before Darren got home, she would be turned into what seemed to be a baby, and there was nothing she could do about it. At least, nothing she could do without getting spanked again.

“Let’s start,” said Nelly, smirking, “Baby girl.”


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