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Get this to 150 likes for Momo trying to save the flower capital and Luffy fighting Kaido!


Darren Metts

Who said these episodes were trash? Dude had to be trolling this is literally where wano picks the heck up lol like what


Why do they keep saying sanji is possibly a cyborg when it was stated already he is 100% human?lmao. Cyborg means you have robotic parts in your body, sanji isnt a cyborg if he doesn’t have those, in order for sanji to be called cyborg, someone mist have operated him and replaced parts of his body but that never happened.

Darren Stewart

Jerrys tripping. When it comes to a life or death battle. There is no round 1 or round 2. Its just the battle


Has wellz explained that what Luffy and Kaido are displaying is advanced conquers haki?


the 1v1 argument is killing me man, just go back one episode and you'll see Kaido taking Yamato's and Luffy's attack, Kaido is also still holding up Onigashima while fighting non stop

Gabriel Rodriguez

Luffy 1v1 kaido. Luffy got help when all of them were on the roof but so did Kaido with big mom. But it’s forsure 1v1 just like all the other fights. Queen didn’t just go against sanji neither did King. The fights really don’t start till they’re facing off 1v1

Gabriel Rodriguez

acting like kaido took any damage from anything other then Zoro hit is crazy too. the reason Luffy needed to learn that technique was to actually hurt him. and he’s the only one that can internally damage kaido. bc of his thick skin that’s always talked about


Kaido fought hella people before his solo match with Luffy and lets not forget he’s carrying the fucking Island while fighting 💀💀 come on Jerry u lost this round buddy


jerry got the absolute worst argument i’ve ever heard how is this possibly a solo fight has he been sleeping this arc

Zar D. Goat

Bro thank u if gear 4 luffy was spamming him with no damage them peons wasn’t doing shit to him


these niggas are all brain dead , pat watches ahead , wellz reads the manga and provides no clarity , rob falls asleep & or doesn’t pay attention & has insight at the end of the video how ? bro needs to be studied. Jerry 😐 i ain’t even gonna start

Adnan Ismail

your paying money to just bitch, Either you wanna watch or you don't but shut the fuck up either way pussy.