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been waiting for this one OUFFFF



early upload!!


Yeah just after YouTube this time. No biggie.

Justus A

I don't blame yall for posting it on Youtube first. Ep so lit yall had to show it to the world ASAP


Toji really got that DIO in him. No wonder he’s a demon time savage.

Justus A

Yea obviously we patrons want it here first, but I see why they prioritized the YT version. This reaction gna get good views


Playing the ending song during Riko's speech got me laughing so hard, Mappa just making people think everything was going to go well. Can't wait for the Toji Geto fight, I'm looking forward to that more than the Gojo one.

Sanji (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-21 02:00:30 When you hear Dio u kno muhfuckas a G, really wish Wellz wasnt an impatient, greedy, spoiled, narrow-minded manga reader tho. Imagine not utilizing the Anime's greatness from Mappa as your first exp
2023-07-20 23:53:15 When you hear Dio u kno muhfuckas a G, really wish Wellz wasnt an impatient, greedy, spoiled, narrow-minded manga reader tho. Imagine not utilizing the Anime's greatness from Mappa as your first exp. I do understand its a twitch bag thing too tho but damn he the only one gotta be ahead of his friends acting diff when shit pops off

When you hear Dio u kno muhfuckas a G, really wish Wellz wasnt an impatient, greedy, spoiled, narrow-minded manga reader tho. Imagine not utilizing the Anime's greatness from Mappa as your first exp. I do understand its a twitch bag thing too tho but damn he the only one gotta be ahead of his friends acting diff when shit pops off

Justus A

I dont blame u for blaming them, I was mad too at first


Nah I understand that Youtube may render quicker than


mate don't make any excuses for them lol they uploaded a CUT (edited) version to YT before. They coulda easily uploaded the full version to patreon.


Rob getting so defensive and wondering why they laugh when the guy he’s always shouting about being his sensei gets his first big L is so funny to me

Bulletproof Gamers (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 03:18:10 Mans said "maggot domain" lmao
2023-07-21 00:02:34 Mans said "maggot domain" lmao

Mans said "maggot domain" lmao


Rob might not survive the next ep lmao


Jjk casually dropping a 10/10 ep


Keep bitching pussies. Yall really crying but still gonna cough up 15$ cause yall are cowards


Your retarded. Manga is goated just for art and panels alone. Considering your pfp is sanji im not surprised to hear such a low iq take you peeping tom. Dont be mad your just to autistic to read


Already anime of the year. JJK accomplishes what snoozeland saga, Bleach Thousand Year CGI War, Gayruto fail to do which is actually have good fights and complex characters.


snoozeland saga served just like niquil 10/10 product

William Tippen

Rob will say anything to lessen the blow to his pride when things that happen to his favorite characters


Acting like there wasn’t any CGI in this episode is hilarious. Anyways thanks for your continued support as we’ll be waiting for you when everyone’s jaw dropped by this week’s Bleach lore action bomb episode. It wouldn’t have those good fights or complex characters without something to take inspiration from.


Zoro didnt take an L to big mom and kaido bruh and that was the best jjk episode so far


Sheeesh, that was insane. Freaking JJK man...


Gojo got bodied in a 1v1, zoro protected ppl KNOWING hes boutta get fucked up by the attack

Matthew Gilroy

Zoro took an L when he lost to Kizaru, Kuma sent his ass, and was separated for 2 years😂


I’m confused as to why some of you continue to respond and give this known troll hater attention as that’s all he needs to keep going fueling him. The less attention/interactions he gets, the less material he’ll have to work with and just fizzle out on his own. Don’t feed the troll.

