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Best pacing ever omg



They somehow topped choso vs itadori ALREADY


Also can we get fate pls

Weiss Schnee

Sukuna's aura is unmatched

Devin B

Seeing someone just beat someone down with just brute strength and technique is always satisfying

Darren Metts

single greatest episode of JJK hands down to the animation to the art style the choreography the direction to the ost’s lighting and the setting and placement of the darker tones this episode was hype incarnate I can officially say shibuya arc>bleach tybw with the release of this episode pure greatness


Shibuya so far has been too critically inconsistent (10/18 Eps in and no more than now 4 stand out ones) with too many behind-the-scenes issues, while Bleach TYBW has been the opposite of that with a healthy production consistently enhancing the manga with it’s own author on board and isn’t even over yet, only halfway done. However, you’re free to prefer whatever you want. Personally would prefer if ppl would just let each of these great series be great on their own without making it a dick measuring contest competition. If we could be better than RT TV themselves, maybe we could influence them to be better as well. JS


Nah this episode hit different, Its #1 episode of the year if im being real. Can never compare Thousand Year LGBT War where half the cast looking like drag queens and ywatch motive is that he has daddy issues 😂😂😂

Justus A

Sukuna my goat his screen presence is crazy


Whats wild is that the first half was basically set up for the second half and even then were still more entertaining then all of TYBW so far. Bleach got worst villians then OP.(Katakuri is the GOAT). Bleach dosent have 1 fight to contend for top 5 fights of the year.


And yet, even after a month you stay here comparing and spewing the same diarrhea 💩 out the mouth almost every post you can with it living rent free, gargling it’s nuts proving that you’re threatened out of your mind, coping with the fact that Bleach is beyond better in a completely different league as the master.

Carter San

Changing the episode title to Demon Time


Jogo vs Sukuna bout to break the internet

Justus A

That part at the end showing the December schedule was cool


What’s truly wild is how you think anything you say matters as if you will influence the majority to think differently with nothing but satire bait. Entertainment is subjective, while your takes are sewage dump.

Darren Metts

🤣🤣🤣 lmao chill but I do agree with this episode it solidified me putting shibuya over tybw cour2 for sure

Darren Metts

@z warrior tybw is great but this episode is clearly better than any episode that tybw produced

Darren Metts

@z warrior there’s nothing wrong with comparisons lol why so hurt you act like I called tybw trash chill out

Darren Metts

@z warrior have to heavily disagree here this fight and episode is already blowing up and shaking the anime world as we speak his opinion on this fight besides the latent disrespect lol is on point it’s ok to disagree it’s not ok to lie tho just because he’s being harsh

Art of Trolling

Remember he never finished old man Zenin because he felt Sukunas presence so he for sure is alive. I can see Nanami getting clapped though. Idk about Maki🤷🏾‍♂️

Darren Metts

@Vinny? What were you watching? This blows Choso vs yuji episode out of the water not just the fight but the episode as a while was far better than that episode lol you tripping hard

Darren Metts

🤣🤣🤣 don’t pop a blood vessel over lol you sound real tough I’m scared relax


The aura in this episode was ridiculous😭😭😭 Toji no diffing a special grade, Jugo barbecuing everyone, and last but not least the king of curses returning to spread nothing but misery and mayhem🔥🔥🔥


sukuna is a nasty bitch them girls ain’t deserve that

Darren Metts

It was the way you came off sounded like a spoiler cuz that’s what a lot of jjk fans do leave subtle hints and what you said falls in line of literal spoilers that I seen don’t be up in here talking trash like you would in real life talk how you would talk to me if I was in ya face cuz I know you would do nun of this if you knew me calm down all that pent up energy that you didn’t use in real life you use on here just proves it lol I see right through you cut the tough guy act

꧁The Artist ꧂

"Yuta we need you", and with that Pat has uttered the same words us manga readers have been saying for about 2 months now

Darren Metts

Lml only a fool lashes out in anger without first understanding hilarious you tried to call me dumb when you don’t even know this God given truth


I’m sorry, but no. Maybe in terms of writing and set up sure it’s an amazing episode, but the Itadori vs Choso episode will go down, as probably one of the best, if not the best episodes in the entire series for many seasons to come.


Yeah I remember reading this in the manga I was sick probably the most underrated death in the show plus knowing there back story of how they were abused as children shits sad


@Darren How am I hurt? I even said you can prefer whatever you want but there’s no need for the comparison when they’re unrelated and Bleach has stopped airing for over a month at this point. It’s been critically acclaimed throughout almost it’s entire run as incredibly consistent yet it’s being needlessly compared those like you low-key putting it down even without having to call it trash. Why mention it at all? And Exrial isn’t simply being “harsh”, it’s just blatant slanderous disrespect and satirical bait trolling as others have pointed out.


