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This wasnt going to happen today but we managed it!





Yall clutch for thisssss


Gotta go to dream con next year to meet y’all



Chris Kringle

Bless🙏Edit: Yo Wellz checking the recording had my dying😂😭man knew he was about to capture some history on video


Man where tf that Secret Invasion


Clutch asf yo have a good time at dream con




Devin Schupp

Y’all are the best fr


toji got bodied in the end but he basically is the reason everything ends up the way it is in present day. All in just 4 eps


this reaction felt like old rttv. Just yall chilling on a couch, being real, no wild takes for the views. This what we like to see


It’s fine even if they can’t either way, the 1st priority banger episode is EP 19 + another 3 following back to back. So we’re good.👌


Rttv may be entering their prime again with this reaction. JJK on top


Toji died standing hes really the goat

Amani Homran

Believe it or not but people actually was hating on this ep💀


soundtrack for this season is completely unmatched, episode blew me away


You already know they fucking with this JJK season more then the bleach one. Take another L bleachtards.. JJK chads stay winning


Best story, Best Ost, Best characters, Best fights when this is the worst arc in all of JJK while next 2 are top 5 shounen arc of all time. JJK is unmatched


They should just put a big ass couch in the studio 😂




Professional JJK cocksucker. How’s that dick cheese taste?


@gio 17s Bro trust me he’s not simply enjoying it, read his comment again and try to see what he’s doing.

gio 17s

I think they got mad cause they didn’t like how the honored one scene was animated. Smhhh some fans are spoiled


i miss the couch fuck the gaming chairs


literally the only thing different is the angle bruh theres absolutely nothing wrong with it


No I fucking don’t. Never personally said anything like this for anything. 😂 Don’t defend this troll, he will bite you in the ass later.


personally, not enough diversity for me. where are the mexicans at? this japanese show is mid for not bending to my needs as a mexican american. lol


ayy hope you guys enjoy Texas, much love from Houston


Hey Wellz you think you guys will be able to manage this for Bleach this Saturday as well? Cause y’all ain’t gonna wanna be late for this next one. What I’ll say about this episode is that you know they had to pop off 2 times back to back in a row for this past mini arc since they’ll be going on break all next month. Kinda wish we could’ve seen more of Toji but at least he went out standing. Other than that, hope you guys can pull this off for Bleach this weekend as well.

Aurora Bash

thank you guys for putting this out even though you are out in Texas W RT TV this is why i am subbed to the patreon

A. P.

Damn, this episode was greatness. Preciate y'all keeping the streets fed out here! This is so crazy to see Gojo like this though, he's cocky as hell, rightfully so, but in this episode it's like he was really kinda throwed. He was down to just body all those people like yo why not? lol


That moment when a side char flash back arc is better then the entirety of Bleach Thousand CGI War and JoJo's Forgettable Adventure


Just to correct you in case anyone believes you, There’s been CGI in these last 2 eps here as it’s basically in everything nowadays and no Ep of JJK was breaking the Internet like TYBW Ep 7 did. Also sure JoJos so “forgettable” yet is credited as the most referenced manga ever. So Great bait but I’m not falling for it. Try again.


It’s like bro forgot that nobody gave a fuck about part 6 cause shit was ass. There’s a reason why most reactors and rttv hated it . Let’s be real bleach thousand year slideshow war has worst fights then fairy tail animation at this point


Funny how you chose that part instead of the best one being part 5. Anyway most reactors loved and appreciated part 6 with the best long running anime ending, RT TV was the outlier and it just wasn’t promoted/marketed well due to Netflix jail. Also that last sentence isn’t even worth addressing, “Let’s be real” FOH More like Lets be Cappity Cap Capping cause that’s all you do.🤣

Gage Ballou

there might already be a comment for this but there actually is a jjk fighting game coming out and its similar storm 4 and games like those


Nah love the dedication for real tho 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

David Kigheri

for those sayin ds is better then jjk y'all are dumb the story of jjk is 10 times better then ds


That a fact i never took that take seriously


Ok and? The anime isn’t 1:1 adaptation, it’s the optimal version.


8:41 That's why in the movie Geto calls non curse technique users 'monkeys'


Never thought i was ever going to say this, but i agree with rob, jjk is better than ds imo


JJK is a top tier and probably the best new gen anime. It might even make the top 5. Which I currently have as one piece AOT, Naruto, hunterxhunter, and full metal brotherhood. But jjk has the potential to pass Brotherhood.

