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After the fight in the Pig Pits, the characters need to cool off with some drinks!
There's a big line, and Emelie and the main character are all the way in the back!

Luckily, Victoria is up front, and we manage to signal to her that we want her to buy us some drinks! Having some buds in Hog Haven sure is helpful.

Drawing the big line was a ton of work! So many characters in one image... I'm really happy with it though! And we have GRANNY from the diner selling the drinks! Unfortunately not in a sexy bikini for those of you who like old lady piggies...

After this is when Victoria takes you to her lil picnic spot, and drinks lead to the lewd penis-teaching-session.

I think this boob-cum-licking-picture is the last one in the Em/Vic Threesome set! So that is done now, woohoo!

The Pig-Pits art also needs to be completed before I can really get to work on coding the next build.
I think I will split the next build up, because it's just becoming too big if I don't. In that case it will include the Pig Pits + Em/Vic threesome and a little bit of character talk after.

The next lewd scene after will feature Bronwen. She's thankful that you stepped up to be Rolf's cutman in the Pig Pits. You won't get penetrative sex with her yet but some lewd stuff will happen!!

Thank you so much for your your support!

Play the latest version of the game build here! : https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-pig-princess-76247288 It does NOT include this art content yet!

PSDs for these will be sent to the 6$ " Goodies! " tier in the first day or two of April!




I really like the crab with the drink on top of it.


I love how big Victoria is in the chest. I halfway wish Emelie was that big, lol.


Glad to see you doing well! looking forward to this chapters release, it's looking real good! keep up the good work! (●´ω`●)


this bar scene is beautiful, all these new characters are well done, I find the crab fun XD, and this elephant <3<3


Tbh if you said there would be penetration in the Bronwen scene, I'd be asking who's top/bottom... I love her though. She's only second to Emelie. Can't wait to see if she's as much of a dom as she looks.


HAHA I might have lied then cus I have considered Bronwen putting her finger in the MC's woohaa.

Frank Kuschmann

I had to laugh loud out when I read your comment: for those of you who like old lady piggies... LOL! By the way, what is a cutman? Sounds like a man in the movie production who cuts the film scenes together - lol. This line of such many people standing in front of the bar looks really great because you can finally see the size difference between them. Emelie looks like a dwarf compared with the elephant lady but a beautiful one of course (without a beard fortunately).


Haha thank you! The Elephant is HUGE and Emelie is down in the water! ;O; A cutman in martial arts competition tends to be a guy in a fighters corner who has the job to patch up swelling/cuts in the skin of the fighter if one happens so the fight can go on. Like if a fighter gets cut in their forehead and blood runs into their eyes, in between rounds the cutman will put vaseline on there and swipe away the blood and stuff. It's pretty important for organisations to have good cutmen in proffessional martial arts because fights will be stopped if someone's eye swells shut due to how the rules are set up! And that'll piss off the crowd and hurt future sales potentially.


I’m waiting so much for new chapter. When it would be released?


Heyy! Probably 2+ months. ( Even if I split it up like the plan seems to be right now. ) Still a lot of art left. I hope you will enjoy it when done!


Fucking 👏 Loved 👏 Ch5. Now don't be shy go ahead and send me the new projects...🥲🍷


When I finished the game up to where it is currently made, I was left wanting more, it was then that I found out that a little more advanced content appeared on patreon such as art, scenes and others, it was then that I definitely said to myself, I MUST PAY NOW !!!


The Patreon build is MUCH longer than the public Itch.io build! But yes, even if you've played the latest build you can see a lot of art previews on her! :D I hope you enjoy future content and like seeing the proggress of the game! Thank you for pledging!!

Santos Fernandes

Game very good. When will the new update come out???

Santos Fernandes

Is there any way to change the game's subtitle language, like to Portuguese???

Santos Fernandes

When will the game's main character's face be revealed?

Mel Vitta

Now I definitely am trying to avoid spoilers, but I am excited to get the hint that Emelie will be down for some "open relationship" type activities.


The player bangs all dem girls, and there will likely be threesomes ( like this scene with Emelie x Victoria ) where Emelie is involved etc. The game won't have any male love-interest" rivals " or anything though since people always ask me all worried lol.

Mel Vitta

I mean, I know for me, I wouldn't mind a male love-interest, but I get balancing that against potentially alienating probably the majority of players lol. As for a rival, I didn't think about that! That's fine that there's no rival, however, I do note there has thus far been little in the way of actual adversity. I imagine things will ramp up in the third act down the line, especially as we contend with Emelie's parents' inevitable return!


Haha yes for sure! The game is definitely weighed more in the favor of humor/slice of lice stuff than any emotional drama, but there will be a liiittle bit of adversity too. Dont expect any dramatic misunderstanding that will split the characters apart only for you to have to claw your way back or anything though haha!

Mel Vitta

That's good, that's always the most tedious part of every romcom.


really amazing cute and naughty artwork keep up the good work