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Battle for Egypt begins! 



yeah they definitely need to do what other channels do and alternate the shows they watch together between them. This just ain't working, sure it's working now, but more and more people are gonna notice it and it's gonna hit them if they don't find an alternative.

Devin B

Or they can sleep or take a break to actually be up for reactions


Let Pat and Wellz be the main two for the channel who stay on for the shows and do the big shit and have everyone else come in and out for shows they like or dont like. If you don't wanna watch some shit then dont fuckin show up lmao. Wtf is this weak ass shit, dont no other reactors have this problem constantly. Shits mad cringe like we payin yall to watch shit. If its a show NONE of yall wanna watch then dont force it.


Oh no there’s a bit of a misunderstanding here: if they’re falling asleep it’s not that they necessarily or automatically are uninterested as not wanting to watch or be there but rather it just that they’re burned out as being truly tired, all of them have already made it clear that they are enjoying JoJos even during these intentionally slow paced episodes.