Matthew Gilroy

Zoro took an L against the yeti cool brothers in punk hazard as well


im also glad Toji did a number on Gojo but lets not pretend that was a fair 1v1. Not only was Gojo depleted of his energy and stamina, dude was worried for Amanai and got distracted at the end. He was up for 2 days and had his technique on the whole time to watch for dangers. Not to mention Toji snuck the first shot as soon as Gojo let his guard down. Plus, Toji already knew about his abilities and had every part planned to bypass his infinity and watch out for this techniques. I aint saying Toji cheated cuz this is a fight and the way he calculated everything was brilliant. But saying "Gojo got bodied in a 1v1" is putting not enough respect on him


They really dragged that argument at the end


I didn’t say it was fair but tbh I feel like if toji knew abt purple beforehand during the rematch, the fight would’ve been ALOT different


And toji knew abt all of gojo’s techniques because he was apart of the zenin clan


I prefer color, music, voice, emotion and motion especially when its Mappa. Now I can understand wanting to read Berserk instead of 2016 anime or Toriko instead of Toei butchering it, but not JJK when the anime is amazing. Using the word "autistic" just proves you're either young or an angry piece of shit human ha


@Xeparator its a good thing bcus there might be ppl who read his comments and actually agree not knowing hes trolling so having ppl reply to him help dim the flames of gullible ppl at the same time. If theres one thing in this world you just cant fix its stupid


Don't know why you're making it seem like reading manga is the wrong choice my guy. People enjoy different type of mediums


well yeah Toji is like Mayuri from Bleach. Dude set up so much prep beforehand that he managed to nearly take out someone who was known to be untouchable.

Matthew Gilroy

ExtrialHD I bet u glaze all over the new JJK volumes and have a Gege shrine in ur toilet. Fucking clown


@Sanji Yeah but as I said he’s a known troll so just about everyone here knows atp, even those liking his comments are just humoring him.

jeffrey dorvil

Great take jjk super fire 🔥


you just be talking and dont know anything swear u be having down syndrome


Yeah pat you correct gangy, they said in the movie that yuta is a descendant of gojo's clan


evil asta goin crazy

Mikey N

Were paying for this shit wtf you mean theyre going to prioritize youtube?


Rob just be talking😭


"i wanted that to hurt" "but why" "because its you rob" that had me dying

Nem Kos

Zoro didnt take an L cause it was a team fight, 5vs2 ... If you sacrifice yourself in the battle in order to allow your teammates to win the fight no one is gonna say that you took an L, but that your team took a W lmao.


the argument at the end is pointless cause they're literally discussing two different things which is why it keeps goin back n forth lmao


Ik you just didn’t say Bleach had no good fights or compelling characters, Lmfaoo clown ass statement 💀

Cruse Thomas

like bro rob makes no sense in this argument they legit agreed agreed that he took an L so law and whoever else could not die like end of argument

Cruse Thomas

robby is completey numb like bros arguing ab real life and they been comparing anime like whats he talm bout lmao


I mean Gojo is a 16 maybe 17 year old kid in highschool fighting a grown ass legend they literally call the sorcerer killer lmao

Cruse Thomas

and how tf is someone sacraficing a bulllet for multiple ppl not a dub like rob is delusional he saved their life bro is trappin


damn fire ass episode, been loving everything mappa been putting out recently but that Blue scene might be my favorite shot in awhile, so clean


blud conquest of the sea was gonna make every1 out of battle but zoro was the reason it didnt


This episode started off too happy with the beach scene and even the aquarium I knew it was gonna get dark. The fact that we see Gojo actually break a sweat & flustered, so used to him calm and cool. I was speechless when Riko got shot...Toji is a savage. Ost's went crazy this episode 🔥 also happy bday Jerry


@citROnaut he just has poor taste and is a lowlife troll. funny how he always hates on naruto and bleach and says jjk is better yet jjk was inspired by both naruto AND bleach. fucking retard we only on S2 barely any eps with Goatruto and Bleach way longer now in a few years when jjk gets much longer than yea maybe u can say its better even then nah it will never be better there's no comparison even tho jjk is great. Its like saying my hero>dbz


bleach and naruto has no good fights??? when they legit have some of the best in anime. stop it. keep up with the nonsense ima embarrass you EVERY time. Now watch in come his leeching friends putting on their cape to save him and cry sayin im the bad guy when he posted this shit FIRST as usual hating 💀


