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yessir been waiting for this






Barring Eleven, they really put all the fun/interesting characters in the Hawkins group 😭 You can literally tell bc they didn't even show us the California group in this hour and a half long episode lmao. Mike, Will and Jonathan need to step up their game fr. That's why I'm rooting for Steve and Nancy again tbh, like they've barely done anything with Jonathan in ages.

Hdhdbdbd Hdhdbdbdbd

I think some up with the mom how and why would u think ur son is doing that demonic shit? Also it seems like papa was the one she called thats why he woke up there.


Good episode and discussion.


Victor was born with powers im pretty sure, just like Eleven was. In season one elevens mum said she had abilities as a kid and then she was taken away.


Music neutralises his power because it reaches a deeper part of your brain, your subconscious that's just normal science that's why people play music to babies in the womb and shit

_ FlusterCluck

The comic book would be called stranger things: 11 Origins

the continent

Lol Papa and other scientists were experimenting with giving ppl drugs and their kids ended up having powers, so if he was in the delivery room then that's why.

Michael Armstead

It literally just seems like the lower their number the older they are just like number 2 was the oldest in the group and number 12 was younger than El. El was just lucky to be one of the strongest ones. They definitely wasn’t born with the powers because they all got dna injected from number 1

Zero Requiem

JERRY watched ahead I think way to low of him to think he figured it out maybe I'm wrong but that nigga is never correct on anything


Where is the boys. You guys have only drop 1 episode.

Jesse B

Y’all’s takes be wild af 😂😂😂

Adrian Bisutti

did no one notice those bat things were blocking the watergate, they could not get back from that one


he def faked a reaction he predicted everything and made it too obvious at 1:22:45 smh

Adrian Bisutti

the music thing was already explained and it has nothing to do with vecna and more so to do with the human mind and music in general

Gage Ballou

kid el actually isnt cgi apparently its another kid lol

Jessica P

You cannot convince me that Pat doesn’t watch these ahead of time…it’s so obvious


And how Alzheimer’s patients can recall lyrics of their favourite songs and memories associated to familiar music


Happiness weakens him if you remember vecna only has powers when he thinks of sadness and anger , papa doesn’t want el to think that way so when defeating him she thought of her birth and a happy moment which keeps her stronger

Zenru Renari

i was thinking the same thing XD, not only him either. Like something you just can't predict like that. mans def watched ahead lmaoo that or saw a spoiler on tiktok and pretend to just guess it


I feel the same way lmaoo his takes was super spot on


Its so obvious who watched the episode before recording this. Some reactions are so fake lmao


Maybe but none of this was hard to predict. That orderly can’t be more than 25, so he obviously had to be a child when the creel murders happened. These niggas probably drop 20 predictions each an episode, odds are sometimes they’ll get it right.

Andrew Patterson

I never saw the twist coming. Everything about this season is just amazing


1000% cuz it didn’t make sense how they came to the conclusion that he was vecna, the show didn’t even give us clues, their reactions are getting wack now, ending the subscription to worth the money


Not tryna dick ride or anything but me and my brother came to the conclusion he was number one and vecna around the same they did it just made sense

Adrian Bisutti

I had a feeling he was vecna when dustin said he had powers like eleven and then when he was trying to help eleven. but I had no idea he would be #1


Idk about that, Maybe but Pat be spot on on at times it’s definitely possible if anybody watched ahead it was Jerry I don’t think I’ve ever seen a correct prediction from him and out of nowhere he just know everything this episode.


Its not that they predicted it correctly its how obviously fake the reactions were.


I predicted it too. Its not that they predicted it its how fake the reactions were

they call me JoJo

yo season 3 finale is private if yall dont know


Finally finished it myself so i could watch this reaction lol


So you telling me that they just spilling out spoilers without the rest of the gang getting tight bout it lol

Rayanh LaNansha

Funny, I guessed he would be #1 as soon as they mentioned the existence of #1, but not Vecna.


Somebody tell light yagami to come get his fucking son Dustin. I knew he had a blond girl fetish but I didn’t know his ass was well traveled to.

Morgan (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 17:20:38 Come on guys pay attention…. Papa knew about Henry/One/Vecna because Henry’s mom was suspicious of his abilities and contacted a doctor aka Dr. Brenner & Henry knew and that’s why he attacked his family & he ended up in a coma & he ended up with Dr Brenner anyways. vecna stated all of this to El & Nancy at the end.
2022-07-15 16:54:36 Come on guys pay attention…. Papa knew about Henry/One/Vecna because Henry’s mom was suspicious of his abilities and contacted a doctor aka Dr. Brenner & Henry knew and that’s why he attacked his family & he ended up in a coma & he ended up with Dr Brenner anyways. vecna stated all of this to El & Nancy at the end.

Come on guys pay attention…. Papa knew about Henry/One/Vecna because Henry’s mom was suspicious of his abilities and contacted a doctor aka Dr. Brenner & Henry knew and that’s why he attacked his family & he ended up in a coma & he ended up with Dr Brenner anyways. vecna stated all of this to El & Nancy at the end.