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The best episode so far! Very emotional.


Iso Ren

Let's get it


Hell yeah🤘


When are y’all watching you?


The doctor who was shot last episode is the same person here helping Henry and Sam.


sam didn’t attack ellie in her sleep because he was still deaf as an infected. he didn’t know she was there until she touched him

Joshua Smith

Can we just talk about how cold of a line that is? “Endure and survive”


Blue lock?

Louis Savage

i love this show, but this episode was a huge let down from source material and story wise. The Bill episode was good because it reinvented the Bill character and successfully pulled it off. This one tried to do the same by making the little brother mute but it completely does nothing for the character except limit him from talking and communicating with Ellie like in the game. Plus the Locust sink hole from Gears of War was kinda weird and not really explained other than the loose history of FEDRA pushing infected down below in the tunnels for years. EDIT Thanks for all the support


Bro If you want a story exactly as the source material that was in the game, then go watch the full movie cutscenes of the game version on YouTube. We don’t do that here. Stop complaining.


They never say why its late. Just silence until they upload it.

A. P.

You're sort of implying that because Ellie and Sam don't literally SPEAK to each other, due to Sam being deaf, that their interactions were somehow less meaningful and that simply isn't true. This episode showed us that Ellie and Sam were still able to form a bond despite the barriers of Sam's deafness and Ellie's inability to sign to him. It also serves to show how much humanity and innocence is still left in her, that she's playing with this kid and learning sign language from him and even later tries to heal him with her blood; contrast that with the Ellie that we see at the end who is more hardened by this loss as well as her "failure," and we see that it was a narrative choice that not only did something for Sam's character but for Ellie's as well.

Mikey N

The kid is deaf and he turned to sit away from her so that (from my understanding) even if he turned he wouldn't immediately attack her since he wouldn't know she was there.

Jesse B

Smitty ?

🤣 not gonna lie, if u go @40.14 second is it me or it looks like Rob was bout eat that boogie 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


No ones perfect


This nigga Rob gon go bald next year if he keeps combing his hair like that😂


Naw I've seen other reactors who actually pay attention to details and make really cool conclusions when they give their thoughts. I feel like with RTTV, it's hit or miss. Sometimes people like Evan or Wellz say something smart, other times they all talk about dumb ish or miss details shown in the show. Lol


welcome to RTTV, yet we suckers keep watchin lmao


Hey, somebody said something about Sam when he turned into an infected that I found interesting. They said that "Since Sam was deaf, when he turned infected, he was deaf too so he didn't hear her when he turned."

Jesse B

Bruh On God. I should expect it since I been watching them since 2019 Some of their mistakes are easy fixes but nope we askin for too much I guess 😂


The part that gets me in this episode is when Sam asks “If you turn into a monster is it still you inside” and when he turned he was still deaf that’s why Ellie was able to survive the night. To me that was the writers saying it’s still him inside. This episode broke my heart!