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Happy Hump Day! For anyone interested, I'll be streaming on the following days:

This Week

  • Thurs, 15th @ 8PM (tomorrow)
  • Fri, 16th @ 8PM

Next Week

  • Thurs, 22nd @ 8PM
  • Fri, 23rd @ 8PM

During next week's streams I'll be working on my first Guardian Blue piece, and if all comma are done by then, we'll jump into that Thanks for the Fox animatic (or work on it that Saturday instead - we'll see)!

I'm aiming to finish all the commissions by the end of next week if not by the end of the month, but in the meantime I hope the Trello board has been useful so far. It looks like it's been having you guys sign up though, which I didn't want, so I'll let you know when I've fixed that for you all. 

Here's a few of the completed pieces (and current WIP waiting for me at home right now):

[Current WIP, Cody's precious RL bun!]

This precious baby of Kirby's I had a lot of fun with her - she's so CUTE!

And Kirby's character Leon himself! Kirby is the real MVP though guys, for some freak reason I wound up taking WELL past as long as I should've on these two sheets and this guy remained cordial and understanding. Kirby, I know I already said this, but you are a friggin ANGEL, dude.

That's all for now and maybe I'll catch ya tomorrow!

- Q




Awwww, Qal, stop gonna make me cry with the feels! I've been told I can be too nice sometimes, but I don't see the point in being a jerk even for little things! I'm the type of guy that even if I go to a restaurant and get the wrong food I'll eat it regardless, unless it is taken from me cause it is in fact someone else's meal. It's a blessing and a curse! I don't like conflict and hate it when people get upset. I like moaking others happy, and I'm happy you loved bringing my bb little Ferret girl to life. You're awesome Qal and I could never say it enough. Tank q!!!

Colonel Arbuckle

Beautiful work on these, Qal! Very much looking forward to the streams!


I'm looking forward to it. XD


*writes down notes* Kirby looking goood 😮