Zenru Renari

I agree but I’d they think DS is better than JJK then they’re allowed to feel that way. Some people may like DS story more for different reasons. Not everyone has to like JJK just because the majority does.


Full metal averagehood with power of friendship ending? Shit was so goofy


Look at any reactor watching latest bleach season and they all falling asleep just like rttv. Bleach fights this season are literally still images with the screen shaking. Don’t even get me started on bleach when it has the most mid dialogue. It’s like they knew they couldn’t compete with jjk this season and are just saving everything for next season.


Nobody is asking for it besides you. Dude acts like he wants to get fucked by kubo lil furry weirdo


Sent to the hospital knocked out cause he tried to step up to big rob


Just like bleach latest season. But even then animation has clearly downgraded and all that remains is mid fights and story


Fuck that scene lol people are so picky good lord


@Exrial You’re in for a very rude awakening, that bait is gonna catch up to you like a cheetah and hit you like a ton of bricks.


Clearly you didn’t look anywhere else. Now Please get a life or seek help projecting your damn self with that last sentence.


Lmfao name these other reactors then. This is pitiful bait at best. Bleach is very much aware of the competition and doesn’t even consider it so since they’re cooking.


and also, i believe there is a jjk fighting game on the way




Fairy Tale?


CSM is way better but y’all won’t realize that until it gets animated more


Name a anime with a better story than full metal. I’ll wait, anime in not all about fight because of it where dbz and bleach would be top 5. But story matters. How well they can make you fall in love with the character a.


@Sonicluis I hope you know what you’re saying rn is nothing but your opinion. A very fallacious one at that.


Nah FMA has prob the worst comedy I've ever seen in a anime and that final battle sucked balls. Wasent even outdone by anime from its own era aka gurren lagann which prob has the best final fight in anime.


Just looking at the fights in bleach and TYBW season its clear they regressed. Theres barely any choregraphy and is more akin to the pokemon anime where they just explain their moves and take turns hitting each other. Cant compare this new york garbage dump to JJK


That moment when not a single Bleach trailer has hit past 9 million views . Even the tybw part 1 trailer thats been out for a year hasent did it. Meanwhile JJK s2 trailer and G5 Trailer which are weeks old have hit past 12 million views respectively. I guess the masses know what is truly superior


Honestly just say you haven’t been watching him clearly that was nothing but a bunch of incoherent nonsense and the only New York garbage dump here is your existence.


Official Shounen Tier List 1.) One Piece 2.) JJK 3.) Blue Lock 4.) CSM 5.) D Gray Man Honorable Mention : Demon Slayer(Best fights in anime)


Shonen* Anyways good to know what your supposed top 5 is. Although it’s most likely bait.


Imagine thinking popularity is any true metric of quality success as opposed to just awareness success. Also https://youtu.be/e8YBesRKq_U now if you combine that with the one from viz, that’s 20+ million views. Keep in mind this is just to prove your point that it didn’t hit past 9 million views wrong, even if you can find more views for either of those series.


Not to mention we can even compare characters, theres not 1 single bleach char thats as slick or hype as gojo. Also comparing main chars yuji is infinitely more interesting and actually suffers L's. Not to mention how more complex he is compared to generic self insert Midchigo. In just 200 chapters JJK has accomplished more then what bleach has done in its 700 chapters


And this kid literally linked a year old video with less views then weeks old g5 and jjk s2 trailer. What a corny ass mf , take another L


What a way for you to deflect how I just disproved your point. Anyways Kisuke actually was the one to Inspired Gojo’s existence so he owns him, and IchiGoat clears Itadori. And even if they were the same length, JJK could never be in the same ballpark league as Bleach in terms of overall quality. Even Gege knows this.


I’m sorry, but the only actual corny ass mf kid taking Ls here is you, and the original trailer I linked that you clearly didn’t check literally has more views than either of the trailers you mentioned.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6qVieflwqs&ab_channel=TOHOanimation%E3%83%81%E3%83%A3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%8D%E3%83%AB so wtf you talking bout, and for OP in just 6 days its already at 9 million when it took bleach a yr to even hit past 10 million. By the end of the month its clear as day with the rate its going will surpass bleach. That moment when JJK's worst fights against fodders are more exciting then bleach fights. Yuji Character Development > All of Bleach 1 dimensional personality cast. The old gen is getting taken over by the new guard besides OP so sorry kid


Show me an OP video or JJK video with anywhere near this amount of views https://youtu.be/1lsn2tT5yTc or this https://youtu.be/hc8hW26vuI4 and this https://youtu.be/n_LR5XHyFSc Now don’t try to double down by acting like just cause it’s been many many years that the same could happen for OP or JJK since while thats possible, they’ll never catch up and let alone surpass the views of those the ongoing view counting videos. There were even other Bleach AMVs thst got taken down due to copyright with 100+ million views. Either way, none of this matters since it’s just views based on once again popularity, not quality. Everything else you said is nothing but 🧢 bating nonsense as per usual. Even JJK best fights don’t touch Bleach best fights, let alone any of its characters touching the best of Bleach’s cast of character’s development and/or personality if you were actually paying attention. No NewGens got shit on any of the OGs. For you or anyone to believe otherwise makes you the true kid here. Your favorites are not reflected on reality.