Not only did he have the preparation, but he was the perfect counter to Gojo. No curse users without that blade have any chance against him, but the perfect combination on top of the perfect plan was what it took


if y’all gon hype gojo up y’all can at least pronounce his name right lmaooo

I’mABrazilianKid MyCousinCanBeRonaldo or FrancisNgannou

Classic Gaara vs Lee fight, Gojo were always confident in his abilities and the feeling of being the undefeated badass, outta nowhere this dude jumps him so fast that he doesn’t know what to do. Ultimate hard work and preparation vs ultimate talent.


yall not see how toji butchered gojo's body? Toji tore his chest open, destroyed his leg and stabbed his head 2x


This reaction being an hour long let’s me know the post discussion is about to be so unserious. Can’t wait to watch 😭

Crusty And Crustier

I like how Evan pretends to react when she gets shot he really put up a front lmao just like rob


idk why any of u are surprised. they been dropping shit on YT before patreon here and there for years


they really had a whole argument about zoro smh. but yall was a little too happy with gojo gettin bodied like damn lol off of that it seemed like they dont like gojo like rob said but i guess i get it because its to get back at rob for the zoro hate


Holy shit it’s funny to watch them argue with rob and can’t even imagine how irritating it must be to be the one arguing with him 😂 lol The only thing rob has going is he’s super loud and doesn’t let anyone talk without interrupting and talking over them lmao he really is a terrible debater and just runs in circles or switches the whole point lol


Funny af tho 😂😂


They jumped kaido so nobody really took an L


happy birthday jerry


Rob got me laughing with gojo


I knew rob was gonna be tight about his boi getting humbled 🤣🤣🤣I love it


Rob mad asf 🤣🤣🤣 like don’t pretend like you ain’t mad Gojo got butchered💀💀💀


if someone shoots a kill shot at my friend and I jump in front of the bullet and get hospitalised thats not an L thats a W, I literally saved my friends live and still lived. Rob is slow asf im ngl, bro doesn't understand how hypotheticals work at ALL

Peter Lora

58:25 I completely understand Jerry. 😩🤣

Dequone Jackson

Ya'll dumb af an L depends on the goal. If the goal is to save your friend and you succeed it's an W. Zoro's goal wasn't to not get hurt if it was, then it would be an L but seeing as his goal was to save his captain and he succeeded that makes it a W.


Common Rob W, bro really won a 1v4 argument and had wellz trembling and quivering. Thats my GOAT. Keep carrying rttv


Your from europe. USA> All of europe. Thats why your continent is on the brink of war and big daddy USA has to save the eurobums again


Thats how you know Zoro is GOATED. When mfs talk about him on different reactions thats how you know hes better then Midchigo. Zoro is the best swordsman in all of anime and thats straight facts now go watch your CGI anime


It was a fair 1v1. Toji just batman. Gojo fault for being outsmartted and not being cautius


Different and objectively better opinions = troll to these sheep. Theres a reason why JJK is better then midruto which is 90% flash backs and subar hand fights compared to JJK, meanwhile bleach is just ugly af to look at with all the CGI and feels like im watching pokemon cause they just take turns. Works better then melatonin since it just puts your ass to sleep


Toji >>>> Bitch Made Dio who went out like a hoe. Toji accomplished more in 3 eps then dio has in all of jojo. Toji would trash dio and use him as a personal toilet.


Lmfao sure buddy. Dude went out like a “hoe” and is “Bitch made” yet was literally the one to kill the first JoJo, proceeded to come back about 100 years later, and send a group of assassins against his descendants and caused enough mayhem devastation to have the next 3 generations of the bloodline to deal with, as well as can stop time. Uh huh sure. No JJK character has anything on him.


“bleach is just ugly af to look at” at least troll better.


