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Tensions rise as Lucy's father seeks her assistance in joining a trade guild.



Idk who told them to skip episode 50 but it’s a massive damn bummer, it’s legit the funniest episode in the whole show


@25:33 I know exactly what Jerry was thinking right here when he saw the bottom half of Lucy's dad: Episode 76 I could be wrong tho 😂


No more filler than 90% of that first episode…. And it’s not even really filler, it’s literally from the manga, I own the volume. Part of the fun of fairy tail is the comedy aspect and the little side stuff the characters do


I agree with the first ep being mostly filler. I guess they have a list of eps that are regarded as filler which they're most likely gonna skip, so I wouldn't have my hopes up for a filler ep you're looking forward to


That’s my point…the list is wrong, counting stuff adapted from the manga as filler is really dumb, there’s a lot of fun single episodes adapted from chapters like the one in episode 50


Diego Sanchase LOL I'm pretty sure that's what he was thinking if I'm not mistaken, those eps some where around the 70's is when Mr. Clive Shows up


Y’all can watch this opening. Theres no spoiler to it unlike the lasts ones


Bro there are some pretty big spoilers in that op 😭


Not too much to say about these episodes. Just some nice little setup for the next arc. However RIP to the Natsu face. We must pay our respects by remembering to always turn on all the lights in the room and sit no more than 1 foot away from the TV.


There’s really not, at least not anymore than your standard anime opening, it’s not like previous ones where they were playing openings of the next arc like 4 episodes before the arc even started lol


damnn I wish you watched ep 50 it is seriously hilarious you would have loved it, the natsu + lucy looking in love thumbnail was prob supposed to be for ep50 not 49 - fr you guys wouldve died at that episode😭 hope you consider watching some of the fillers in the future bc they contain some of the funniest shit


I think all the fillers in fairytail are canon since the mangaka wrote them as special bonus chapters and they do get referenced in the future. Like the treasure natsu was talking about at the start of ep51 was referencing the plot of ep50, not super important but shows everything is canon in the story

Crawford Wooden

Hold up, dont be skipping episodes even tho they are fillers lol.


When did filler episodes become equal to episodes that are comedy/slice of life/"no character or story progression"? Filler episodes are not manga canon material.


If possible I wouldn’t mind if you guys went back to episode 50 since I think it deserves a special exception.


I was thinking the same thing. Cool, I know what to episode to keep in mind


can you guys plzzz watch ep 50


me looking at Jerry's face the entire time to see if he smiles at their comments


Episode 50 doesn’t have any character or story progression though.


Episode 49 was all in the manga. Half of episode 50 is from an omake which the author stated is a dream. And the other half is anime original content.


That doesn’t matter, it’s still content from the manga that is very entertaining


It’s still stuff from the manga made by the author that is entertaining and worth a watch. And clearly other people here agree with me, quit being a wet blanket


Wellz yes Lucy is a main character but what does it say that her episodes be filler 😂😂😂


Natsu’s japanese voice was a masterpiece. Pls switch to sub 😭😭


The birth of the lucy kick.


I’m not even surprised Rob shouted out Lucy’s dad bro loves Endeavor even though he beat his wife and traumatized all his kids so not surprised🤷‍♂️💀

Jamaal Ellison

And lucy Isn't the main character?

Brent Sully

Why doesnt Jerry skip the intros so that Wells doesnt have to look at the screen during it