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Here's the start to the fight in the PIG PITS!
And the characters that are introduced.
Also includes the bell to DING the rounds, and the ruleset board!

Big bull-y ( Taller than Rolf! But probably not as heavy... ) + small goat referee!

When you show up, Ilves ( The lil lynx guy from ch5 ) seems to be winning against the big bull! ( Who could also be seen right when you enter Hog Haven! Carrying crates! )
Everyone is impressed BUT the bull uses an ILLEGAL MOVE ( eye poke ) to get out of the chokehold!
Ilves can no longer fight, and Rolf HATES when people break the rules in a sanctioned bout!

This will lead to a fight between Rolf and the bull. With the player ending up as Rolf's cutman/corner. ( Because the rules say one is needed if a fighter is to be allowed in the pits! )
Can Rolf depend on you as his cutman?

I'm going to draw a pretty sizeable fight scene for this section, and the part after will be the Victoria+Emelie "threesome" peen lesson/paizuri scene.
I wanted to have a scene of Rolf going up against someone of comparable size.

Mr. Bull wont lay a hand on your ladies, don't worry... I get asked by worried ppl if the game will include NTR all the time and the answer is a firm NO lol. The player will manage to bang all the ladies without hurting any feelings though... because that's how these degenerate games are written haha.

Thank you so much for your your support!

Play the latest version of the game build here! : https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-pig-princess-76247288 It does NOT include this art content yet!

PSDs for these will be sent to the 6$ " Goodies! " tier in the first day or two of April!




Threesome?? Let’s goooooo


A fully clothed fight? Smh... Lol, great stuff as always, your character designs are impeccable


It's not a full threesome! Just the paizuri/penis lesson stuff I've been posting as of recently with Emelie/Victoria! :) No peen in vag/butt in this scene! But double paizuri/some oral stuff is there!


FULLY clothed? They're topless at least! But yeah, they will have their trunks on. Rolf even keeps his pants and cup. But Rolf WILL remove his upper-body armor!!


I read this so fast😆, A fight scene this will be exciting😁. I Had to stop and Reread the we have to be Rolf cutman/ Corner😅 Interesting would this be similar to the rock paper scissored battle with rolf🤔


You don't really coach him with the fighting, he's a military veteran after all! But Rolf will suffer some sort of injury in the first round, and you'll have to patch him up before Round 2. If you do a good job he will see you as somewhat reliable moving forward. But if you mess up... Well he might not look at you quite as favorably lol.


Yusyus. There will be more penetrative sex for sure, but all the characters tend to have some build-up to it so it takes a while to get there. Maple MIGHT be the type of girl to just..... get down to it faster though. I've been thinking about that but we'll have to see. She seems like she might be a bit loosey goosey when it comes to sexual stuff lol.


Can already see someone’s disqualified 👀


That eyepoke was clearly unintentional..... right?.... So it's a no-contest! That's what the bull-y manages to get away with in this scene at least. lol.


Dicks out for combat sport (or I guess with pants fine)


Rolf has his little metal cup over the top of his pants. He's not taking any risks as far as low blows are concerned!!

Ruff Ghanor

Great news, NTR really bugs me and that could make me drop the game. I think that fight will be really fun! But usually fights take a lot of drawing so good luck!


People seriously see one attractive dude and think they're going to try to steal their girl? Better make the bull gay as well to eliminate ANY form of competition. Idk why thats seems funny to me. People's insecurity would suspect NTR in such a light hearted game.


haha people didnt comment on it now, but I've been asked by worried people before because its very sensitive to some, so I figured I might as well put the disclaimer! A lot of people come to these experiences wanting crazy isekai power fantasies and get wary of seeing other big bois around. Billy is clearly the sexiest man in the kingdom. He's hiding his sex appeal for the sake of everyone ( protagonist-kun included )

Frank Kuschmann

The goat has a lot of guts to mess with the bull. But poking the fingers in the eyes is really unfair and not worthy for a strong bull!

Gorgnag The Mighty

I mean danny we don't ever see protag's face bro could be THE chad But I personally pictured them more as conventally attractive to pig standards rather than human's because it's kinda funny


Gorgnad that the protagonist's face is appealing based on pig-standards? haha. Maybe he has a chubby bulbous nose and a nice big underbite with pointy swollen ears etc.. that's a really funny idea hahah. The characters dont really comment on the protagonist's appearance too much to keep it all vague. But I had that idea with Donna ( the hippo ) winning the beauty contest. That Hog haven's beauty-ideals are all found in hippos and elephants. Being chunky with big noses/tusks!

Santos Fernandes

Very good game, I liked it. A friend recommended the game to me. When will the next update come out???

Santos Fernandes

When will the game's main character's face be revealed?