If you’re actually serious about this and not just a troll baiter, how about you drop your discord, i’ll continue to debunk you tenfold.


This change of scenery is great! Gives OG vibes


The most extremely rare W from you for having Peak Lock in there


this episode was so good, and ur still crying abt a tiny detail lol


Nah dude, you actually using AMV videos as evidence? It's sad how easily triggered you get from Exrial.


Like I’ve said before it’s more so about others seeing the discrediting slanderous things that he says that’s triggering, not he himself. Also, what’s wrong with using AMV videos as evidence? The first one wasn’t even that.


I'll entertain your challenge though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tk1pqwrOys 314 million, so beat you there already by a large margin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quP6PUr4jGw 32 million, beat it again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzbYaDHkObY 31 million, beat it again. You keep going on about protecting others, but I'm pretty sure the "others' can understand not to take internet comments seriously.


Simple google search will tell you that JJK has been shitting on bleach for the summer season and has been trending way more. Bleach is just outdated and has aged quite bad. Not our fault its a relic of the past and now JJK is setting the new standard of what shounen is . And damn 314 million views owned


@Sixaxis There were other Bleach AMVs with hundreds of millions of views before recent years that were taken down due to copyright but either way this is getting redundant as I already said what I said that it’s all based on popularity which doesn’t translate to quality, especially with the higher Internet accessibility nowadays. Bleach still has a greater reception and obviously more iconic, there’s no discrediting or taking that away from it, if anything this is just plain disrespectful comparing any NewGen to an OG simply cause you like it more and that’s my main issue here. And Unfortunately, most people don’t seem to know to not take Internet comments seriously especially when it gets humoring likes, like this troll does, making it seem as if they’re in the right.


What exact google search? Google trends hasn’t been updated for this month yet. If Bleach was so “outdated” and ”a relic of the past” it wouldn’t be back potentially and arguably better than ever. JJK could never surpass what inspired it as the likes of what Bleach has become.


You asked for videos with anywhere near and I gave one that surpassed by almost 300 million. Just accept you were wrong in this scenario. If popularity doesn't translate to quality, then why brag about views on a youtube video or search trends. You're just finding things that support your shows. It's okay if new things are better than old things, that should be the natural way of things. Yes Bleach inspired JJK, but that doesn't mean JJK can't be better than Bleach. JJK's greatest strength was appealing to the general audience which made it blow up.

RonnieJayPlays (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 03:17:02 Haha what you mean extremely rare W. Exrial actually be speaking facts if y’all can get past his obvious troll baiting 😭. I have a similar list except I have AOT in my top 5.
2023-07-28 19:14:01 Haha what you mean extremely rare W. Exrial actually be speaking facts if y’all can get past his obvious troll baiting 😭. I have a similar list except I have AOT in my top 5.

Haha what you mean extremely rare W. Exrial actually be speaking facts if y’all can get past his obvious troll baiting 😭. I have a similar list except I have AOT in my top 5.


Cause I was merely entertaining him playing his game, just like you decided to do to me, it’s not exactly a dick measuring contest and i’m not wrong in this scenario since I just told you that were others that were taken down with hundreds of millions of views back in the day. I have no reason to make that up as it’s obviously true since Bleach came out in a different time where the Internet was less accessible and copyright laws has become more strict. “It’s okay if new things are better than old things” yeah except that doesn’t apply here since like I said, Bleach is back and potentially/arguably better than ever, it didn’t come back to get critically overshadowed by anything and that’s a fact. Appealing to a more general audience doesn’t make something better no matter what it is, something that’s more digestible doesn’t make it healthier or ideal. Anyways I’m just glad you said that doesn’t mean JJK can’t be better than Bleach since that implies that you know it’s not better after all, if it ever somehow becomes better down the line it’ll only be after the series has long been completed with all of it’s accumulated successes that has nothing to do with mere views on videos since Bleach came out in a different time. Enjoy what you enjoy and respect peoples preferences by staying in your own lane. We’re here cause we enjoy JJK but I won’t tolerate bad mouthing of other iconic series that can’t be surpassed so easily, especially one that inspired it.


