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The Office Divides In Pairs To Sell Some Paper For Dunder Mifflin! WHOS TEAM WILL COME OUT ON TOP??




this is isn't one piece but pay attention please.


they just missed what Andy found in Dwight's car @_@


Lol yall talked over Andy snooping in Dwight's car and finding a toll booth receipt.


Lol even the casual shows they be missing shit

Zenru Renari

yeah they be talking too much and looking away from the screen too manyh times

Mr. Toastman

lmao, you guys only caught about half of this episode

Mr. Toastman

I think Jerry is kinda right about Dwight and Angela's relationship. They've been together for years at this point, they're not just hooking up. If they're not public about being together now, then they will quite likely never be public. Dwight shouldn't have to quit his job just to protect the fact that he's in a committed long term relationship with a co-worker.

Mr. Toastman

Yo, the Stamford branch didn't pack up and move within seconds of finding out the branch was closing. Jim and Karen had gone on enough dates for them to be "exclusive" by the time they got to Scranton. Jim asking Karen out for a drink was not their first date, lmao, it was just a regular date. In fact, we've never seen an actual date from anybody on the show that wasn't somehow tied to an office activity.


nah jerry its 100% andys fault, yall were too busy talking but he straight up broke into Dwights car. It was Andy who was whispering to mike


yall gotta save the discussion for after, yall missin stuff lol

Nate Cayton

Idec if they missing little shit as long as the post discussion is funny 😂🤣

Nate Cayton

Rob is sus as hell 😭


jerry says its not Andys fault then proceeds to say some shit that has nothing to do with anything lol


Make sure to give us a 3 piece of Black Clover tomorrow, it's one of those 3 episodes that you kinda have to watch in a row

Marshall D law

Jerry is the most annoying one

Devin B

I get what Jerry is trying to say but he didn't word it right. It's Andy's fault that Dwight got caught but Dwight getting fired isn't Andy's fault. Dwight had a choice and he chose to quit instead of tell the truth.

Devin B

Honestly he could've just said that he helped Angela out to make sure that the company doesn't suffer. Him and Angela were thinking of the worst case scenario but knowing how Dwight is everyone would have just thought that he would go above and beyond for Dunder Mifflin and not question it.

Oda Dam

This episode was on some GoT level of shade. Andy doing his best impression of little finger

Marc W

Why does Rob's mic always sound off?

john segun doe

fam jerry just be tryna have a funny moment a million times mid episode. Stop distracting peeps


Jim should of told Karen, once he knew about the merger, just to keep him safe, Angela for messing up the reports and putting Dwight in a position to save her, ( which he will) he did the right thing she didn’t, at that point they should of disclosed they been together


Pat and evin thinking about looking out for themselves rather then what’s right, which we all do as males

Alain Orozco

Jerry, what are you talking about? If someone is constantly talking about your private business, how is it not their fault for exposing you.


Yall talk through the funniest parts ...