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Okay gang how u guy feel about this arc so far?



Can we get an update on fate

Devin B

Just waiting for the next arc at this point, Erza vs Erza was dope though


It’s a fire arc. But over shadow by the ones to come. Overall. It’s in the middle. Not the best but definitely not the worst.

Ilyas Elric

There are a few slow, uninteresting arcs in fairy tail and IMO, this ends up being one of them in the latter half at least

Darren Stewart

Better than dark tournament


This is a bottom 3 arc for me, but it’s mostly because of how boring the first half is. The fights in the last episode were funny in a silly way, gajeel is entertaining, and I find the stuff with the dumb cats finally getting off their asses and saving their land themselves as solid parts of the arc That first half is so long and dull though lol

Dequone Jackson

The way they got Jerry with the 1st question is hilarious lol


My least favorite arc. But next 2 is pretty decent


it's an okay arc for me, at first watch, it was pretty great, but it got overshadowed by the next two arcs for sure. Next arcs coming up is when Fairy Tail actually finds its footing and it gets much better in terms of fights and the main plot finally evolving.

Zenru Renari

I disagree, the reveal was okay, not that bad. could've been better, ofc but it wasn't that bad. now Natsu didn't get motion sick on the Legion because he ONLY gets motion sickness in vehicle . It's like flying with Happy, flying animals don't give Natsu motion sickness if he sees them as a friend. In Ep1 or in the beginning Lucy asked why he doesn't get motion sickness with Happy and he said "Happys' not a vehicle!"

Zenru Renari

Tenru Island arc finna shift the energy of the entire show! Can't wait!!


Great this loud as mf Jerry back 😕


It will get more n more interesting 🫡

Aaryn A McKenzie

Pantherlily, Mystogan and Gajeel were the best parts of this Arc. Runner up: Erza Knightwalker


hey can we get them to watch Blue exorcist i think it comes out with their 3rd season this winter along with solo leveling and mashle itd be cool if they caught by then


One of the bottom tier arcs in FT but yall in luck cause the next one is prob top 3


Also gonna add, that I agree mostly with the discussion, I feel like this arc had so much potential but fairy tail tends to build up a lot of story lines and mystery only to come out short in executing them properly, so most of the time it looks like lazy writing, I do gotta say though that this arc did have some of the most mid fights in fairy tail but next arc is much better and I'm sure you guys are gonna like it way more in terms of fights and how its executed.


Bro this arc so aaass 😭 😭

Zenru Renari

Ngl yeah it kinda is but I enjoyed knowing about Carla and Happy. The beginning of this arc was the best then the end kinda got trash.


I feel like jerry be capping bro because he around his friends like if they would have said this arc was amazing he would have said it to but this suppose to be your favorite anime


Fairy tail meat riders cant handle anyone critisiing this loony toons garbage that focuses on furries like tf. These niggas are clearly in pain watching this and the writing only gets worst and worst


I honestly think the next arc is where the show starts becoming enjoyable. I didn’t necessarily hate it till here but it wasn’t all that great


Sigh…. Jerry is back…


All I’m gonna say is if u guys watched it in Japanese you would have a whole different opinion abt Fairy tail and a lot of cringy moment r because of too much english , I guess my comment won’t change u guys preference in dub/sub but I still hope u guys just try it and compare


Natsu only gets motion sick on vehicles specifically


True, anime humor is much better in Japanese but let’s be real, Natsu’s VA in English Dub goes extra hard, the Japanese dub does not do his voice justice at all, it sounds weirdly annoying and doesn’t have enough power behind it.


Actually no, fairy tail fans know that the start of the show isn’t exactly all that amazing. Stop being weird and calling us dick riders, we know when an arc sucks ass. The next two arcs are way better, they turn the whole anime around in terms of pacing and enjoyableness.


Nah it’s good tho. They should know the cringey ness is cause they don’t wanna spend the extra effort to read subtitles lol


This is probably the final arc before fairy tail finds its full footing, a lot of battle manga have this weird experimental arc in the story and this was fairy tails; conceptually a really cool arc but it’s in a weird spot between short cool concept and a deeply fleshed out fully utilized concept that makes it feel extremely M I D


Damn this is ass. Ready to get to the next arc tho it’s peak fr

Lleon Swanston

yeah this is no ones favorite arc but the queeens story isn't done so there's that


All the hate an meat riding about this arc is crazy from them down to you all in the comments this arc isn't tht bad I've seen worse. If thy said the arc was good everyone in the comments would think so to. If you don't like the anime don't watch it it's tht simple people damn😂


You can't tell me jerry is a fan he deadass isn't at this point.


I feel like yall need to get in your Watching The First Slam Dunk arc


Fairytail friends are coping so hard right now.


“It’s only cringe because you understand the words” why do weebs think this is a good defense?

Hidden Lotus

This arc was garbage. Since the beginning I was praying y’all would skip it because I remember watching it as a kid and I knew it was sooooo ass. The one after this is peak though.


They about to witness the weirdest time skip of all time😂still liked it tho

The Gaming Morgana

its telling that the resonable commnts about the arc have the most likes. pep[;e be following too hard


Nah not even bro wellz said “ this is the best arc so far in FT” and everyone in the comments was like “ no it’s not..”

Ibrahim Holmes

They were expecting a One Piece level backstory lmao


That’s not why it’s cringey it’s the delivery of the lines


Fairy Tail sooooooooooooooo fucking cringe especially this episode

Cheddah Slammer

Personally this is equivalent to One Piece Dressrosa were their pushing the birdcage, and it was faster so this is better. I honestly think you guys are just bugged by the character designs of the cats, and that's lowering it for you. Pushing the Birdcage took 6 episodes but no complaints about that because it was just normal people pushing it. Also Jellal showing up at the end, is similer to Shanks showing up at Marineford. Didn't know ether were coming, yet one is trash and one is epic. Still both plot devices to move plot along. These guys are going take an L, wait until the arc is over my guys plot isn't over yet.

Cheddah Slammer

True some of the lines are completely changed because of translation. Like for example they were laughing at Coco saying " Who needs eternal magic power when you can have eternal smiles" real line in manga " I rather live with know magic, then no Ive killed for it" completely makes the line cool as opposed to corny.

Cheddah Slammer

Haters always trash when things happen in fairy tail but when it happens in their beloved show they claim its great and how badass it is. I can point several shows were a similar plot line occurs but people love it, or don't care. Can't have it both ways.

Cheddah Slammer

I would argue that the first half is fire, with the reveal of all the opposites. However some of the fight are lack luster in this, because you had the Earthland wizards get their powers back. I feel like the arc would have been more interesting if they fought without their powers back and found a way to use magic items in the fights. Problem for me was how are they struggling when these folks just have magic items. Its just not believable, even Erza vs Erza.


They aren’t struggling with anything, the enemies in this arc the main gang fight are more annoying to them than challenging, natsu and gray barely break a sweat with their opponents while Lucy has to deal with a giant monster and erza is just fighting Erza I forgive the fights being being a little boring because they are comedic, natsu trying to use Lucy to seduce the guy, gray punking sugar boy by destroying the key and Lucy just completely misunderstanding what the villain is even after are at worst chuckle worthy


Jerry stfu you ain’t remember this episode💀💀💀 you ain’t remember shit about this whole arc you’re only saying that because Pat and Wellz ain’t like it 💀💀💀🤣


Ass is ass doesn’t matter what show it lol there no perfect anime


"Exceeds don't have doppelgangers", Yeah, I try to forget Niichiya too.