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I just sent the PSDs and Sketches for January 2024 to the 6$+ " Goodies! " tier!

They should be in your private messages if you pledged a total of 6$ or more during January!

Slow month as far as PSDs are concerned since I'm just coding for the game at the moment, BUT I sketched a bunch today to get some interesting drawings out so I hope you'll enjoy those!

I'll have to focus a lot on code/writing the upcoming month too, so I imagine PSDs/sketches will be sparse in February as well!

If you have any issues at all  just let me know!

If you're reading this in hindsight and want the files you can get them for 7$ over on my Gumroad!

Thank you very much for supporting me!!




Really liked that Nila sketch! Are both horse characters Nila or the one without a peen is just a rando? ^^


Thank youu! The one with the big boobs is supposed to the Nadia from the game! ( The zebra girl ) but of course she doesnt look as zebra-y when not colored in with all the stripes haha! And glad you noticed! I was like " Who am I gna draw? Nila sure hasnt gotten a lot of love from me recently.." so gave it a go! I'm happy with that drawing, he looks a lot like when I first drew him ( Curly gradient hair rather than full redhead! )