Evan made a poll asking their audience at the end of their last podcast “WHO Y’ALL HATE MORE” between Rob and Jerry, RT TV misinterpreted it as who y’all like more, but the result was Rob by 55% with Jerry at 44%. So their audience has spoken that Rob is truly the worst and always has been.


Just look at the comments , rttv have the most feminine , bum , poor fan base of any reactors and they desperate want to be a victim. Most of the clowns in here don’t have a job , get bitches, or have friends irl and this want to cry on patreon about being “attacked”. They clearly can’t handle others opinion


While I don’t necessarily disagree. I must say very interesting comment.


Rob really ran with Toji gonna go see young gojo once huh? 🤣


This nigga talk about himself lol a Glizzy gobbler at its peak



Devin B

But Gaara still ended up winning, Lee didn't really have any preparation for his fight with Gaara since he didn't know he was going to face him up until the last minute.


just because its a sacrifice..doesnt mean it isnt an L. Zoro took an L


Jeff juding from your comments in your post history your just a meat rider begging for RTTV to notice you. Hows it feel to so desperately want the attention of men that will never care about you just like your daddy. Now be a good boi and cough up the 15$ for next month

Nem Kos

@Thotty_dagod But no lmao you can't isolate from context like Rob did if you did take then technically anything is an L and then what are we even debating about 😂😂😂. There's never a perfect situation in life where you achieve a goal without losing anything. But in the context of a team fight what he did was a W.


Zoro surpassed his limits and saved everyone like the MVP and fighting kaido prob made him stronger in OP verse. So def a WIN. For a yonko commander to 1v1 kaido thats big W


Just like we glazed your bum continent in the war against britain, WW1, and WW2. Looking like a 3-0. USA keeps winning


What zoro did was comparable to a paraplegic fucking mike tyson in a street fight. Only thing I can gather from that is big W


His only excuse frl is that he was exhausted and that was because toji kept sending assassins after them, so he really just got outsmarted


He lost to sm with no cursed energy when he is literally the most gifted sorcerer


The arguments have been absolute fire lately giving me 2019-2020 vibes


Toji just went to see him once xD it's in the episode written clear af xD


Bcus usually the ppl are just impatient spoiled anime fans and just wanna kno what happens next without even enjoying the manga


Lmao someone’s mad he has a little penis 😂 I mean I like they’re content and support they’re videos lol so yea I’m happy to pay 15


People talk about Ichigo all the time anywhere, so you must be living under a rock. CGI is an every anime nowadays even one piece. Also he casually individually solos any one piece character.

Matthew Gilroy

ExtrialHD stop whining u fucking clown 🤡


Bro couldnt even solo Aizen or Ywatch. Bro just a trash main char and kubo knew it . Imagine blue balling your whole audience and barely show ichigo use his power cause he got GAPPED cause hes fodder even with all his cheat


That just goes to show how OP those villains are, everything else you said is nothing but🧢 nonsense. The reality is that he was simply rushed due to his health issues and not letting his editors influence his work so they didn’t care to have him anymore. The TYBW anime will flesh out all of that.

Gabriel Rodriguez

i feel Rob though they was getting to lit to see Gojo die


Rob is such a retard. Nobody cares if Gojo was sneak attacked that’s what an assassination is.


At least Jerry is genuinely excited even if it’s annoying he’s giving real reactions. Rob is just a troll that takes away from any intelligent conversations the group could otherwise be having if they didn’t have to waste time addressing his troll comments.

Void Zero

I like rob i think hes funny asf he just be saying crazy takes sometimes but i just think he needs to talk more in reactions he got quiet recently


bullying tf outta rob for why

logum bogum

I swear Jerry didn't move from 57:59 to 1:00:00


Ayyy the mf that pays $15 a month to bitch to like 20 ppl who dont care lol. I would never, Sad ass nigga fr.