@Mikey N You must be watching detergent. Get your eyes checked.


Bleach where they be yapping more then they fighting . That finale fight was lowkey shit

Darren Metts

I’d be dead?🤣🤣 you further proves your a fraud no killer is gonna tell someone they gonna kill ‘em over the internet unless they are DUMB 🤣🤣 funny you called me dumb yet if your an actual killer you just did the dumbest thing you could do as someone who would kill me by telling me over the internet 😂😂 great job contradicting yourself and Lol I’m supposed to believe you’d kill me when your too scared and hide behind a fake name over the internet? Bro is scared to use his real name cuz he’s scared the people he knows will make fun of him for watching and subbing to a reaction channel because your ego and personality is so fragile you don’t have the heart or mind to stand up to those around you and tell em you watch anime/reaction channels cuz they’ll make fun of you so you hide behind a username 🤣🤣🤣 and I’m the BITCH? 🤣🤣😂 what a laugh smh people man

Darren Metts

Like I said I see right through you typical keyboard warrior coward talking tough behind a fake name

Darren Metts

Lol glad to know I’ll still be here to comment you not killing nothing but the letters on your keyboard 🤣

Darren Metts

lol if you didn’t you’d use your real name and you would’ve ignored that comment I’m done talking here tho you already proved to me how soft you are I know your type I’m done going back and forth with you I know you need me to entertain cuz your bored so I won’t I know you hate that I know that 🤣


you niggas slow or something the same girls you're defending are murderers and terrorists lol, they deserve it spare me the sympathy

Darren Metts

@z warrior it’s ok to change what your favorite is I’ve done it many times it’s toxic sometimes to keep something as your favorite simply because you came out and said it was

Darren Metts

@z warrior lol dude bleach jjk and op are the biggest shows on rttv it’s natural to compare and we were literally comparing it the entire time it was airing jjk hasn’t needed yet so it’s unfair to stop the comparisons just cuz bleach ended of course bleach won at the time cuz it was over


So because I’m defending Bleach that means it’s my favorite? I’m just correcting misinformation and calling out BS nothing more. TYBW is factually so far one of the best anime adaptations and the constant disrespect, neglect or downplay some ppl give it just cause it’s Bleach is disgustingly tiring.


Stop spoiling G I haven’t read the manga but it’s obvious as heck


@ExrialHD If it bothers you that much then stop talking about it.. Bleach fights are balanced, it’s not just mindless fighting, it’s a clash of philosophies.

Darren Metts

@LuhBabyTay & 229K yea that’s right delete your comment never try me again


People disrespect it for a reason. Nobody has ever said that TYBW was the best shounen arc unlike shibuya for good reasons. TYBW is a slap to the face to all the true bleach fans. Burn the Witch already better looking better then bum ass bleach


Oh I so scared tough guy lol you sound real tough over the internet lol

Darren Metts

@luhBabyTay & 229k Lol you deleted your comment cuz you knew you was wrong 🤣😂😂 aye at least you humbled yourself


Why tf they think toji gonna go on a killing spree or Attack someone from his own clan?

Darren Metts

Z warrior bleach is clearly one of if not your favorites you never bring up anything else when you talk abo it greats don’t play that card now regardless even if it’s not your favorite it’s clear you put it over JJK


@Darren I went back and it didn’t win cause it was over, it won cause it was actually better, even if it was only 1/2 with either being Ep 25 or 26 it still would’ve won. And it beat JJK even before that with Ep 23 against JJK Ep 8 (32)


Wrong? How asking a question? Nigga you so fucking stupid just stop talking 😂😂😂

Darren Metts

@luhBabyTay & 229K lol should’ve never started what you couldn’t finish just had to let you know that I don’t get bullied I’ve always put bully’s in their place when they think they can pray on the weak or someone who they think is weak I’m the same on here as I am in real life and you know my type so don’t act like you don’t cuz I know your type just showing you what it feels like to be on the receiving end I ima stop stopping to your level don’t wanna get carried away I apologize for bullying you back but sometimes I can’t help myself


@ExrialHD No true Bleach fans have ever hated or had any contempt for TYBW despite it’s flaws which were manga only and are irrelevant now with the anime as it’s being adapted like no other arc has been adapted before, deep down you know Bleach is being redeemed and rectified like no other series has before the likes of which are making ppl of all critical backgrounds put some damn respect on it, whether they like it or not.


@Darren Bleach didn’t come back to be critically overshadowed by anything even if it’s not the most popular and it will prove everyone dead wrong one way or another. It doesn’t take a fanboy or having it as a favorite to see that. Even a casual fan can recognize it. I don’t need to put it over JJK when it just naturally is.