This comment is most likely also obvious troll baiting


Okay, it didn't imply anything. I think JJK is better than Bleach as of right now. I was enjoying Bleach until Fullbringer Arc and TYBW was just rushed and I barely remember it now. Exrial was shitting on FMA which I consider one of my favorites, but I'm not going to get upset over that because his dislike of one series doesn't affect my enjoyment of it. Bleach might be back better than ever, but that also doesn't mean it's better than something else that is currently airing.


It most certainly did imply something since you wouldn’t have said that JJK (or anything for that matter) can’t be better than another if it was already better in the first place, or as you now say right now which is quite frankly disingenuous or naïvely ignorant since it’s too early to tell, how about waiting until this Bleach part is finished to make that call? Oh wait, you can’t cause apparently you’re not even watching in the first place to see how this arc is no longer rushed and being completely fine tuned for the better. Exrial shitting on anything doesn’t affect my personal enjoyment of it, it’s just about others that will see and believe it depending on the likes as supports he gets. Anyway like I said and I’ll say it again, we’re here cause we enjoy JJK but I won’t tolerate bad mouthing of other iconic series that can’t be surpassed so easily, especially one that inspired it in the first place. If you prefer JJK that’s perfectly fine, but don’t discredit another to bring it up like another certain fandom constantly does with everything, and nobody ever says that one has been surpassed all cause it hasn’t ended yet, which technically so hasn’t Bleach.


But that's you thinking that likes and responses to a comment on the internet influences someone to the point they start hating another thing. And yeah, I refuse to watch TYBW because the core part of the story isn't good to me. I do not like Ichigo being revealed as a Quincy, I do not enjoy the overpowered enemies that get defeated from a Deus Ex Machina, I do not enjoy the fake out deaths. Everything I've read from JJK so far provides more enjoyment than what Bleach did as a whole, so I can say that JJK is better than Bleach at this time.


This the same clown that was saying bleach is made for a older and mature audience just cause it has some shitty darker coloring and slightly more blood. At the end of the day this shit is still a rated PG show with 0 deaths and forced drama AKA Uryu being a rat. And your right Bleach can never be in JJK lane. JJK is the #1 shouen of the 2020s


Except it’s not just me cause it’s been proven with other series in real time, hell even with Bleach due to the super eyepatch wolf video that he made it known as “the Downfall of Bleach” as the most disparaging/discrediting video on the series, just like plague of grape’s “Naruto, the self-made hypocrite” as hit pieces that tarnished their reputation with nothing but pure mis info and slander without even realizing it trying to come off as if they were documenting the series. How much you wanna make a bet there will be tons of hit pieces on one piece when it’s all said and done? It’s disgusting on some next level shit, just like those who make the “smoking on that pack” jokes that shouldn’t even exist. Bleach as of right now is rectifying/redeeming it’s very reputation amongst the critics that are willing to be open minded and accept giving it a 2nd chance unlike you that still thinks there will be any dues ex machina in the end or rushed to the point where you prematurely enjoy a NewGen thinking that it’s even of the same league, let alone better simply out of personal enjoyment instead of on a critically objective level separate from your feelings/sensibility. The anime handled Ichigo’s maternal heritage reveal a lot better than the manga as well as Byakuya’s fake out death that was inevitable and the last time it happens anyways, and it’s only gonna keep getting better and better, although based on how you’re talking you might’ve never even really been a fan of Bleach to begin with or at best moved on from the series, and I’m not gonna hold you…..That’s exactly how I’m starting to feel about another one of the Big3, people overhyping and praising something to high heavens into a new plane of existence of pure toxicity slandering everything else is taking away any possible enjoyment I have of it.

RonnieJayPlays (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 03:17:02 JJK is easily going to reach iconic status with Dragon ball/Naruto/One Piece its the best new gen series by far. As far as Dark Shonen goes its at the top.
2023-07-28 20:08:56 JJK is easily going to reach iconic status with Dragon ball/Naruto/One Piece its the best new gen series by far. As far as Dark Shonen goes its at the top.

JJK is easily going to reach iconic status with Dragon ball/Naruto/One Piece its the best new gen series by far. As far as Dark Shonen goes its at the top.


