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Maybe some ladies can chime in but I'd think being scared or overwhelmed with the process of having your first baby would be like the most common response.


With our kid my fiance was scared but also just wanted to get her out of there ASAP


I think the fear kind of set it in the moment because it was happening right then. They discussed the plan of what they would do but the emotions of the moment definitely blurred her thought process. You can't really predict how someone or you would react in the moment honestly, especially when it's the first kid and there's so much you haven't experienced. Y'all brought up dying in childbirth but one fear some pregnant women may have is dying in childbirth and that could be a stressor for them and make them panic in the moment like Pam did in addition to knowing that you'll have to be in labor (maybe for a long time and maybe very painful) and the idea of motherhood and the life change that comes with it. Sure you know this before but when it actually happens and you're faced with it, it can be scary. I will say I've seen most women have their freakout at the hospital but it didn't shock me or come off as weird she was panicking like that before. Jim's response was good too because making her very upset or stressing her before could have made the baby come even faster so it was definitely better for him to remain calm. Personally I would go to the hospital but I can empathize with why she was scared to go especially knowing she would leave with her life changed.


I also think it depends on whether or not your having a c-section or natural birth. If Pam was gonna have c-section there would've been a schedule stay at the hospital vs waiting out the contractions like she was here.


pregnancy can definitely make you make irrational decisions with all the hormone changes and stress, I completely understand why Pam did what she did, was it dumb tho? absolutely and I would have reacted the same way as Jim or worse.


No, as a woman, I side with Rob. I never understood PAM in this episode. EVERY woman is scared before giving birth, but they just go to the hospital anyway because it's better to be scared there than scared in an office.

Devin B

But isn't that the point though to not understand Pam's actions this episode cause like you said all women get scared before giving birth and there are also times when they try to make irrational decisions like Pam did. Plus this is her first kid so that along with her having pregnancy brain is definitely not a good combo to be making any kind of decisions

Ashley (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-14 17:50:52 I would also like to add, Pam not going to the hospital was NOT hurting the baby. The baby is gonna come regardless it wasn’t like she was “holding it in” her body would’ve let her know when it was time to actually push out the baby & just because her water broke doesn’t mean she was fully dilated yet.
2022-11-03 21:57:48 I would also like to add, Pam not going to the hospital was NOT hurting the baby. The baby is gonna come regardless it wasn’t like she was “holding it in” her body would’ve let her know when it was time to actually push out the baby & just because her water broke doesn’t mean she was fully dilated yet.

I would also like to add, Pam not going to the hospital was NOT hurting the baby. The baby is gonna come regardless it wasn’t like she was “holding it in” her body would’ve let her know when it was time to actually push out the baby & just because her water broke doesn’t mean she was fully dilated yet.


“I really don’t think it’s common I’ve never heard of that” - A man. I’m sorry but with all respect you really don’t know what you’re talking about😭 Yes there are dangers in childbirth but again Pam was not doing anything to hurt the baby in this moment. That is a very valid fear childbirth is something you will NEVER experience idc if you’re a father and scared it’s a whole other level of fears running through her mind instead of getting pissed you should empathize and talk her through it. To say you’re not even gonna have a kid over that and think differently of your wife?? Evan’s approach of talking it out is how you should handle it as a husband in the situation and saying “you should check yourself” exactly thank you!

Hdhdbdbd Hdhdbdbdbd

I think it’s a vaild opinion to have.. you can’t control how other ppl feel and how protective ppl are. Rob stated he would have this conversation with her before deciding to have a baby. So if he does have that convo and his wife or gf does react like pam, prolonging the childbirth even though it’s clear the baby is coming. He damn well has a right to feel upset 💀I seriously doubt if this actually happen to rob and the baby was fine he would feel anything but joy. It’s not like he knows the feeling and happiness( neither do I )

Hdhdbdbd Hdhdbdbdbd

Also I feel as though understanding why someone does something doesn’t make it correct. EXTREME example but there was a shooter that killed ppl at a ut college.He wrote a note saying he knew the actions and thoughts he was having were wrong but couldn’t control them so they should examine his brain after death. I don’t rlly remember the specific explanation but basically he had a tumor in his brain that made him feel/ have the lack of certain feelings. My point in that example is that you can say his feelings and actions weren’t all his fault, but it certainly doesn’t justify them.


🙄 not trying to control how anyone feels, just stating my opinion like everyone else. All feelings are valid is the way you go about handling those feelings and how you address the mother of your child that matters. And exactly my previous point you don’t know how you will react to anything unless you are in that exact position yourself.


That is not only an extreme example but also does not even remotely correlate to Pam’s situation😭😭 She was NOT putting that baby in any harm it was not ready to come out yet. Again the reason I say you can only speak so much to the situation as man with no medical background or any experience actually giving birth.


My fiance wasn't a planned C section. Anything can happen in there. She wanted our daughter to come out the usual way but she was to big


Facts. Some people just don't need to speak on child birth unless they have 1st or 2nd hand experience when it comes to the actual stress of dealing with the situation.


Lol, you can really say all that to yourself, you know.


so could everyone else in the comment section (including you) so what’s your point?

Bria McCutcheon

Ooo thank you for saying this. I was completely appalled by what Rob was saying. Like if I get scared in childbirth I’m some trash mama. Like sir!


Harshly criticizing Pam here, as a man, is, in my opinion, even worse than when women declare what a real man is to try to bring someone down.


Oh look 5 men having an opinion on how a woman should feel when about to give birth