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Heyo! I'm hard at work on the coding and writing etc!
It's taking longer than I thought but I still hope to hit mid June.

The writing is basically all done, and the expressions are coded+implimented for the lewd scene. ( Blue swimsuit variants are also implimented in all that now! )

What's left:
I haven't started on the audio or minigame yet, and I've got to impliment/draw a bunch of expressions for the regular dialogue still. This is taking quite some time because I find myself drawing a lot of new expressions constantly so things flow well, and with 4 characters on screen at once I'm trying to make sure characters look to the right place etc.
And like you can see with the goat closeup, I'm drawing a bunch of faces for him so his dialogue is less still when you talk to him up close for one of the scenes.

NSFW sneak peak GIF from the lewd scene!: https://i.gyazo.com/52f623f4896ceaf190599c6179941160.mp4

Sorry for just showing one brand new pic this update, I knew I would be busy with just coding/writing now until the update's ready.

Play the latest version of the game build here! : https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-pig-princess-76247288 It does NOT include this art content yet!

PSDs for these will be sent to the 6$ " Goodies! " tier in the first day or two of June!




Looks amazing as always! Can't wait to play this new chapter


When are we going to get the granny Margaret side quest??


Amazing work btw! Love to see it!!

Ruff Ghanor

Great work Cyan can't wait to play it!


The wait is completely worth every damn second of existence, plus it looks amazing, I can't wait to get it.


Haha, granny actually DOES show up in Chapter 6 briefly!! We get to talk to Emelie, Bronwen, Victoria & Margaret in this chapter! ( And a bunch of bois. ) She's only in it for like 5 seconds though lol. But she set up the minibar at the beach to keep people hydrated!

Ghostly Cheddar

Love seeing all the dynamic angles in all these new artworks for this update. Can't wait 🙂


Wow a bunch of new expressions and faces On one hand yes new content But on the other hand new experience To try and would take longer. Well at least you can tell if you want to go this route or not now for future Contact.😁👍❤️

Kaiju Sommelier

Amazing!! Your characters and the fun story are worth every second of waiting!

Yo boy Jegan

Progress seems to be going smoothly. Can't wait for the next update.

Frank Kuschmann

Oh, those are the 'final' pictures for chapter 6, really? Does that mean you are in the last round shortly before the finish line? By the way, Cyan, I don't want to be the referee in their fight! I don't want either the bull's fingers in my eyes nor Rolf's fist punch under my chin - lol.


No worrys about delays all good things come to those that wait plus i wouldnt want your quality did dip for quantity your work is amazing being able to pump out all these previews is just a bonus


So cool ! I'm so impatient to see the new update !


Looks good! Can't wait for the update. One thing I want to ask tho, will you ever make animations instead of pictures or is that too time consuming?


Heya! I don't think I'm going to do any animations. The scenes themselves do have tons of variants though and positions instead which let the scenes proggress/change a fair bit.


I absolutely loved the game so far, can't wait to see what comes next. It's very endearing and wholesome yet also a huge turn on with massive... results. I saw you were sticking to MC and the four main girls though, I hoped to see a bit more of Nadia's huge bulge for sure but damn if I'm not eating it up as it is already! <3


Thank you very much I'm glad you like it!! I could always add more content for other characters but I have to be careful and prioritize the main gals! Nadia and Imara both seem very popular so they will very likely show up at least slightly again in the future! But probably only briefly, not with too much story stuff.

Santos Fernandes

Good afternoon. When will we have more scenes with Maple in the game? I quite liked her.


Probably Chapter 8! 6 is coming up soon, then 7 will be Bronwen/Emelie focused, THEN we'll have some Maple I think. But things can always change. I dont expect it sooner than that.


I only found the game after chapter 5, but I gotta say, I am very much looking forward to the next chapter. I am excited to hear that there is going to be at least 8 chapters

Santos Fernandes

Good morning, Cyan. I can't wait for the game update to be released. If your game is released now in June it will be my birthday present


Development is going good! It's mostly just audio work and polish now! :) And some minigame code outsourcing!


Swear picked this up a week ago and now its def one of my favorites, can't wait hope theres much more to come