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Just a quick update - uploading Attack on Titan season 4 episodes 13 and 14 to the folder - just recorded them in one sitting and oh my God - what is happening to Eren...

Hope you're having a good weekend despite that, haha, much love,




You mentioned in one of your videos before that Eren would say some very disturbing things from time to time. I mean, he did say to Reiner and Berthold: "I will make sure you die in the most painful way possible". He pointed to the sea and asked: "If we kill all of our enemies over there, will we finally be free?" and, although justified, he did kill Mikasa's kidnappers in cold blood. He's always been a character willing to go to extremes to get what he wants. Yet, since he is the main character, we gave him a free pass. We are just used to having the protagonists of our stories having these outburst of violence and justify them as a necessary evil to achieve a greater good. With Eren's development in this part of the story the show is calling us on that blind spot that we have developed. Finally just wanted to mention that that scene where Levi realizes (with that sad, pained but resigned expression) that he is going to have to kill all of his comrades, that he is losing his whole squad once again is truly heartbreaking.


Once I watched 4x14 I was so heartbroken (because I'm a big Mikasa fanboy). I wanted her to have a happy end with the man she loves. But then they revealed her love for him wasn't true love, it was a force behavior to protect eren against her will. I refused to believe it for Mutiple reason. The main reason being because I was in denial. My main argument for it not being true was when Mikasa punch eren in the face in episode 1x02 because he called Armin a coward. She wouldn't have punch him if that force behavior thing was true. But then I realized that scene wasn't in the Manga so it could still be true. When he said, "I've always hated you" and also seeing her cry really messed me up. To me this was worse than most of the deaths on the show because I always wanted them to be together. I couldn't enjoy Levi beating the shit out Zeke again because I couldn't get that conversation out of my head. Remember I said "don't worry about 4x14, you'll love it." well, sorry I lied. This was a big L for us EreMika shippers. I have been looking forward to your reaction to this episode ever since I started watching your channel. I suggested 4x13 & 4x14 because of that cliffhanger ending in 4x13. I didn't think you would want to wait days for the conversation. The next several episodes actually have cliffhanger endings, so get ready. The outro for part 2 is my favorite. It reminds me of the first one (With young Mikasa holding a knife and her scarf). If you don't remember than I suggest going back to watch the first outro again to see the similarities when you watch part 2 outro. I also suggest watching the part 2 outro with subtilties after 4x17. It's supposed to be a character's unspoken thoughts translated into the song itself. If you need a link for the lyric version, then I can send it to you when you're done with part 1.


I actually feel the same as you did. Strong denial. I cannot believe for that to be true - that Eren hated Mikasa all this time and that Mikasa is genetically designed to care about him. No way. I already had one of my ships ruined, won't accept another one ruined.