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Novy Navarro

One Piece is a good show of course its bearable to watch. This show on the other hand...


I love how whenever they compare something to Naruto Rob always says ‘but this one is better’ just to troll Wellz 😂


Eon always finding a way to shit on One Piece. Even now comparing it to Fairy Tail of all shows.


Its cause hes triggered and knows that one piece is objectively better then his favorite series. The numbers/views/revenue dont lie and he just wants to be a contrarian. One Piece if the face and forefront of manga/anime


Still waiting on Hells Paradise 😐


You are a dick riding stanning fanboy, just for Bleach, jojos, and Naruto.


Y’all could’ve done a BUNCH of short but good series but instead yall gonna dedicate 100s of reactions towards a show most people dislike 💀


Keep coping Kishimoto trash author its why all his new manga has flopped and he keeps crawling back to naruto for $$$


People really hate on this for no reason. It’s really a comfort show for a lot of people. It’s not perfect but no show is really perfect. The closest show that I would consider perfect is AOT. Still, it’s just a feel good show. Shut off your brain and enjoy the ride. People honestly just hate it because they think it’s cool to hate on Fairy Tail when it’s not. It’s not for everyone but the hate it gets is very undeserved. These comments all hate on Fairy Tail without watching it. Don’t be swayed by them because it’s not bad. See for yourself if you like it. Don’t let these annoying comments stop you guys. You should be able to see for yourself.

Damian Nowak

The only good thing about Fairy Tail is ost and you guys on comment act suprised people hate it


Most of the comments say the same thing. These guys aren’t gonna do reactions forever, so why waste their time with hundreds of reactions to a mid show?


Fairy tail over heaven’s feel is crazyyyyyy

Austin Lewis

Actually crazy how they chose to watch this power of friendship ass show when they could be watching countless other better shows. By the comments on this and other posts its clear the vast majority of the people are disappointed with this selection. Heavens Feel trilogy would've been completed by the time y'all watched 17 episodes of fairy tail.

Karo Oghomi

Where are the polls at

Karo Oghomi

Quick question y’all. Is Fairy Tail the only thing in Super Early Access tier? If I go to Early Access tier will I still get JJK full reactions when it’s out? What will I be missing by going down a tier?


They needa react to Steinsgate already. People been recommending it for 3 years 🤣

Jonathan picanco

90% of the people hating on this show probably haven't watched it. And for those who did and didn't like it, there's 30 times more people who love it and see it as a comfort show that got them through hard times. Let people live.


It’s the most hated shounen for a reason the fk you talking about 🤡 Has some of the worst fight scenes I’ve seen for a show that focuses on fighting


Stop hating and let people watch what they want. This show had been hated on for so long and for unnecessary reason and an unnecessary amount. So having RT TV or any reactor, watch this show makes them happy. It’s a comfort show for most people. Let them live.


Countless of other shows have powers of friendship so that doesn’t mean much. Just let them live. I never expected them to watch this show so I’m excited to see how this goes.


You’re not special or cool for hating on this show, ya know. This show used to be loved but as anime became more popular, it started getting hate. It’s really a comfort show for a lot of people. It’s fine if you don’t like it, but relentlessly bashing it is lame.


You got a lot of babies in these comments *wah *wah *”buwwt bwye the time you’ve watched all these Fairy Tail eps you could’ve been watching somethwing else *im so buwtt hurt *wah *wah.” Chutso ____ up fill in the blanks mf’s


But idk if you got good tastes. To begin with, I'm very heavily doubting you on your tastes being subjectively and objectively better than mine???? Like ain't no way you in the know. Like not even hating bozo straight up wrong not giving you flowers for shi* opinions wtf

Jonathan picanco

I get not liking it. Thats super okay, and its not gonna be everyone's cup of tea. But keep that shit to yourself and let the people that enjoy it enjoy it. It wouldnt have gone on as long as it did, if it wasn't liked or popular enough. Nor would it have gotten a whole ass sequel manga, plus several other works the manga artist has going on.


There’s literally much better shows that appeal to their interests far more, they could replace this show with 10 others and that would appeal to a much larger audience of people


You’d rather have hundreds of reactions to your mid show than have 10 different reactions of shorter/better shows, which would benefit more people. You’re just being selfish 🤷🏼‍♂️


Shut yo bitch ass up Amy I watched this shit when it first came out when I was in high school. This is some hot steaming new york dumpster trash, nobody asked for it but they wanted to cater to RTTV's token autismo jerry and make him happy


Gotta say Wellz is a good friend though, suddenly he doesn't care about fight scenes and animation. And laughs at jokes like "I don't know", "YOU DON'T KNOW!? WHAT!?"


Theres a reason why no other series has gotten this amount of hate besides Fairy Tail on this patreon. 1.) cause nobody asked for it, 2.)contender of being one of the worst anime writing wise.3.) Bullshit random powerups that natsu uses once and never usees again. Fairy tail is one the same level as midruto


Facts 😂 rest of the gang is like what the fuck am I watching


Why do you think fairy tail is hated? If it was actually good people wouldn’t hate on it . Use some reasoning skills


Shut yo dumb ass up. It’s hated for a very good reason else people wouldn’t hate on it. When you have girls stripping in every fight, corny cats surviving a explosion point blank, and Disney tier villians I’m not surprised this show gets hate


Just wanna say I am only here for OP, DS and just some few other stuffs they react to and now for Fairytail since its one of my fav show too. There's a lot of shows that are not to my liking that RTTV reacted to but that does not really stopping me from subbing 15$ a month no? Because the faster you realize that not everyone has the same opinion/taste as yours the faster you're gonna stop being a hater that just know how to rant in the comments. Just watch what you want and let others enjoy what they want. If they do reactions to shows that you dont like, then go and watch reactions of the shows that you like. Simple as that


Ok Fusion / Verità / Eon / Truth / MoJoJoYoLo or however you’d like to be called 😂

Jim clifton

So glad y'all are watchin this. It only gets better from here!!!!

