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On this episode of avatar, Aang and the gang visit a town where there meet a fortune teller. Would your believe the fortune teller. 


avatar 1 x 14



any sds tonight?


Sds 😢😢


Sds 😥😪


Rob couldn't be more bored.


I hate yall 😂 With the Hey Arnold innuendo. I felt so hard for Sokka lol The realest realist


I expect... 3 Episodes tomorrow.. if you guys skip tomorrow and dont throw 3 episodes at once then there is no point of being a patreon since SDS would have caught up on YT as well. Sounds like I am saying it with an attitude but in reality it makes no sense for me to be a patreon if YT is watching it for free and at the same pace.


You complain too much.


After this month I am definitely not renewing Patreon for this. Seven deadly is on the very bottom in priority if it even has any at all. These ATLA reactions feel fake as fuck. Youtube is already caught up to Seven deadly which is the only reason I paid for this shit


Yeah it definitely stings, I get being busy but they are still releasing things on both platforms. At the least we could get a post updating us like other patreon/people do when it comes to episodes coming out and schedules. Hoping for multiple episodes tomorrow


I can’t wait till book 2!!!!


See this is why people that have already seen the show shouldn't watch with other people. Wellz you got way ahead of yourself by spilling the beans that Jon is actually also a Targaryen. You should've let them continue to watch the show and not even brought that question up smh. You ruined a great moment.

Manny D.

He didn’t ruin anything. It was very clear from the baby reveal that Jon was a Targaryen. As soon as they went through the facts of Robert’s Rebellion, they were going to get it anyways 🤷‍♀️


People don't know how to shut their fucking mouths and just let people enjoy the show! Smh

Sheraya san

Wellz really dropped the ball confirming who Jons dad was. Major S7 plot point, ruined. i was so excited when they didn’t know, it’s so refreshing to see that and then my excitement went to disappointment as soon as Wellz opened up his mouth i was like welp, there’s goes the S7 breadcrumbs and epic reveal at the end, ruined.


Exactly!!!!! U can't say tell me he didn't ruin it just because u had it figured out at that point not everyone picked up on that at that point plus it explains all of that next season so why even get into that. Wellz brought it up and then gave it away smh

Sheraya san

ppl didn’t even have it figured out they had to watch YT videos. i know i never thought of that until i saw a YT vid about it and i was like... damn i wish i didn’t know that. and that’s not how you should watch a show that’s why i avoid all s8 conspiracy vids because if any of them turn out to be true i don’t want to ruin that revelation for myself by having that theory in the back of my head


My point exactly!!!


When is seven deadly sins please?🙏🏻


You guys skipped a couple very epic scenes