It doesn't matter if it handled it better, I still don't like it because it just adds more shit to Ichigo and makes him the jack of all trades. And I'm not talking about Byakuya when it comes to fake out deaths. Tell me how they're going to handle Gerard without a deus ex machina. You are not an authoritative figure to determine if I was a fan of Bleach. I read Bleach from beginning to end as it was coming out. I also did the same with Naruto and I don't like how Naruto ended. When it comes to One Piece, I hated on it from the beginning and didn't start reading it until 2012/2013ish and if it fails in the end, I will treat it like any other series.


@Exrial You know damn well the only clown to the point of being a whole 🎪 is you as I never said it was for a older and mature audience just cause it has a darker coloring and slightly more blood, stop misinterpreting my words. Also TYBW isn’t rated PG it’s rated TV 14 to TV-MA and there have been deaths, also quite the contrary, JJK could never be in Bleach’s lane and you know it since you keep trying to bring it down to bring JJK up as feeling threatened by it. JJK maybe the best NewGen, but that means nothing before the OGs, especially the likes of the Big3.


Both MCs still have more char development then Midchigo "muh friends" Kurosai , both those series are more talked about then bleach also now and are on their way of surpassing bleachs subar sales even though in went on for 16 years


Dw exrial i was just kidding. Just called them mid since you call various other shows mid


lol yeah ok. imagine hyping up new gen shit so much and disrespecting og anime like it hasnt had a huge impact. like i said its like saying my hero>dragon ball


That moment when JJK has more char deaths in its 200 chapter run then bleach has had in its 700 chapters. That moment when Ichigo is the only shounen char off the top of my head to have the most anticlimatic final battle where he dosent even use his new powers and won due to deus ex machina cause ywatch was written to OP


Nah why Rob cris cross like that LMFAOOO


ichigo shits on both MCs and ofc those shows would be talked about more, they are newer and came out way after bleach. that dont mean they are better at all. demon slayer doesnt have the best fights in anime but it does have great fights


Sure is a hella alot darker then thousand year fakeout war. Hate when anime pretend and try to hard be darker then it really is . Sukuna already a goated villian

RonnieJayPlays (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 03:17:02 @Cosmos oh look who it is the bleach defender coming here to tell me why JJK isn’t better
2023-07-28 20:20:36 @Cosmos oh look who it is the bleach defender coming here to tell me why JJK isn’t better

@Cosmos oh look who it is the bleach defender coming here to tell me why JJK isn’t better


@Exrial tHaT MOmeNt wHEn THis, ThAt mOMenT WhEn tHAt. STFU and GTFOH already with the same regurgitating BS Cappity 🧢 capping nonsense. Bleach is a longer running series, so even if that were true it needs those characters to keep the series going in relevancy, and the final battle was a collaborative effort that will most certainly be fleshed out in the end anyway.


No single bleach fight surpasses demon slayer(not s3) or the Heavens Feels movies. The heavens feel movies are the pinnacle of any anime fight with the ost, sword sound effects, and chorography . Reasons why Ufotable is the #1 studio of all time


@Ronnie So are you baiting as well? Then again considering you put DragonBall along with those other 2 of the Big3 instead of Bleach I guess so as typical childish slander….. what are you trying to gain out of this trying to further encourage this behavior? I thought you were somewhat better than this.


Why do you think bleach gets hated on? Its suppose to be a manga thats main focus point are cool battles / powers yet it cant even accomplish that due to kubo being so incompetent. Kubo focus more on character designs then actual story it makes me think this femboi shouldve been a designer instead of a author


@Exrial There was literally only ever 1 fake out in the whole series like that one and you also call it “CGI war or snooze fest” yet that’s thats in everything including JJK, and You’re still watching and talking about it. Bleach never “pretended” to be anything that it inherently isn’t, it’s objectively darker than any NewGen that’s for damn sure. And Sakuna is literally just a cheap copy of White.

RonnieJayPlays (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 03:17:02 @Cosmos bro im not baiting I have never done that my whole time on this patreon lol. I put Dragon Ball & Naruto cause they got me into anime & One Piece is my current favorite. It has nothing to do with the Big3 don’t be insecure man I love Bleach as well.
2023-07-28 20:32:33 @Cosmos bro im not baiting I have never done that my whole time on this patreon lol. I put Dragon Ball & Naruto cause they got me into anime & One Piece is my current favorite. It has nothing to do with the Big3 don’t be insecure man I love Bleach as well.

@Cosmos bro im not baiting I have never done that my whole time on this patreon lol. I put Dragon Ball & Naruto cause they got me into anime & One Piece is my current favorite. It has nothing to do with the Big3 don’t be insecure man I love Bleach as well.