Bully tf you talking about lol this ain’t school lmao I fight for peace and justice ass nigga lmao

Darren Metts

@z warrior that’s my point it won because it was over as in shibuya didn’t show everything it had to show yet like tybw did that’s my point lol

Darren Metts

@luhBabyTay & 229K I’m in his head 😂 rent free too oh this is great have a good day 😂

Darren Metts

LuhBabyTay & 229K one day your gonna realize your only showing me how weak you truly are

Dequone Jackson

Pat is probly my favorite of them with Wellz but he looks away when he gets excited and missed things. There's so much fire happening you can't look away for even a second lol


Bruh I said how the weather today? Are you okay? Eat a snicker 🤭 😂


@Darren How did TYBW show everything when it’s only half way done? According to the Bleach community based on how they handled the first half, cour’s 3 & 4 are said to be even better, like ridiculously better. The only things the arc needs to improve upon it if anything is more consistent Sakuga (fluid) animation and continue to add as much lore as possible fleshing out the manga, which are pretty much guaranteed.

Luna Mé

Holy shit, the animation was insane 😱

Darren Metts

@luhBabytay & 229K that was mad Gay 🤨 never comment some zesty under my post like that ever again 🤣


One day? Nigga think he Superman lmao what next? I better have your money by next week? Lmao

Darren Metts

@luhBabyTay & 229K am I actually making you look like this 🤭?? PAUSE


They were literally groomed by geto since he found them in that cage they know no better but I would bet money you have sympathy for characters like even Yeager who's a terrorist and a murder of 80% of the human race


Theres no improving TYBW when the source material is straight up cheeks cause kubo sucks ass at fight choreagraphy . And we all saw the anime original fight chrography that shit was ass to so once again it aint even gonna be in the same convo as JJK. JJK is making history as we speak


I dont feel bad for their deaths but they were doomed from the start. 1.) Abused as children 2.) Raised by a genocidal murderer 3.) Brainwashed in to a cult 4.) Only person nice to them in life is now a puppet to some thing

Darren Metts

@luhBabyTay & 229K glad you noticed 🤣🤣 I wish you was too but I’m laughing at not with you


@Darren You literally said on the other post that “tybw was great but this episode is clearly better than any episode that tybw produced” and you didn’t specify that even in this main comment, you just said “I can officially say shibuya arc>bleach TYBW” like bro what? No.

Darren Metts

@z warrior this is literally an anime reaction channel lol im clearly referring to the anime not the manga ON AN ANIME REACTION CHANNEL 😂 like what I don’t need to specify that I’m referring to cour 2 and 1


@ExrialHD Like I said on another post, your hate boner will do you no justice. Bleach’s fight choreography is some of the best of the best if you’re actually paying attention as Squad 0 was redeemed, and regardless that’s not everything, the actual story plot the end of the day is which is leagues ahead of any new gen. You say Bleach “not in the same convo as JJK” when you keep comparing them every week more than anyone else, how hypocritical can you possibly be?


We Both but laughing idc😂 middle school insults “ I’m laughing at not with you” ass nigga


@Darren When did I imply you’re referring to the manga? You’re the one that made it seem like you’re referring to the whole TYBW anime so far as cour’s 1 & 2, not just 2 which alone was honestly more consistent.

Darren Metts

@LuhBabyTay & 229 mmm mhm 🥱🍿🍿🥱🍿🍿 great show got more im running out hold on gotta make some More 🍿🍿 be right back

Darren Metts

@z warrior I am referring to the entire tybw anime so far shibuya clears is so far it’s better get over it that’s my opinion why you dragging this your not gonna change my mind bro lol maybe cour 3 and 4 will change my mind but until then shibuya>tybw


TYBW pretends to have a darker tone when in reality its just like fairy tail and has the same fake outs every time. And when Cour 3 and 4 come out dont worry the next arc after shibuya will be taking a dump all over that to. The literal finale fight was them just changing the wall paper while that bitch kept yapping and yapping 😂😂😂


@Darren Just like I thought which you are critically wrong but at the very least then you should’ve added in your main comment here IMO so that I, nor anyone else would’ve even bothered.

A. P.

This show is bananas! And RTTV 2.0 lookin lit

Darren Metts

@z warrior your the only who was bothered anyone who’s life doesn’t revolve around anime wouldn’t care cuz they someone thinking one show is better than another doesn’t hurt them


ExrialHD “TYBW pretends to have a darker tone when in reality it’s just like Fairy Tail” aight, I’m done. I don’t engage with mental retardation. You think you’re funny but you’re not. You’re just absolute cringe.


@Darren Best believe that even if I didn’t respond to you someone else would have almost immediately after in disagreement. The problem is that you said it like it’s legitimately official as a fact of some kind or critically speaking, doesn’t take someone having their life to be revolving around anime to see and call it out.


