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The death of Pierce's mum provokes a fierce debate about his religious beliefs, and Britta and Annie argue over tactics for a fund-raising drive.


Mr. Toastman

I see Jerry is just going to turn his brain off on all things that relate to Britta

Daas Nahk

Damn Jerry is really gonna be a bitch the whole series. He really couldnt get over the joke Britta made in episode 3


lol yeah he decided early on he hated britta and now wont give her a chance


its kinda messed up because Michael from the office said way worse shit in the diversity day episode like 2 episodes in but none of them hold it against Michael, especially early on when the show is trying to find its identity

Devin B

To be fair Britta is annoying most of the time she's on screen and does petty things that can get people annoyed at her so I can't blame him for not giving her a chance. Even in this episode she was being petty for no reason.


Also the pregnant girl is part of the couple who you see throw their condoms down at the STD fair in season 1, thats a little "hidden" easter egg

_ FlusterCluck

Pierce is a racist homophobic old man and says stuff offensive and Jerry laughs his ass off, if Jerry don’t get over this hate for Britta. Jeff was about to do something way more heinous than britta and even Annie admitted to kissing Jeff for petty reasons, but when britta get jealous over a girl that’s burned her on multiple occasions you can’t fw her…niggas bro


also it absolutely is a cult, tho tbf so is every religion. some are just mainstream


Community reactions are a massive W


If you think Jeff and Britta are bad people, ya'll should watch It's Always Sunny. The gang in that show are legitimately TERRIBLE people.

Daas Nahk

The way Jerry acts I wonder if he'll think everyone is completely normal

Devin B

Real talk though it would be dope if these guys reacted to Sunny. @Daas Nahk There's no way even Jerry is gonna think the Sunny cast is normal


lmao I think they would like the show tho, as long as they dont take it too seriously lol

Daas Nahk

Real talk its always Sunny would be fantastic but considering how Rob treats Race Jokes in this show the first episode of Sunny will fry his brain


fuck robcity

Marc W

Did Jerry have a bad experience with a girl like Britta, because his hatred or her is obsessive.

Marc W

Britta being annoying is something the show is doing on purpose to showcase how she has deeper issues and traumas that she hasn't gotten over yet. All of the characters on the show are flawed, but Britta is the only one that he cant deal with.



Candice Blair

I'm shocked they noticed Abed in the background