LOL JJk's animation is way superior to the still images of TYBW. And how is it darker when nothing ever bad happens and literally 1 person on the good ppls side dies when its a literal fucking war. Meanwhile Sukuna has accomplished more then jobber white, fodder aizen, and deus ex machina ywatch who some how lost with all his broken abilities . Sukuna has 10x the body counts then bleach villians


The ironic thing is you’re not even legitimately or critically hating on Bleach, it’s just the same regurgitating slanderous BS nonsense without actually saying anything, I’m just correcting you for the sake of others that may believe you and look down or not be able to appreciate the series anymore. So I promise you whatever you have to say discouraging/discrediting about Bleach, I will correct and debunk all of it. Bleach has many main focuses, not just 1. Even if what you said was true, Kubo said that if he wasn’t a mangaka he would be a fashion designer, but in reality he turns out to be a poet writing poetry in motion, living up to the philosophy Less is More having more to the story then a surface level shonen on a deep multilayered thematic structure and scale that goes over most peoples heads like yourself, so no he was never “incompetent”, at least not naturally so, if that was the case Gege wouldn’t have acknowledged and been inspired by him.


@Ronnie Whatever your personal reasoning was for putting them together there have been others that have falsely and mad ignorantly put them together thinking that they’re the “real” Big3 due to how long they lasted and their Fandoms, as well as the fact of how long Bleach was gone anime wise. Either way, I’m not being insecure, just calling it out for people to not get the wrong idea. Honestly, I don’t think people know what iconic truly means anymore, always shamelessly misusing that word around. JJK was meant primarily for the anime community, not for anyone that isn’t into anime to begin with, unlike those others including Bleach that everyone in their grandmother knows about. The Word Bankai alone will always be more iconic than this series or any NewGen for that matter. Just like DragonBall will always be more iconic than anything from the Big3 combined.


@Exrial The more you keep shitting on the animation, the more I’m convinced you haven’t actually been watching it for yourself, that’s why I refuse to address correcting it since it’s completely nonsensical. Also I’m not gonna get into spoilers of who else on the good side died in this war arc. Other than that, Sakuna nor any JJK character has nothing on the likes of White, Aizen and Yhwach, and I know for a fact that last statement is false.


There’s more to fights than flashy animation. The story behind Bleach fights clears anything from DS or Fate.


I knew Goatjo sensei wouldn't go out like that, had to get his lick back. Top tier episode, JJK on another level


As someone whos played the FSN game nothing on bleach could even compare to it. To be honest most of the works from Type Moon (Fate Series, Tsukihime, Witch of the Holy night) are just better. Each of these series have world building on par with OP and character development that surpasses gutts. Just one fight in the heavens feel movie has more budget then all of bleach TYBW part 1 and 2 fights which is sad for how popular bleach is as you say. Your prob gonna say some more stupid shit but I know for a fact you havent read Fate Series or Tsukihime since your a low iq anime only


Rob was right , theres no better sensei then gojo


All of that was just a bunch of incoherent and personal opinionated nonsense. I’ve read the Fate series and it’s novels, none of it is comparable to any of those other iconic and established series as it’s inherently known for how convoluted and all over place it is. And of course Ufotable has more budget since they only work on one project at a time, unlike most other studios. that doesn’t make that works better as a series of stories/writing. So no, you don’t know anything for a fact that you’ve ever said on this patreon. Stop the troll bait.

RonnieJayPlays (edited)

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2024-02-19 03:17:02 @Cosmos yeah but how was me using Iconic wrong in this instance? Dragon ball, Naruto & One Piece are all Iconic anime series as far as old gen goes. What you think the new generation anime will never be iconic? All the kids and teenagers these days are talking about JJK & Demon Slayer they’re all the rage right now they will both reach that status when the younger people reach our age. Look at the numbers (yes it matters for iconic status) that both these series do in both the manga & anime mediums. And beyond the numbers i barely hear anybody talk bad about JJK so that must mean it’s a phenomenal series with few flaws so it has quality and other things that makes it sell. Gojo & Sukuna have also become iconic characters that the vast majority of anime fans know and the series isn’t even done, I knew who they were before I ever watched JJK. Im gonna have to disagree “Bankai” will always be iconic with our generation but not the next generation. So far only Super Saiyan has that much staying power throughout the test of time and even that hype has died down some.
2023-07-28 21:32:00 @Cosmos yeah but how was me using Iconic wrong in this instance? Dragon ball, Naruto & One Piece are all Iconic anime series as far as old gen goes. What you think the new generation anime will never be iconic? All the kids and teenagers these days are talking about JJK & Demon Slayer they’re all the rage right now they will both reach that status when the younger people reach our age. Look at the numbers (yes it matters for iconic status) that both these series do in both the manga & anime mediums. And beyond the numbers i barely hear anybody talk bad about JJK so that must mean it’s a phenomenal series with few flaws so it has quality and other things that makes it sell. Gojo & Sukuna have also become iconic characters that the vast majority of anime fans know and the series isn’t even done, I knew who they were before I ever watched JJK. Im gonna have to disagree “Bankai” will always be iconic with our generation but not the next generation. So far only Super Saiyan has that much staying power throughout the test of time and even that hype has died down some.