1 hour video you know the arguing's gonna be good


This one for Wellz. Every Zoro L: vs Kuina, vs Buggy (orange town) vs Mihawk, vs Arlong, vs Enel, vs Rob Lucci (water 7), vs Kuma, vs Kizaru, vs Yi Cool Brothers, and he damn near lost to some Monkeys at Mihawks place too 🤣


Someone correct them on saying Goju 😩

Myles Xavier (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-04 07:40:53 all i gotta say is wow, also rob u don’t listen bc you’re ready to counter peoples points, Evan started the whole scenario ( they said many times), wellz and pat we’re going off evan but you were tryna argue with wellz about stuff that was never said in the scenario. two things can be compared and it not be exact. one person saves the rest by getting shot and they all live. Zoro took the attack to save the rest and they all lived. both the person shot and zoro get hurt but save the others and live with repercussions. this is how they are the same. nothings else matters. what ev, pat, and Wellz are counter arguing is the little L you’re saying was to save others which he did and they see it as a W overall outweighing the L of taking residual damage from the attack or bullet in the getting shot scenario. but you say you can’t see that ever as being a W, so then you just disagree. it is a very good comparison. a comparison doesn’t need to be highly detailed to be understood. it just need the core factors to be same, when more complex scenarios are brought up that’s when you add on factors.
2023-08-04 07:40:53 all i gotta say is wow, also rob u don’t listen bc you’re ready to counter peoples points, Evan started the whole scenario ( they said many times), wellz and pat we’re going off evan but you were tryna argue with wellz about stuff that was never said in the scenario. two things can be compared and it not be exact. one person saves the rest by getting shot and they all live. Zoro took the attack to save the rest and they all lived. both the person shot and zoro get hurt but save the others and live with repercussions. this is how they are the same. nothings else matters. what ev, pat, and Wellz are counter arguing is the little L you’re saying was to save others which he did and they see it as a W overall outweighing the L of taking residual damage from the attack or bullet in the getting shot scenario. but you say you can’t see that ever as being a W, so then you just disagree. it is a very good comparison. a comparison doesn’t need to be highly detailed to be understood. it just need the core factors to be same, when more complex scenarios are brought up that’s when you add on factors.
2023-08-04 07:40:53 all i gotta say is wow, also rob u don’t listen bc you’re ready to counter peoples points, Evan started the whole scenario ( they said many times), wellz and pat we’re going off evan but you were tryna argue with wellz about stuff that was never said in the scenario. two things can be compared and it not be exact. one person saves the rest by getting shot and they all live. Zoro took the attack to save the rest and they all lived. both the person shot and zoro get hurt but save the others and live with repercussions. this is how they are the same. nothings else matters. what ev, pat, and Wellz are counter arguing is the little L you’re saying was to save others which he did and they see it as a W overall outweighing the L of taking residual damage from the attack or bullet in the getting shot scenario. but you say you can’t see that ever as being a W, so then you just disagree. it is a very good comparison. a comparison doesn’t need to be highly detailed to be understood. it just need the core factors to be same, when more complex scenarios are brought up that’s when you add on factors.
2023-08-04 07:40:53 all i gotta say is wow, also rob u don’t listen bc you’re ready to counter peoples points, Evan started the whole scenario ( they said many times), wellz and pat we’re going off evan but you were tryna argue with wellz about stuff that was never said in the scenario. two things can be compared and it not be exact. one person saves the rest by getting shot and they all live. Zoro took the attack to save the rest and they all lived. both the person shot and zoro get hurt but save the others and live with repercussions. this is how they are the same. nothings else matters. what ev, pat, and Wellz are counter arguing is the little L you’re saying was to save others which he did and they see it as a W overall outweighing the L of taking residual damage from the attack or bullet in the getting shot scenario. but you say you can’t see that ever as being a W, so then you just disagree. it is a very good comparison. a comparison doesn’t need to be highly detailed to be understood. it just need the core factors to be same, when more complex scenarios are brought up that’s when you add on factors.
