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Well hi there! I hope you're Saturday has been pleasant!

As promised, I have art for you (though they're all WIPS), but I have one more thing to share. I've created a Trello board for commissioners to see the progress being made on their individual orders! If this proves beneficial, I'll do this for other work as well.

.:See all the commission drafts by visiting the Commission Café Order Board here:. 

If the link doesn't work please let me know. Thank you to everyone for getting back to me so quickly (check your Discord if you haven't heard from me); IDK how I got so many roughs done so quickly in roughly a day, but hey who's complaining! TO COMMISSIONERS: If you see your draft and have questions or concerns DO NOT hesitate to say something.

Oh, big thanks to those who came to watch me attempt to draw a sobbing Nick on Friday. Its gonna take me awhile until I find the perfect pose, but I'm determined.

Be back soon with more!

- Q