@Cosmos yeah but how was me using Iconic wrong in this instance? Dragon ball, Naruto & One Piece are all Iconic anime series as far as old gen goes. What you think the new generation anime will never be iconic? All the kids and teenagers these days are talking about JJK & Demon Slayer they’re all the rage right now they will both reach that status when the younger people reach our age. Look at the numbers (yes it matters for iconic status) that both these series do in both the manga & anime mediums. And beyond the numbers i barely hear anybody talk bad about JJK so that must mean it’s a phenomenal series with few flaws so it has quality and other things that makes it sell. Gojo & Sukuna have also become iconic characters that the vast majority of anime fans know and the series isn’t even done, I knew who they were before I ever watched JJK. Im gonna have to disagree “Bankai” will always be iconic with our generation but not the next generation. So far only Super Saiyan has that much staying power throughout the test of time and even that hype has died down some.


@Ronnie It was wrong in this instance since you said it’s “easily going to reach iconic status with DragonBall/Naruto/One piece” basically saying that it’ll eventually and easily be just as iconic as any of them are when that’s simply impossible, i’m not saying that it along with any other NewGen or hyper popular series can’t be iconic, but to the degree as any of those? Those OG series were able to break cultural barriers/boundaries in a time where there was little to no worldwide Internet access compared to nowadays, as well as when both the entire anime and manga mediums weren’t even that popular to begin with, they made the medium popular in the first place. There’s levels to this. DB is the father that is essentially bigger than anime and always will be while the Big3 are it’s main children due to their the length/longevity and success for a long running series as the top of iconically mainstream anime, which is why saying things like “Gear 5 will be just as or more iconic than SuperSaiyan” is nonsensical and a completely total impossibility, It won’t even be this generation’s equivalent. Even with JoJos being more like the uncle ahead of it’s time became iconic outside of the US due to its manga, and now within the US due to its anime paved the way. Basically Mainstream Shonen Longrunners whether anyone thinks they’re better written at the core or not, will always have more iconicity than any NewGen nowadays, or those to come in the future that no amount of statistical numbers through views as representing nothing but popularity, not quality, will ever change to truly measure up to what’s come in the past since the gist of it is that there could never be another Big3 of The genre or medium, let alone the likes of one that paved the way as a gateway like DragonBall for anime and JoJos for manga, they stand the test of time despite their flaws. Also with TYBW, it’s safe to say Bankai will remain iconic with this current generation since I’ve already seen and spoken to Younger people that have gotten into Bleach through it.

gio 17s

The characters in jjk are more iconic the story is jjk is the best new gen overall


The only one saying this you the biggest bleachtard there is. Bleach isnt as popular with the younger generation compared to JJK or demon slayer. It was big 3 but in reality Naruto was closer to One Piece in popularity while Bleach was left behind abit.Bleach didnt excel in anything of the big 3, naruto had better fights meanwhile OP had better story/lore. Any new gen such as JJK, AOT, DS, CSM are definitely more mainstream worldwide


Compared to what, other NewGens? Sure, but not compared to the OGs.


