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James Cameron created a real classic with the movie especially with the foresight he had with the possible outcome of the future. What other James Cameron movies should we react to?


Javon Whitman

We need that they cloned Tyrone fellas



Y’all gotta react to Black Hawk Down it’s such a classic war movie


Bro acting like he’s been persecuted and vindicated over a kids Japanese cartoon. This is what mental illness looks like when all you do is watch anime and base your entire personality from it. This fucker seriously thinks he’s Malcolm X and he’s fighting the war against oppression 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Oh you mean pathetic like the OP fandom setting themselves up for failure by constantly calling everything in their series “Peak fiction” when it’s just as incredibly flawed and simple as anything else, thinking it’ll “break the Internet” like DragonBall and that G5 will be on the level of iconic as Ultra Instinct which was literally everywhere, let alone SuperSayian which broke cultural barriers and put anime on the map? Cause if anything, that’s what’s truly desperately pathetic and insecure here. At least Bleach fans know how to stay in their own lane as we’re just peacefully trying to get the word out to continue focusing and properly supporting our series not allowing it to get brushed off to the wayside by anything else how more hyped something else is, treat it with respect and will return the favor.


Exrial https://twitter.com/bazzb_glove/status/1685290709178318848?s=61&t=1VigzxkX26iJZItobY59WA If anyone is with mental illness it’s you constantly trying to bring down and harass a fandom not knowing your place and staying in your own lane.



I simply asked for when can we expect Bleach to hit YouTube for the people that have been asking in their YouTube comment section and that’s somehow embarrassing and pathetic? LMFAO the shit people come up with is hysterical.


Focus on yourself and what makes you happy you son of a bitch, fuck off and let people enjoy what they enjoy especially if it’s the only thing they actually give a fuck about left in this world as far as entertainment is concerned. I delete them to not have to get ratio’d by BS nonsense of people that are humoring you not realizing that it’s support as well as the constant notifications. “Mental illness” my fucking ass, that’s what you have as you can’t fuck off and let people enjoy what they enjoy in peace, you fucking spastic moronic manchild.


The most popular globally throughout the mid 2000s to late 200ps, and then mainly hated after the ending of the anime and manga by fake fans and shippers, which you most likely don’t even know the full context of. If anyone is a 🤡 who legit needs to work at the 🎪 it’s you as you don’t know how to let people enjoy what they enjoy in peace, we’re merely peacefully vocalizing our support for a series to get out there and that’s literally it and you just come in trying to slander and hate like a fucking gremlin trolling manchild that you are.


Stop being hatful. Comments like yours are not funny or entertaining for most people no matter what the vocal minority thinks.


You don’t know me enough or really at all to know what my true colors are. FOH just tired of your peoples BS. Making us out to be victims or the bad people here.


RT TV if possible, y’all gotta do nothing about Exrial, keep his comments whenever you can cause the people have been loving it. Side note, I enjoy Terminator 1 more than 2 just because of the ADR that was present throughout 2.


Thank you for dropping this and not Bleach 🙏


Personally, normally I do and it doesn’t bother me as much but seeing these people make a mess out of the comment section is getting annoying, especially making out the innocent out to be what they’re not.


We’re talking about YouTube, not on here as it was already posted.


It’s insane how this is all you asked for and it’s referring to their YT comment sections, not even anything to do with on here, and it still gets BS backlash.


yeah its truly sad that we pay a premium to be here and still have to witness crybaby youtube watchers


I just finally realized yet another primary reason why certain comment sections are disabled.


I just finally realized yet another primary reason why certain comment sections are disabled…..


You must be subscribed to every other Patreon to know this is the most toxic. This upsets you so much you're going to cry to Wellz about it?


It’s not about me as if it was I probably wouldn’t care as much and ignore it but it’s affecting others and making a total mess out of the comment sections just about every day now, clearly things have gotten out of hand with all this troll hate baiting. And what I will say is that I’ve been on quite a handful of many patrons over the years, guaranteed there’s none that’s even remotely as toxic as this one I promise you that. It’s gotten so bad that even you yourself have clearly sunk to a new love from when I’ve last seen you on here.


You do realize by responding to them, you're adding fuel to the comments. If you just stopped, then it wouldn't be as bad. You keep going on about others but it's mostly you, your alt account, and Tingz.


ah yes my daily dose of comment section madness it brings a smile to my face



Daas Nahk

you guys should definitely check out the original Robocop and Dredd


Imo You Should Join their Really no Toxicity to Other Anime in The One Piece Chat


are yall reacting to Terminator 2?

Alain Orozco

I’m surprised none of them have ever looked over at Jerry and told him to shut the fuck up.


yall got to watch the new TMNT movie. Just came back from it, waaaay better than I expected. so good. jackie chans best role since rush hour 2 lol. so good and the ost is crazy


You guys should react to Michael bay transformers movies


what happened to Ippo reactions


I like terminator and all but cmon now dawg lol please watch interstellar or they cloned tyrone


Another fire reaction to a fire movie 🔥🔥🔥 much love ❤️ can't wait for the day, y'all react to Sons of Anarchy. Y'all would love that show, it's soooo good. But keep it up 👍 and can't wait for you're Terminator 2 reaction, personally my favorite out of the series. Btw speaking of the little "terminator in mortal Kombat chat". Like jump force, y'all should have a little Mortal Kombat tournament, would be fun as hell to watch. Haha 😆 or if y'all even wait til the new one drops.



STATz Kilz

transformers movies you guys got to watch next!


Fun fact terminator is a huge inspiration for oda he used it for kuma and the pacifistas and for movie 2 the metal terminator he used it as the logia’s, oda even said when he’s done with op he wants to do a robot anime. U can see it with his writing the constant regenerating the tenacity of logia’s is what makes them fearful