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Joo is completely dedicated to killing his father's murderer in jail and Moon finally figures out how to get her mom out of her life! The video had some technical issues so there is 10 mins of footage missing around the beginning of the episode.



cant wait for weak hero, also I havent watched The Glory idk if its good should I watch it? What is it about

Luna Mé

Yep you definitely should watch it. It’s basically the story of a bullied girl taking revenge on her bullies. It’s that simple, but it’s really good.

Luna Mé

I do agree that revenge is not always the best thing, but in this case, it’s better to see it as bullies/abusers/criminals getting what they deserve. It’s not as if Moon is trying to kill or burn anybody. She’s just trying to get a murderer locked up which is 100% reasonable. There is so much corruption at the top. Instead of protecting victims, the Justice system is sold and bought. If everybody plays dirty, then she can play dirty too. To a victim, revenge can also be justice. Do understand that had the police done its job, Moon never would’ve felt the need to do all this. Revenge is “wrong” if justice has already been served, if not then… At the end of the day, we’re all human and all deal with pain differently. I won’t ever recommend revenge to anyone, but if that’s what you need, I can understand the feeling.


"If somebody's parent is a murderer and I put them in jail I didn't ruin your life. Your mother should have never been murderer." Thank you. Yeon-jin already hurt her daughter by: lying to her and her husband about who her father is, telling Ye-sol to not mention her colour blindness to the man she thought was her father and overall not teaching her anything of high value. And this is her daughter, she has wronged pretty much everyone in her life lol. She's brought down herself.


Yes you should watch it, it's absolutely amazing. The storyline, the acting, everything is just crazy good.


Lol that was last week, gotta search for it more than likely

A. P.

A friend of mine dated a girl that was violated by a man prior to their relationship and she wanted revenge on the guy bc he never faced any consequences and my friend explained to her that he could take certain actions with the guy if that's what she really wanted since she kept dropping hints knowing that my friend is someone who's been outside a little bit, but my homie warned her that there's a cost to everything and the dynamic of their relationship would never be the same after that. Ultimately she decided to let it go and he was eventually able to convince her to get therapy which I think is the better choice, but it would've been understandable if she had chosen either path honestly. I feel like it's the same thing here with Dong Eun. I agree the best revenge is success, but who are we really to tell someone who's been violated in any major way that what they want is "wrong" if they want that person to be brought to justice and are willing to take it into their own hands. It's a tough line to walk


If you notice most of the time Moon is only setting up the others to go after each other. All the people she is going after are only doing things that will benefit themselves. So instead of helping each other they are taking each other down making Moon's job easier. Also, the Korean language and the flow is just so nice to listen to. Can't wait for next week!



Zalika Barnes

Non gonna lie, Robs sense of justification for things is concerning. Constantly calling Dong-eun a demon while giving a pass to her mom and Young-jin go is wild. Ok noted as long as the murderer is pretty she can get away with things. How dare Dong-eun mess up Young-jin happy home. Dong-eun is stupid for not letting it go…..that’s a crazy mentality and troubling, and if that’s how Rob really thinks…noted…although it’s concerning.

Lalisa Truong

No one ruined Ye-sol's life except her own mother. Woman literally killed two people lol, Moon is only bringing everything to light and honestly, she doesn't even have to do much to bring these guys down. They're doing it to themselves, she's just putting all the pieces in place 🤷‍♀️

Zenru Renari


Zenru Renari

It’s really good but in my personal opinion, it’s doesn’t beat Weak Hero Class.. I’m my opinion. But they’re both really good! Give it a watch.


Y'll play too much :D we all know if we had a loved one who experienced what dong-eun experienced, it would be a cold ass time. She sought justice (social construct ei went to the police, her parent, the teachers, for help and it made it worse cause they look down on victims, and get paid off), now she only had one more road for glory and it was through "revenge" that will hopefully open the door to justice.


have yall watched VINCENZO the OG korean show really started all this wave


rob prob don't even know what's going on but be saying the most lmfao