Atp Exrial, the more you comment, the more I see that aside from a troll baiter, you’re really just a manchild or no older than a teen at best. It doesn’t take a “Bleachtard” to have respect and recognition for it as part of the Big3 and as well as the one with the most influence amongst these NewGens, and therefore anyone getting into all those NewGens shows you mentioned would at least have heard about Bleach. Anime wise, both Bleach and Naruto were neck and neck, while one piece was the least popular especially throughout the West due to its length and art style, so you saying “Naruto was closer to one piece in popularity” as if it was generally the more popular one globally isn’t reflected on the reality of the situation, as if the world is only Japan where they focus on manga when it was just their culture back in the day, and still only recently became as popular the mainstream as it is, but not still to the level of anime adaptations, it was solely the Japanese that pushed it to that level of notoriety back in the day. Currently in the present day, Bleach is proving yet again that it’s the only one with top-tier quality production, while one piece only now finally having top tier animation but still with shit pacing. Bleach had the best aesthetic/style/tone, OST soundtracks and subtle depth of thematic structure and still does as more people are starting to wake up and realize it. One way or another you will put respect on it or I will make sure you stop talking about it cause nothing you say or do is going to stop me and others from calling you out for your discrediting and slandering, disrespect of an iconic OG. None of those NewGens series will ever be as iconic, let alone more than the likes of Bleach worldwide, I promise you that beyond everything from hell, heaven, and inbetween, that’s the factual reality without any bias that you must accept or let go. If you want and need to continuously shit on a series, let it be Fairy Tail and nothing else since that’s the only time you’ve ever dared to spit some sense. Which is pointless anyway since that’s really just a feels good series.


i cant tell when you're trolling but i respect the blue lock top 3 pick


I just lost brain cells reading that…..


It looks mid tho I wish all the top tier shonen anime get CC2 ninja storm type fighting games especially One Piece the roster would be insane




Only goats die standing up shout out the da goat Toji man so glad Mappa aint sell da bag wit him the anticipation to see him animated was mind boggling they did him so fucking justice🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I swear of bleach gets delayed Saturday AGAIN im going off. if it gets delayed thats proof they purposely do it dirty. they gave a post on YT that jjk and bleach will get delayed but they managed to get jjk out so the same should be done for bleach. if bleach gets delayed i call bs


That Quote by Gojo is a Buddhist quote in which Buddha was born and as a newborn, he took seven steps and said something in that fashion of " I alone am the honored one" you can tell the mangaka took inspiration cuz if you search up art and statues of buddha as a newborn they have the exact same pose of when gojo said that quote

Zachary Barker

Thank you for everything you guys do for the fans of not only you but the series yall watch. Love living vicariously through your guy's reactions and seeing the exact excitement i felt for so many insane anime moments on yalls faces is great fun. #FuckTheHaters


Ive seen multiple anime characrers die standing up, and its always the mostbadass ones SPOILERS: (WB from OP & Raoh from Fist of the North Star)


Awwww my black n white comic book with no sound, voice, color or motion fuck outta here ur fault for reading the manga when we have an amazing anime


Imagine not having YuYu Hakusho, Hunter X Hunter, Rurouni Kenshin, Fist of the North Star, JJBA, Naruto, DBZ, Bleach etc. in your top 5 but D. Gray Man lmfao I love that show but top 5 is a crazy troll especially putting CSM in there after only 1 season must be a Makima Simp like the rest


JJK is def my fav ongoing new shonen, I mean what other show has the MC watch Lord of The Rings for training? My boy Gojo trained Itadori right ha




Legendary shit ye heard me, these last 2 eps def my fav of the series besides when Todo and Itadori made it clap pause or ep 5 I think when Sukuna toyed with Megumi pause.


Cocky? Or realistic? Let’s use jjk for an example, Gojo knows he himself is the strongest sorcerer and it comes from a place of pragmatism instead of arrogance where there literally is no one stronger.


Read the manga fuckboi D Gray Man is fucking amazing to bad it releases a chapter like once every 5 years . Only one I agree that is top 5 potential that you listed is YYH


JJK's anime adaptation is legendary already and just keeps getting better. The soundtrack and sound design are too good. The overall narrative of JJK is compelling as fuck. Yeah this shit is already up there for me.




how is that a pause lol that is a stretch


I’ll call BS only if they get their OP official catch-up reaction tomorrow out before the latest Bleach episode, especially if it’s without an update.


By the time ur girl stripped she already had it up there for me last night


Episode was amazing. They really know how to animate combat and I LOVE IT. Combat is fast, impactful and beautiful.

Myles Xavier (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 03:17:02 This episode was fire asf, ad Him to another character that died standing up
2023-07-30 23:34:32 This episode was fire asf, ad Him to another character that died standing up

This episode was fire asf, ad Him to another character that died standing up

mclv mclv

The hidden inventory arc is soo good and has so much insight into Gojo and Getos personalities and motivations. Heartbreaking to watch but a very important arc to understand the show onwards. They are really doing it justice with the adaptation!!!


Stfu bitch nigga. Go get attention from your mother before I bust on her ugly ass face again.


goatoji got handled by goatjo i suppose there can only b one


Dawg, sun wunkong is Chinese myth, Buddhism is from India, Chinese Buddhism is different


bro died standing up, he's so broken