2023-08-04 07:40:53 all i gotta say is wow, also rob u don’t listen bc you’re ready to counter peoples points, Evan started the whole scenario ( they said many times), wellz and pat we’re going off evan but you were tryna argue with wellz about stuff that was never said in the scenario. two things can be compared and it not be exact. one person saves the rest by getting shot and they all live. Zoro took the attack to save the rest and they all lived. both the person shot and zoro get hurt but save the others and live with repercussions. this is how they are the same. nothings else matters. what ev, pat, and Wellz are counter arguing is the little L you’re saying was to save others which he did and they see it as a W overall outweighing the L of taking residual damage from the attack or bullet in the getting shot scenario. but you say you can’t see that ever as being a W, so then you just disagree. it is a very good comparison. a comparison doesn’t need to be highly detailed to be understood. it just need the core factors to be same, when more complex scenarios are brought up that’s when you add on factors.
2023-08-04 07:40:53 all i gotta say is wow, also rob u don’t listen bc you’re ready to counter peoples points, Evan started the whole scenario ( they said many times), wellz and pat we’re going off evan but you were tryna argue with wellz about stuff that was never said in the scenario. two things can be compared and it not be exact. one person saves the rest by getting shot and they all live. Zoro took the attack to save the rest and they all lived. both the person shot and zoro get hurt but save the others and live with repercussions. this is how they are the same. nothings else matters. what ev, pat, and Wellz are counter arguing is the little L you’re saying was to save others which he did and they see it as a W overall outweighing the L of taking residual damage from the attack or bullet in the getting shot scenario. but you say you can’t see that ever as being a W, so then you just disagree. it is a very good comparison. a comparison doesn’t need to be highly detailed to be understood. it just need the core factors to be same, when more complex scenarios are brought up that’s when you add on factors.
2023-08-04 07:40:53 all i gotta say is wow, also rob u don’t listen bc you’re ready to counter peoples points, Evan started the whole scenario ( they said many times), wellz and pat we’re going off evan but you were tryna argue with wellz about stuff that was never said in the scenario. two things can be compared and it not be exact. one person saves the rest by getting shot and they all live. Zoro took the attack to save the rest and they all lived. both the person shot and zoro get hurt but save the others and live with repercussions. this is how they are the same. nothings else matters. what ev, pat, and Wellz are counter arguing is the little L you’re saying was to save others which he did and they see it as a W overall outweighing the L of taking residual damage from the attack or bullet in the getting shot scenario. but you say you can’t see that ever as being a W, so then you just disagree. it is a very good comparison. a comparison doesn’t need to be highly detailed to be understood. it just need the core factors to be same, when more complex scenarios are brought up that’s when you add on factors.
2023-08-04 07:40:53 all i gotta say is wow, also rob u don’t listen bc you’re ready to counter peoples points, Evan started the whole scenario ( they said many times), wellz and pat we’re going off evan but you were tryna argue with wellz about stuff that was never said in the scenario. two things can be compared and it not be exact. one person saves the rest by getting shot and they all live. Zoro took the attack to save the rest and they all lived. both the person shot and zoro get hurt but save the others and live with repercussions. this is how they are the same. nothings else matters. what ev, pat, and Wellz are counter arguing is the little L you’re saying was to save others which he did and they see it as a W overall outweighing the L of taking residual damage from the attack or bullet in the getting shot scenario. but you say you can’t see that ever as being a W, so then you just disagree. it is a very good comparison. a comparison doesn’t need to be highly detailed to be understood. it just need the core factors to be same, when more complex scenarios are brought up that’s when you add on factors.
2023-08-04 07:40:53 all i gotta say is wow, also rob u don’t listen bc you’re ready to counter peoples points, Evan started the whole scenario ( they said many times), wellz and pat we’re going off evan but you were tryna argue with wellz about stuff that was never said in the scenario. two things can be compared and it not be exact. one person saves the rest by getting shot and they all live. Zoro took the attack to save the rest and they all lived. both the person shot and zoro get hurt but save the others and live with repercussions. this is how they are the same. nothings else matters. what ev, pat, and Wellz are counter arguing is the little L you’re saying was to save others which he did and they see it as a W overall outweighing the L of taking residual damage from the attack or bullet in the getting shot scenario. but you say you can’t see that ever as being a W, so then you just disagree. it is a very good comparison. a comparison doesn’t need to be highly detailed to be understood. it just need the core factors to be same, when more complex scenarios are brought up that’s when you add on factors.
