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What were thoughts on our argument in the end discussion? Who was bugging, Evan & Pat or Rob & Jerry?


keja ryals

Who do we talk to about getting rob kicked out


man that argument reminded me of parks and rec wellz just be like i broke it we was getting to chummy in here lol


Nah Jerry was mad confusing bruh. 😂 he literally just repeated what was JUST said so it didn’t sound like an agreement. It sounded like he didn’t understand what was just said and thought he just came up with some revelation on his own.


bruhhhhh... Dong Eun's mom is not going to the rehab but a psych center. Korea's Psych center is a whole different ball game when you only have a single family member meaning the Mom will never get out until the family member says the patient (mom in this case) is back to normal lol