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Heyo everyone!
The last two weeks I've been going at the coding and it's mostly there now!
Currently the game looks like this:

Art assets: 100%
Dialogue: 98% ( Gotta spellcheck. )
Bronwen H scene posing/variants:   100%
Other scene posing:  100%
Dialogue posing:  98% ( Tiny things left for some choices. )
Audio:  5% ( I haven't gotten to this at all yet. )

Now I've just gotta add the audio and then polish and fix everything up.
It's looking like the game will release at the end of this month!

I wanted to get some new custom music for this update but the guy I was going to commission has been super busy, so I will have to add that in at a later time if so.
( I did this with chapter 4.  I changed one of the songs in a later update to make it more varied! )

Anyways- I do have to meet my family this weekend, and then I will get back to try and finish the game update up.

I'll write again at the end of the month to post the update/ give you a heads up if I won't make it for whatever reason.


Play the latest version of the game build here : https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-pig-princess-84688293 It does NOT include this art content yet!

Files for the " Goodies! " tier will be sent on the first day or two of March!




Take your time my friend you surprise me every chapter with the best art and how polish the game looks


Jeez, looking at all the work you have done sounds like you been at it non-stop 😅 Glad you think you can finish it this month? Sounds like you need a break Especially for the next update of the game with emelie, Need to see absolute peak quality for her update of the game.😏👌🔞❤️

King Bass

Let's Gooooooo!!!


Love your work! So excited! Thank you for putting so much effort in!




Have fun with your family :)

Frank Kuschmann

Nah, my sweet little Princess, your hair looks awesome, as tempting as all of your sexy figure. Have a nice weelend, Emelie, and you as well, Cyan!


Looking forward to it! Thx for the updates.


Almost there!


Incredible work, really great art and game flows great. Good stuff :)