2023-08-04 07:40:53 all i gotta say is wow, also rob u don’t listen bc you’re ready to counter peoples points, Evan started the whole scenario ( they said many times), wellz and pat we’re going off evan but you were tryna argue with wellz about stuff that was never said in the scenario. two things can be compared and it not be exact. one person saves the rest by getting shot and they all live. Zoro took the attack to save the rest and they all lived. both the person shot and zoro get hurt but save the others and live with repercussions. this is how they are the same. nothings else matters. what ev, pat, and Wellz are counter arguing is the little L you’re saying was to save others which he did and they see it as a W overall outweighing the L of taking residual damage from the attack or bullet in the getting shot scenario. but you say you can’t see that ever as being a W, so then you just disagree. it is a very good comparison. a comparison doesn’t need to be highly detailed to be understood. it just need the core factors to be same, when more complex scenarios are brought up that’s when you add on factors.
2023-08-04 07:40:53 all i gotta say is wow, also rob u don’t listen bc you’re ready to counter peoples points, Evan started the whole scenario ( they said many times), wellz and pat we’re going off evan but you were tryna argue with wellz about stuff that was never said in the scenario. two things can be compared and it not be exact. one person saves the rest by getting shot and they all live. Zoro took the attack to save the rest and they all lived. both the person shot and zoro get hurt but save the others and live with repercussions. this is how they are the same. nothings else matters. what ev, pat, and Wellz are counter arguing is the little L you’re saying was to save others which he did and they see it as a W overall outweighing the L of taking residual damage from the attack or bullet in the getting shot scenario. but you say you can’t see that ever as being a W, so then you just disagree. it is a very good comparison. a comparison doesn’t need to be highly detailed to be understood. it just need the core factors to be same, when more complex scenarios are brought up that’s when you add on factors.
2023-07-24 06:42:27 all i gotta say is wow, also rob u don’t listen bc you’re ready to counter peoples points, Evan started the whole scenario ( they said many times), wellz and pat we’re going off evan but you were tryna argue with wellz about stuff that was never said in the scenario. two things can be compared and it not be exact. one person saves the rest by getting shot and they all live. Zoro took the attack to save the rest and they all lived. both the person shot and zoro get hurt but save the others and live with repercussions. this is how they are the same. nothings else matters. what ev, pat, and Wellz are counter arguing is the little L you’re saying was to save others which he did and they see it as a W overall outweighing the L of taking residual damage from the attack or bullet in the getting shot scenario. but you say you can’t see that ever as being a W, so then you just disagree. it is a very good comparison. a comparison doesn’t need to be highly detailed to be understood. it just need the core factors to be same, when more complex scenarios are brought up that’s when you add on factors.

all i gotta say is wow, also rob u don’t listen bc you’re ready to counter peoples points, Evan started the whole scenario ( they said many times), wellz and pat we’re going off evan but you were tryna argue with wellz about stuff that was never said in the scenario. two things can be compared and it not be exact. one person saves the rest by getting shot and they all live. Zoro took the attack to save the rest and they all lived. both the person shot and zoro get hurt but save the others and live with repercussions. this is how they are the same. nothings else matters. what ev, pat, and Wellz are counter arguing is the little L you’re saying was to save others which he did and they see it as a W overall outweighing the L of taking residual damage from the attack or bullet in the getting shot scenario. but you say you can’t see that ever as being a W, so then you just disagree. it is a very good comparison. a comparison doesn’t need to be highly detailed to be understood. it just need the core factors to be same, when more complex scenarios are brought up that’s when you add on factors.


Zoro took a few L's but not really if he was able to jump back in the fight. If that's the case Luffy lost to Kaido 4 times.