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Nem Kos

lmao I kinda get Evan tho

Devin B

Yeah but he's trying to make sense of something in a fantasy world, me personally I wouldn't think of the ice as being alive


Dub makes everything in this anime goofier and stupid. The voice actors are so over the top and annoying 😭

Devin B

I don't mind the dub voices that much but when you compare to the sub there's a big difference


Dub is perfect because you're right, this anime is goofy

Zar D. Goat

So wellz if a ship fixes itself and comes to save its friends is it alive? Merry way more alive than this ice

Shallow Truth

I'm so excited for them to see ep 45 lol

The Gaming Morgana

i cant wait for ep 167. if you know you know


Natsu over asta is crazy 😂😂😂


Im with evan on this one


I think Evan is right on this one, I wouldn’t consider Ur alive.


the sub is infinitely better but the dub cast is really good even if they are always being extra imo.


Bro I love these reactions


Yall stressing Evan out unnecessarily. Definition of stubborn: having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so. By that definition, y'all are all stubborn... But to speak to this specific instance, for Evan to be stubborn in this case you would have to have given him good reason to change his position but none of your points countered his point. This was simply a case of miscommunication. Y'all being intellectually dishonest and are equivocating by comparing the quality of life as a human being to that of a tree or even living ice. When was the last time any of y'all went to a funeral for a tree?

Andrew Orta

On god wtf do Robbie be doing that he’s always falling asleep like bro I am a fan I like when ur actually involved nd not spouting nonsense after waking up


Bruuuuuh I’m glad I’m not the only one, wellz and pat like nasturtium more than asta FACTS asta annoying it’s crazy how when natsu yells it’s motivational but when asta yells it’s annoying


Asta literally evileced as a character unlike nasty who gradually got worst Asta doesn’t even yell anymore


Yeah Gray was definitely having a emo phase as a kid