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Emelie's blue swimsuit variants for these pics!
And I'm drawing a bunch more expressions too that you'll see when the chapter releases!

Drawing the blue swimsuit alt version isn't that time consuming, but accounting for it in the dialogue and making sure the other variants don't interact weird with it is finnicky. ( Like when Emelie raises her drink and stuff, I gotta make extra blue swimsuit variants and code all that in so it works. ) The dialogue is also going to be a bit different for this swimsuit. Maybe Victoria feels a bit more embarassed when she's the only one in such a skimpy bikini!

I'm making good process coding the game right now! Drawing a lot of new expressions and things for the various scenes, too.
I'll be posting the update when It's done, and I THINK it'll be out by June 15th. That's my mental deadline that I really don't want or think I will miss, but shit can happen. Either way It won't come out in May, but I can't imagine it missing June.

Thank you so much for your your support!

Play the latest version of the game build here! : https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-pig-princess-76247288 It does NOT include this art content yet!

PSDs for these will be sent to the 6$ " Goodies! " tier in the first day or two of June!




June 15th literally cannot come fast enough

★ Cute Goblin Bastard ★

Great Work Cyan always lovely to see your labour! Thanks for the motivation to be keep pushing in my own endeavours!


Amazing work so far and cannot wait for more! Thank you for everything so far.

Ruff Ghanor

Thanks for the work on the blue swimsuit dialogs (and everything else) Cyan, it really makes a difference!

Santos Fernandes

Can't wait for the new game update


Haha, yes! I knew it'd be an annoying undertaking but it's sort of fun! I used to draw more variants back in the day for my illustrations, then I stopped because I wanted to be more decisive. With this game though I can do variants and have them all play out organically in the game flow which feels fun!

Frank Kuschmann

I hope the best that no shit happens, Cyan.

Santos Fernandes

Good morning. Cyan, do you already have a prediction of when the new game update will come out?


Damn, I had hoped that Emelie would share all the way, and we got to do Victoria.


Amazing as always! Always happy to see an update!


Saw ur Art like 5 Days ago and just needed to Support instantly u are Amazing Keep up the good work and THANKS! <3


Aw thank you so much!! *O* I'm really glad you felt that way! I hope you enjoy what is to come, too! :D


Your game is so good! I played through it all in one day and it was amazing. I love your characters so much. More Nadia PLEASE lol. But thank you anyway Cyan!


Thank you so much I'm happy you enjoyed it! :D Haha I DO want to draw her more! But it is a little finnicky to fit in because next up I wanna move away from the beach and get into more of the main hog-haven story stuff! But it should be fairly easy to let the player move back to the beach later and maybe Nadia and Imara ( The giraffe ) can still be there! Those are the beach girls I'm more interested in drawing more of. ( And they're a couple so can do some fun stuff with that. )


Totally fine! No rush for Nadia and Imara. I'm excited for the Pig Pits and more Emelie of course. Your game really surprised me.


It's looking absolutely great! I can't wait for the next chapter! Have you made any wallpaper of the game?

Cataclysmic Implosion

Your art is absolutely gorgeous and I love Emelie as a character, her design & this story is so wholesome and cute despite my H scene choices being more aggressive. (I love the contrast) I saw some clips of your game and had to drop support on Patreon as it was so well drawn. June 15th can't come fast enough. I can tell how much effort and care went into this. If this was ever voiced or animated... 😳


Thank youu! Hmm I haven't actually! But since the game is 1920 x 1080 res, most illustrations I've made for it could work as a wallpaper! Though they might not be all that high res for a 4K monitor.. I may want to make a wallpaper in the future though! I also want to make some merch for it! :)


Thank you so much! haha, I think most people choose to get a little forceful with Emelie when I let them in the game LOL. And she's naughty enough to where she always seems to dig it. I don't think there will be animations/voice acting for MPP, cus I want the quality of the experience to be consistent and the thought of trying to animate all the scenes ( even by outsourcing it all ) or add GOOD voice acting to all of it just seems like too daunting a task haha. Maybe for some future project I could go into it with those goals in mind and plan accordingly.


Waited so long for it ... jeez.... gonna consume it like a all you can eat buffet when it comes out... fck me ... 😅😅😅😅 may the force be with you ...that everything works out fine

Ivan Reyes

Could you translate into Spanish please?


I want to eventually, but I'm not sure when is a good time since I am always updating things and tweaking old dialogue. Some people have offered to translate the game so maybe I'll give it a go after Chapter 7.

Mel Vitta

I avoid these posts for the most part bc I honestly don't want to be spoiled, and now that I've seen these scenes, I gotta say, I love the side-eye Emelie gives Victoria and the PC in this part, so cute and a bit scary haha


Haha thank you so much! That was a funny moment for sure. Could've gone really poorly!!

Jody Reeder

I've been playing on gamcore, and am amongst those reaching issues with the game when it comes to helping Rolf during the match, are there other sites that might be better? Ty


None of those sites are controlled by me. I will try to get a fix for that glitch soon. In the meantime you should be able to skip that minigame crash if you tell the referee that you're " sensitive to blood " earlier. That will skip over the minigame that causes the crash, which should let you play the rest of the game on your device. Cheers!