“Topped it” is crazy. The Toji scenes looked really incredible, but I don’t think any scene in this episode matches up to the entirety of Itadori vs. Choso, which was adapted perfectly.


Animation was bonkers this episode. Don’t wanna give MAPPA too much praise due to how they treat their staff but, I’m impressed with the quality they’re able to bring despite the production issues.


Then yall wont believe the pacing in a movie called The First Slam Dunk just cuz its a movie


Also, really like the refinement in the art direction for Sukuna. He got way more aura this season than last.


they’re watching death note again?


Peak. All I can say after watching this episode. also Toji is a DOG and Sukuna the Goat

Brandon Cruz

Fire ass ep forsure best of the new gen animes

Dylan Hayes (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 02:19:35 “YOU THE SUBURBS”☠️☠️
2023-11-03 01:29:13 “YOU THE SUBURBS”☠️☠️



Damn! First Toji then Sukuna, that was epic. Bruh the biggest cliffhanger to me was Jogo roasting Nanami and Maki so fast. Like yoooo whaaat?? There are some real consequences to the Jujutsu life.


i absolutely loved this episode but I think Choso vs Yuji still takes it for me for best episode in the whole series so far but I'm expecting the rest or some of the rest of these episodes to change that for me


Wonder if Toji subconsciously saved his brat cus he already sensed Jogo there


It's actually funny how much Jogo gets disrespected, just because the only character we saw him fight until this episode is Gojo, the strongest sorcerer in a few centuries. Jogo is the most powerful of the disaster curses. Like Nanami himself said when Jogo appeared, he's a level above Dagon... the curse spirit we saw Naobito, Nanami and Maki have so much trouble against last episode. They would've been all dead right then and there if it weren't for Megumi showing up with his domain.


bro i forgot yall dropped young justice years ago crazy cause season 4 was so good


Bro you don’t find this exhausting trying to convince people bleach is anime of the year

Darren Metts

@Dw thanks for proving my point bro tried to say bleach isn’t his favorite when even you see it


They might be picking it back up don’t quote me


Oh nvm just seen the end of the video lmao

Natali (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 02:19:35 Wellz reads the Manga
2023-11-03 06:39:47 Wellz reads the Manga

Wellz reads the Manga


@DW When did I ever say or imply Bleach is anime of the year? All I said it was anime of the summer season at most, which it is. Asking for respect/acknowledgment doesn’t mean having it above everything else.


JJK powerscaling is so wack.


JJK is slapping rn, the animation in the fights is far better than bleach but the story in bleach destroys JJK, JJK story is more along the lines of slice of life plot. BTW does have better fight animation, the only thing bleach does better than JJK and BTW in animation is the general designs and background as a whole, it’s much better. Bleach LGBT? Huh, makes no sense considering Yumichika destroys his fake identity BS by calling him a man and that he smells of cum 😂, more like one piece that does that shit. Yhwach motivation is existentialism, originally wanting to erase hollows because they are polar opposite beings and then he saw the soul kings existence saw a better future with the almighty/way to rule by removing life and death and destroying all hollows. Better than JJK villain motivation, they quite literally have none other than one dimensional ones.

gio 17s




RonnieJayPlays (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 02:19:35 No new gen comes close to JJK
2023-11-03 16:47:07 No new gen comes close to JJK

No new gen comes close to JJK


Sure thing speed watcher not our fault you watch a series drooling staring off into space 😂😂😂 that’s why we #1


Tf you even talking about troll boy? Suck Gege dick some more why don't you.


This is a cold hard fact. People can cope all they want, JJK is on another level.


I was with you and even was finna like your comment till you mentioned Bleach ofc smh....sad how you becoming more and more like exrial. JJK not fw Bleach tybw especially when tybw comes back next year. People love to hate/compare legendary shit based off the fact that its legendary. With bleach being the greatest comeback of anime history its STILL getting the hate it undeservingly got back then smh how weird. But if I say JJK>OP yall would cry and send me death threats

Darren Metts

@Tingz you act like I called bleach trash or something I just thought this episode put jjk over it for me there’s about ten or so left with that being I said it’s only bound to get a lot better


Goated episode, they spazzed with the animation with Toji in the beginning. Toji turned Dagon into sashimi 🤣 Sukuna is the definition of a savage and zero f*cks given, it's about time he came back. I still think Nanami is alive maybe ig I'm in denial.


@Darren Honestly man, if you genuinely feel that way, that’s perfectly cool and fine and all, but going forward please just don’t even bother mentioning Bleach in comparison throughout these comment sections outside of your personal circle of friends, it’s just not needed cause you know what it incites to instigate, and that most people will not agree.

Ryno Live

I feel like toji is gonna fight sakuna 2


Toji running on water with no powers is crazy, dude gave me madara reanimation vibes from the war