Zoheb Satta

I really love this show and am so glad you guys are watching it but I'm begging yall to try the sub version its so much better and the emotional beats hit a lot harder


Hi we’re RTTV and we react to EVERYTHING!! (Well not exactly everything!) And if it’s your first time here it definitely won’t last long so we make sure you overpay, don’t get heard and we FUCK up the timetable….TIMETABLE! And we’re back with another empty but overpriced schedule.. GOTTA GO GOTTA GOOOOOO


A lot of people hate on one piece, doesn’t mean it’s bad. Use better examples kid

Amani Homran

Naruto is still by far better written then one piece will ever be😂one piece can never make money world wide like naruto 90% of the one piece revenue comes from only japan even 85% of the manga sales of one piece only went to japan it will always be 1 dimensional and never will be doing things like dbz and naruto are doing😂


Weird cause *checks notes* cause according to average sales on volumes when naruto was being publishing only 32 volumes out of 72 volumes of naruto have hit over 1 million sales. Meanwhile Onepiece volume durin this run has had every volume surpass 1 million sales . This must mean that One piece > Naruto. Love 2 see how naruto isnt even top 10 in most selling comic books while One piece is LOL


@SeekNDestroy not to the extent of the hate Fairy Tail gets though so good try. Just take 1 look of any public form it will be shitting on Fairy Tail . Just check this Patreon for example so get fucked you little 2 feet midget


Money talks ????? One piece story intertwines everything idk about Naruto

Luna Mé

I've said it so many times now, but pls do try the sub. The dub is good, but they changed so much from the jokes to how important information is revealed. At times, they completely leave out some info or change the original lines altogether. Also, the Japanese voice actors are iconic.😭

Luna Mé

The dub is good so far, but sub for this anime is better.

Luna Mé

Anyways if you like the show so far, you'll definitely like what's to come then

Amani Homran

Manga≠anime the naruto anime shits on one piece lmao and it’s not even close and again all those sales goes strictly to japan one piece we’ll always be known in only 1 coutry😭naruto and dbz are known world wide while nobody knows wtf one piece is every where other then japan😭😭

Justus A

Just caught up, glad to see u guys are enjoying it. Pat said he didn't like it until eps 9 and 10, and I agree that's where it really started turning up




Yeah sub plz


Fairy tail is mid. And with DUB, it drops to garbage. At least make this shit SUB





uh Fadee

Keep the dub

Nem Kos

please switch to sub please please please

Stain Zel

Nah dub is way better

Austin Lewis

Never indicated that I would. Reading comprehension must not be your strong suit.

gio 17s

Keep the dub honestly it’s better for reactions


"It’s the most hated shounen for a reason the fk you talking about"... .... There literary hundreds of shouens beside you can't know hundred of shouens to know what's the most hated shouen...... The fact you know of fairy tail out of hundreds of shouens mean it's actually in the top dozen most popular shounen in the first place.... "Shut yo bitch ass up Amy I watched this shit when it first came out when I was in high school. " So if I ask you fairy tail plots could you answer?........... There fairy tail meme haters who be forgetting seeing 10 ep and quitting isn't watching the show. If you don't like fairy tail that completely fine what is the shounen stan war people get emotion example "Shut yo bitch ass up" it not that series dude. Just cause you don't like the show doesn't change the opinions of the ones that do.


Seth Quiles is Fairy tail one most popular shounen the manga has over 72 million, which is top 40 of manga series all time, The show wouldn't had made to over 300 eps and it's getting continuous if wasn't popular. Fairy tail meme haters circle jerk themselves in believing this isn't a popular and successful Shonen.


Great reaction. I still can't get over you guys are reacting, been wanting this for ages. I see there's a whole lot of peeps who aren't very happy, honestly you had your turn, be mature about it and wait. I've been a regular for a while, and there have been many times they reacted to shows/anime/cartoons that I didn't love. You're absolutely within your right to dislike Fairy tail. But those who do like it have that right too. The hate is getting ridiculous!


sub is much better

Christian Castro

people saying they could garner a bigger audience with shorter series are wild. Just look at the damn youtube stats, shits doing as good as One Piece after 2 days, or better if you look at the like/view ratio. It's a long running anime for a reason.


please atleast try the sub for a week


Stick with dub it’s better


FT is hard to react because you have people who trash FT and likes FT, then those who people likes FT are divided into people who likes sub and dub. This is the first time watching it dub and its OK, its not falsetto trash. I don't mind if they keep going dub but I still prefer sub.

Zar D. Goat

I wish pat and rttv in general would just have fun with the goofy characters they’re supposed to be funny and not taken seriously. And yes that was just like the obito and kakashi except this happed way before

Dequone Jackson

17 episodes in and you still here complaining? lol you gone watch all 100 of them still and just talk shit the whole time lol

Zar D. Goat

Boys deleted my comment about fairytale doing the obito vs kakashi fight first 💀

The Gaming Morgana

i cant wait for ep 167. if you know you know

avril (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-19 03:19:46 GMG arc>>>
2023-07-18 22:13:23 GMG arc>>>

GMG arc>>>


Happy wellz fucking with it, even though we just now about to get to the juicy stuff

Aurora Bash

Just wait for Tartaros arc that shit gets dark


This show mad funny I love watching y’all react to it


Y’all mad retarded commenting on a conversation that ended a week ago

Brent Sully

That fight was basically Kakashi vs Obito without the high level combat, cause they were kinda just trading hits, wasnt exactly great choreography like K vs O